Scaling Azure Databricks Secure Network Access to Azure Data Lake Storage


In today's data-driven landscape, organizations increasingly rely on powerful analytics platforms like Azure Databricks to derive insights from vast amounts of data. However, ensuring secure network access to data storage is paramount. This article will delve into the intricacies of scaling Azure Databricks secure network access to Azure Data Lake Storage, offering a comprehensive guide along with practical examples.

Private DNS Zone

[Image © Microsoft Azure]

Understanding the Importance of Secure Network Access

Before we dive into the technical aspects, it's crucial to comprehend why secure network access is vital for Azure Databricks when interacting with Azure Data Lake Storage. Data breaches and unauthorized access can have severe consequences, ranging from regulatory non-compliance to reputational damage. Establishing a robust security framework ensures that sensitive data remains protected, maintaining trust and compliance.

Overview of Azure Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage

Let's begin by briefly outlining the key components of Azure Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage.

  1. Azure Databricks: Azure Databricks is a cloud-based analytics platform integrating with Microsoft Azure. It facilitates collaborative and scalable data science and analytics through a collaborative workspace and powerful computing resources.

  2. Azure Data Lake Storage: Azure Data Lake Storage is a highly scalable and secure data lake solution that allows organizations to store and analyze vast amounts of data. It is designed to handle structured and unstructured data, making it an ideal choice for big data analytics.

Ensuring Secure Network Access

Let's explore the steps to scale secure network access between Azure Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage.

Setting Up Virtual Networks

  • Begin by creating virtual networks for both Azure Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage.
  • Configure the virtual networks to allow communication between the two services securely.


# Create a virtual network for Azure Databricks
az network vnet create --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name DatabricksVNet --address-prefixes --subnet-name DatabricksSubnet --subnet-prefixes

# Create a virtual network for Azure Data Lake Storage
az network vnet create --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name StorageVNet --address-prefixes --subnet-name StorageSubnet --subnet-prefixes

Configuring Network Security Groups (NSGs)

  • Utilize NSGs to control inbound and outbound traffic to and from the virtual networks.
  • Define rules to allow specific communication between Azure Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage.


# Allow traffic from Databricks subnet to Storage subnet
az network nsg rule create --resource-group MyResourceGroup --nsg-name DatabricksNSG --name AllowStorageAccess --priority 100 --source-address-prefixes --destination-address-prefixes --destination-port-ranges 443 --direction Outbound --access Allow --protocol Tcp

Private Link for Azure Data Lake Storage

  • Implement Azure Private Link to access Azure Data Lake Storage over a private network connection.
  • This ensures that data never traverses the public internet, enhancing security.


# Create a private endpoint for Azure Data Lake Storage
az network private-endpoint create --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name StoragePrivateEndpoint --vnet-name StorageVNet --subnet StorageSubnet --private-connection-resource-id $datalakeResourceId --connection-name StoragePrivateConnection --group-id blob

Best Practices for Scaling Secure Network Access

Scaling secure network access involves more than just the initial setup. It requires ongoing management and adherence to best practices. Consider the following:

  1. Regular Audits and Monitoring

    • Conduct regular audits to ensure that security configurations are up-to-date.
    • Implement monitoring solutions to detect and respond to any suspicious activities promptly.
  2. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

    • Utilize RBAC to define and enforce roles and permissions.
    • Restrict access to the minimum necessary to perform specific tasks, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  3. Encryption

    • Enable encryption for data at rest and in transit.
    • Utilize Azure Key Vault for managing encryption keys securely.
  4. Automated Deployments

    • Implement Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles to automate the deployment of secure network configurations.
    • This ensures consistency and reduces the risk of human error.

Real-world Scenario: Secure Network Access for a Machine Learning Project

To illustrate the practical application of the concepts discussed, let's consider a real-world scenario involving a machine learning project on Azure Databricks.

Scenario: An organization is using Azure Databricks to develop and deploy machine learning models. The training data is stored in Azure Data Lake Storage, and it's crucial to ensure secure and efficient access to the data.

Create Virtual Networks and Subnets

  • Set up virtual networks for Azure Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage, each with its dedicated subnet.
  • In this example, let's create virtual networks and subnets for both Azure Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage using Azure Command-Line Interface (Azure CLI) commands. The example assumes that you have already logged in to the Azure CLI and have the necessary permissions.


# Variables


# Create virtual network for Azure Databricks
az network vnet create \
  --resource-group $resourceGroup \
  --name $databricksVnetName \
  --address-prefixes $databricksSubnetPrefix \
  --subnet-name $databricksSubnetName \
  --subnet-prefixes $databricksSubnetPrefix

# Create virtual network for Azure Data Lake Storage
az network vnet create \
  --resource-group $resourceGroup \
  --name $storageVnetName \
  --address-prefixes $storageSubnetPrefix \
  --subnet-name $storageSubnetName \
  --subnet-prefixes $storageSubnetPrefix


  1. Variables

    • Replace "YourResourceGroup" with the actual name of your Azure resource group.
    • Define names and address prefixes for the virtual networks and subnets.
  2. Create a Virtual Network for Azure Databricks

    • az network vnet create: Command to create a virtual network.
    • --resource-group: Specifies the Azure resource group.
    • --name: Specifies the name of the virtual network.
    • --address-prefixes: Specifies the address prefix for the entire virtual network.
    • --subnet-name: Specifies the name of the subnet within the virtual network.
    • --subnet-prefixes: Specifies the address prefix for the subnet.
  3. Create a Virtual Network for Azure Data Lake Storage

    • Similar to the Databricks virtual network creation, this command creates a virtual network for Azure Data Lake Storage with its subnet.

