Securing Access With Privileged Identity Management For Azure Active Directory Roles


Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Privileged Identity Management (PIM) is an Azure service that allows Azure Admins manage, control, and monitor access to important resources in an organization. PIM includes access to resources in Azure AD, Azure resources, and Office 365. 
If you're the first person to run Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Privileged Identity Management (PIM) for your organization, you will be given a wizard that will help you understand the security risks of privileged identities and how to utilize PIM to reduce those risks. 

Wizard Runes

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

    Securing Access With Privileged Identity Management For Azure Active Director Roles
  1. Open Azure AD Privileged Identity Management.
  2. After that, Click Azure AD roles and then click Wizard.

    Securing Access With Privileged Identity Management For Azure Active Director Roles
  1. When click Wizard then Click 1st option Discover privileged roles.

    Securing Access With Privileged Identity Management For Azure Active Director Roles
  1. After that, open the Discover privileged roles (Default Directory). Just click

    Securing Access With Privileged Identity Management For Azure Active Director Roles
  1. When click the role, display the Security Administrator. Then click to Next button.

    Review the list of privileged roles to see which users are permanent or eligible.

    Securing Access With Privileged Identity Management For Azure Active Director Roles
  1. After that, Click Next to select the members you want to make eligible. Then once you have selected the members, click Next button.

    Securing Access With Privileged Identity Management For Azure Active Director Roles
  1. Then see, Click OK to convert the permanent assignments to eligible.

    Securing Access With Privileged Identity Management For Azure Active Director Roles
  1. When the conversion completes, finally you'll see a notification. That will confirm the operation is completed.

    Securing Access With Privileged Identity Management For Azure Active Director Roles


In this article, we learned how to setup Security Access with Privileged Identity Management for Azure Active Directory Roles. In my next article, I will cover the next step of this series.

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