In this article, we will learn how we can search for records from the SQL Server database and display the data within the PowerApps Forms.
So, now, let’s get started!
- On-Premise SQL Server Connection
- On-Premise Data Gateway Installed
Use Case
I want to develop a simple search application using PowerApps which takes Order Number from the Search box and shows all the necessary information in a Grid.
Now, let’s get started!
Step 1 - Open PowerApps and Connect SQL Server Database with PowerApps
Step 2 - Add Textbox and Gallery Control for search and display the data
- Go to Insert menu and add Text Input.
![Search Records From SQL Server Using PowerApps Canvas App]()
- Go to Insert menu, from Gallery select Blank Vertical.
- Once Gallery has been added, it will show a formula in the formula bar.
- Edit the formula.
Add the following formula.
Here, Filter = This formula will apply on Order table from SQL Server, where Order Number is equal to the user’s text input.
- Now, let’s add some labels in the Gallery to display the data.
- So, I added 4 labels for Order Number, Customer Id, Order Date, and Total Amount.
- Now, let’s test the application. Click on Preview the app.
- It shows the record for the searched number.
This is how we can easily create a simple Search application in PowerApps which fetches the records from SQL Server and displays the data in a Grid.
This is how we can connect SQL Server with PowerApps forms and perform Search Operations using Gallery and Textbox. I hope you love this article. Stay connected with me for more amazing articles.