When you have an application project in Visual Studio where mostly the number of files in the solution will be in three digits, in such cases whenever we need a file to edit it will be difficult to find the file in solution explorer.
I have given two ways to easily identify the files in the Visual Studio solution explorer; here it’s not necessary for you to have entered exactly the full name of the file.
These options are supported in most of solution explorer.
How to find a file in a .NET project having many files?
Option 1
In this option you have to use the Find file option that is available in Visual Studio, probably by default in most of Visual Studio this option will not be available in the menu option, so please enable the option by following the below screen shot.
Enable the option using the “Standard Tool Bar Options”
Here using the option of “Add or Remove Buttons” and enable the option of “FIND”.
This can also be enabled using Short cut key of “Ctrl + D” in your Visual Studio. [Sometimes this won’t display that option, it will be used to search after entering values in FIND box].
Now use the Find Box option and follow the below steps to find any file in the solution.
Step 1: Go to search tab in menu bar of Visual Studio (Marked in red colour box –Image).
Step 2: Type the symbol “>” and Type a space.
Step 3: Type the word “of” and Type a space.
Step 4: Type the part of file name and press enter, it will show all files of part name like below image.
For example:
File location: G:\VS 2012 Projects\MvcApplication1\MvcApplication1\
Search of Sam
Option 2
This option is the very simple and easy to file a file in solution explorer itself.
Use the “Search Solution Explorer” option as shown in the below image.
Enter the file name required or to be searched in the search solution explorer option to get the file that is available in the solution.
Hope this is very simple and easy but in many situations we use to search some files in a larger solution, there are some situations when we open the folders and search the file using a part of file names.