Best Practices for CSS Selectors: Optimal Performance and Code Readability


In this article, we will learn how we can Utilize best practices to pick and prioritize elements in a way that maximizes efficiency, maintainability, and code readability is what it means to use selectors efficiently in CSS. To reduce the influence on rendering speed and make simple CSS code maintenance possible means choosing the most appropriate selectors and optimizing their usage.

Avoid using selectors that are overly complex

The use of complicated selectors might cause rendering to slow down and makes it more difficult to read and update your CSS code. Simple selections that directly target specific components are chosen instead. 

1. Simplify Selector Chains in CSS

Make your selection chains as short as possible in terms of items. Think about using classes or IDs to directly target particular elements rather than aiming at various levels of nesting. For example,


div.container ul li a {


.nav-link {

2. Limit Pseudo-Selectors and Pseudo-Elements

While pseudo-selectors and pseudo-elements are useful CSS capabilities, using them excessively might make selectors more complicated and challenging to handle. Use them carefully and only as required. For example,


ul li:first-child a {


.first-link {

3. Avoid Excessive Attribute Selectors

You can target elements based on their attributes using attribute selectors. While sometimes useful, their excessive use can result in selectors that are unnecessarily complicated. Instead, think about utilizing classes or IDs.


input[type="text"][name="email"][placeholder="Enter your email"] {
    border-radius: 13px


.email-input {
    border-radius: 13px

4. Keep Selectors Specific to Their Context

Avoid using selectors that excessively target multiple elements with an overly generic approach. Make your selectors more specialized in the setting in which they are used. This method decreases the possibility of unintentional styling and enhances the maintainability of the code. As an illustration:


ul li a {


.nav-link {

5. Classes for Reusability

To generate reusable styles, use classes. You may keep your selectors short and focused by giving elements classes. This strategy encourages flexibility and reuse of code.

<button class="btn btn-wizard">Skip</button>
<button class="btn btn-wizard-next">Next</button>
.btn {
    font-size: 18px;
    border-radius: 25px;

.btn-wizard {
  background-color: #007bff;
  color: #f8f8f8;

.btn-wizard-next {
  background-color: #ff6600;
  color: #f8f8f8;

Implement class and ID selectors

Using CSS class and ID selectors, you may target specific components based on their classes or IDs, which are both strong tools.

1. Select an element with a class selector

A dot (.) is used to indicate class selectors before the class name. They enable you to choose several components with the same class.

<button class="primary-button">Submit</button>
.primary-button {
  background-color: #ff6600;
  color:  #f8f8f8;
  padding: 10px 20px;

2. Select an element with an ID Selector

ID selectors are identified by a hash (#) and the ID name. IDs should be distinctive within a document and allow you to target particular elements directly.

<h1 id="title">Welcome to India</h1>
#title {
  color: #ff6600;
  font-size: 14px;

3. Combining selectors for precise targeting CSS

To make selectors that are more precise, you can combine class and ID selectors. This method reduces style conflicts and helps target items more precisely.

<div id="header" class="header">
  <h1 class="title">My Website</h1>
#header.header {
  background-color:  #f8f8f8;

.title {
  font-size: 24px;
  color: #ff6600;

4. Cascading and specificity in CSS

The specificity of class selectors is lower than that of ID selectors. This indicates that the ID selector will take precedence if an element has both a class and an ID selector applied. Avoid conflicts and make sure that styles are used as intended; it's crucial to understand how specificity functions.

Use Universal Selectors Only When Necessary.

A best practice for CSS is to keep the use of universal selectors (*) to a minimum. Although the universal selector matches all page components, overusing it can have a negative influence on performance and make your CSS code more difficult to manage.

1. Use specific Elements.

To target the elements you require, utilize particular element selectors rather than the universal selector.


  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;


body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

2. Target Class and ID Selectors

To target particular items, use class and ID selectors. This strategy enables you to design individual elements without affecting other items on the page. 

<div class="container">
  <p class="text">Hello world!</p>
.container {
  width: 100%;

.text {
  color: #333;

You may target items based on their unique classes or IDs using class and ID selectors, eliminating the need for universal selectors.

3. Be Selective with Universal Selectors

If you must use a universal selection, do it selectively and in combination with other selectors to restrict its application.

.container * {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

4. Consider Performance Implications

Performance may suffer if you regularly use the universal selection in your CSS code or mix it with other complicated selectors. To process and style each element that hits the universal selector, rendering may be slowed down. Because of this, it's crucial to use caution when using it and think about other options.

Classes should be combined for complex selectors

To develop more specific and focused styles in CSS, it is advised to combine classes for complex selectors. You can make compound selectors that limit the selection and ensure that only items with all given classes are affected by styles by applying multiple classes to an element without spaces.

<div class="card small">
  <h3 class="title primary">Small Getting Started with Frontend Development and Web 3.0</h3>
  <p class="text">On June 3, Join Noida Chapter Meet to learn about Frontend Development and Web 3.0.</p>

<div class="card large">
  <h3 class="title secondary">Large Getting Started with Frontend Development and Web 3.0</h3>
  <p class="text">On June 3, Join Noida Chapter Meet to learn about Frontend Development and Web 3.0.</p>
.card.small {
  background-color: #007bff;
  color: #fff;

.card.large {
  font-size: 14px;

.title.primary {
  color: #007bff;

.title.secondary {
  color: #6c757d;

You can make selectors that are more specific and apply styles to components with multiple classes by combining classes. By using this method, you may improve the modularity and reuse of your code while also making your styles more precise without using too complicated selectors.

Avoid using descendant selectors

A best practice for CSS that can enhance the efficiency and maintainability of the code is to avoid descendant selectors. Context selectors, also called descendant selectors, focus on elements in relation to other elements. While descendant selectors have their uses, repeatedly using them can result in inefficient CSS rendering and make it more difficult to read and maintain your code.

1. Use Class and ID Selectors

Use class and ID selectors to directly target elements rather than relying on descendant selectors. This method ensures that styles are only applied to particular elements and enhances the readability of the code. 

<div class="container">
  <ul class="main-contain">
    <li><span>Ishika mishra</span></li>
   <li><span>Shubham mishra</span></li>


.container ul li span {
  color: #0086dc;


.main-contain {

2. Utilize Direct Child Selectors

Instead of using descendant selectors, use the direct child selector (>) to target elements that are currently children of the target element. Elements that are a parent element's direct children are the only elements this selection matches.

<div class="container">
  <ul class="main-contain">
    <li><span>Ishika mishra</span></li>
   <li><span>Shubham mishra</span></li>


.container ul li {
  margin: 0;


.container > ul > li {
  margin: 0;

3. Separate Selectors for Specificity

Instead of using complicated descendant selectors, think about separating the selectors if you find that you need to apply different styles to items at various levels of nesting. This increases the code's readability and makes it simpler to understand the styling hierarchy.

<div class="container">
  <ul class="main-contain">
    <li class="item"><a href="#">ishika</a></li>
    <li class="item active"><a href="#">sweety</a></li>


.container ul.main-contain a {
  color: #007bff;


.container a {
  color: #007bff;

Prefer IDs for Unique Elements

Using IDs is typically preferred when targeting specific components in CSS. IDs are intended to be unique within an HTML document and allow a high level of specificity. Effective use of IDs makes it simple to target particular elements and apply styles. Without adding extra complexity.

  • Within an HTML document, IDs are intended for use as unique identifiers. Each ID must be assigned to a single element, unlike classes, which can be used on multiple elements. Such a distinction keeps your code clear and avoids possible conflicts.
  • Compared to other selectors like classes or element selectors, IDs are more specific. Styles defined using ID selectors will therefore take precedence over those defined using other selectors. When you need to target and style a specific element accurately, this specificity is helpful.
  • Direct and effective targeting of particular items is made possible by ID selectors. Since IDs are distinctive, the browser can find and style the target element more quickly, which improves performance.
<div id="heading">welcome to C# Corner</div>
#heading {
  color: #626262;


The use of selectors effectively in CSS is crucial for improving efficiency and keeping the code clear and understandable. You can make styles that are effective and easy to maintain by using selectors precisely, minimizing descendant selectors, utilizing class and ID selectors correctly, restricting universal selections, grouping selectors, and taking the cascade into account.

If you have any queries/suggestions on the article, please leave your questions and thoughts in the comment section below. Read Avoiding Common Mistakes in CSS and learn more new and amazing things about CSS.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you like it.


Q. Why is using selectors efficiently important in CSS?

Ans. Efficient selector usage in CSS is crucial for optimizing the performance and maintainability of your stylesheets. By selecting elements accurately and minimizing unnecessary processing, you can improve rendering speed and reduce the load on the browser. Efficient selectors also enhance code readability, making your stylesheets easier to understand and maintain.

Q. How can I make selectors more specific?

Ans. To make selectors more specific, utilize class and ID selectors instead of relying on generic element selectors. Class selectors offer reusability and flexibility, allowing you to target multiple elements with common characteristics. ID selectors provide high specificity for uniquely identifying elements. By using specific selectors, you narrow down the scope of styles and improve rendering performance.

Q. Should I use descendant selectors in CSS?

Ans. While descendant selectors have their uses, it's generally advisable to minimize their usage. Descendant selectors can be slower as they search for matching elements within a parent element. Instead, consider using class or ID selectors for direct targeting, as they provide faster and more efficient element selection.

Q. Can I use universal selectors in CSS?

Ans. Universal selectors (*) should be used sparingly, as they match all elements in the document. Using them excessively can impact rendering performance. It's recommended to target elements directly using more specific selectors whenever possible. Universal selectors are best used in situations where you need to apply styles globally or for specific edge cases.

Q. How can I group selectors efficiently?

Ans. Grouping selectors help reduce code duplication and improve readability. To group selectors efficiently, separate them by commas within the same rule. This way, you can apply the same styles to multiple selectors at once, resulting in more concise and maintainable code.

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