Now, you have two virtual networks, each with its dedicated subnet. You can proceed to configure network security groups, private links, and other components to enhance the security of the network communication between Azure Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage.

Configure NSGs

  • Define NSG rules to allow traffic between the Databricks subnet and the Storage subnet.
  • In this example, we'll configure Network Security Groups (NSGs) to control inbound and outbound traffic between the virtual networks and subnets for Azure Databricks and Azure Data Lake Storage. The example assumes that you have already created virtual networks and subnets as per the previous example.


# Variables

# Create NSG for Azure Databricks
az network nsg create --resource-group $resourceGroup --name $databricksNSGName

# Allow traffic from Databricks subnet to Storage subnet
az network nsg rule create \
  --resource-group $resourceGroup \
  --nsg-name $databricksNSGName \
  --name AllowStorageAccess \
  --priority 100 \
  --source-address-prefixes $databricksVnetName \
  --destination-address-prefixes $storageVnetName \
  --destination-port-ranges 443 \
  --direction Outbound \
  --access Allow \
  --protocol Tcp

# Associate NSG with Databricks subnet
az network vnet subnet update \
  --resource-group $resourceGroup \
  --vnet-name $databricksVnetName \
  --name $databricksSubnetName \
  --network-security-group $databricksNSGName


  1. Variables

    • Replace "YourResourceGroup" with the actual name of your Azure resource group.
    • Use the names of the virtual networks, subnets, and NSG that you created.
  2. Create NSG for Azure Databricks

    • az network nsg create: Command to create a Network Security Group for Azure Databricks.
    • --resource-group: Specifies the Azure resource group.
    • --name: Specifies the name of the NSG.
  3. Allow Traffic from Databricks Subnet to Storage Subnet

    • az network nsg rule create: Command to create a rule in the NSG allowing outbound traffic from the Databricks subnet to the Storage subnet on port 443 (HTTPS).
    • --priority: Specifies the priority of the rule to ensure proper order of execution.
    • --source-address-prefixes: Specifies the source (Databricks subnet).
    • --destination-address-prefixes: Specifies the destination (Storage subnet).
    • --destination-port-ranges: Specifies the port to allow traffic to (443 for HTTPS).
    • --direction: Specifies the direction of traffic (Outbound).
    • --access: Specifies whether to allow or deny the traffic (Allow).
    • --protocol: Specifies the protocol for the rule (TCP).
  4. Associate NSG with Databricks Subnet

    • az network vnet subnet update: Command to associate the NSG with the Databricks subnet.

These commands configure an NSG for Azure Databricks, create a rule to allow outbound traffic to the Storage subnet, and associate the NSG with the Databricks subnet. Adjust the parameters based on your specific network configuration and security requirements.

Implement a Private Link for Data Lake Storage

  • Create a private endpoint for Azure Data Lake Storage to establish a secure connection.
  • Implementing Private Link involves creating a private endpoint for Azure Data Lake Storage. The following example assumes you have already created virtual networks, subnets, and network security groups (NSGs) as per the previous examples.


# Variables
datalakeResourceId=$(az datalake store show --name $datalakeAccountName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query id --output tsv)

# Create private endpoint for Azure Data Lake Storage
az network private-endpoint create \
  --resource-group $resourceGroup \
  --name StoragePrivateEndpoint \
  --vnet-name StorageVNet \
  --subnet StorageSubnet \
  --private-connection-resource-id $datalakeResourceId \
  --connection-name StoragePrivateConnection \
  --group-id blob


  1. Variables

    • Replace "YourResourceGroup" with the actual name of your Azure resource group.
    • Replace "YourDataLakeAccount" with the name of your Azure Data Lake Storage account.
    • Obtain the Data Lake Storage account's resource ID using the Azure CLI.
  2. Create Private Endpoint

    • az network private-endpoint create: Command to create a private endpoint for Azure Data Lake Storage.
    • --resource-group: Specifies the Azure resource group.
    • --name: Specifies the name of the private endpoint.
    • --vnet-name: Specifies the name of the virtual network.
    • --subnet: Specifies the name of the subnet within the virtual network.
    • --private-connection-resource-id: Specifies the resource ID of the Azure Data Lake Storage account.
    • --connection-name: Specifies the name of the private connection.
    • --group-id: Specifies the service group ID for the private endpoint (in this case, "blob" for Azure Data Lake Storage).

This command creates a private endpoint named "StoragePrivateEndpoint" in the "StorageVNet" virtual network and associates it with the "StorageSubnet" subnet. The private endpoint is linked to the Azure Data Lake Storage account using its resource ID. Adjust the parameters based on your specific network configuration and Data Lake Storage account details.

Remember to adapt the commands to your specific scenario, including choosing the appropriate service group ID based on the services you want to access through Private Link.

RBAC for Azure Databricks

  • Implement RBAC for Azure Databricks, assigning roles based on the principle of least privilege.
  • To set up Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Azure Databricks, you can use Azure CLI commands. RBAC allows you to define and enforce roles and permissions, ensuring that users and services have the necessary access rights. The example below assumes that you have already created a Databricks workspace and have the necessary permissions.


# Variables
databricksObjectId=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId --output tsv)

# Assign the Contributor role to the user (replace 'Contributor' with the desired role)
az role assignment create \
  --assignee-object-id $databricksObjectId \
  --role Contributor \
  --scope /subscriptions/YourSubscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup

# Retrieve the Databricks workspace ID
databricksWorkspaceId=$(az databricks workspace show \
  --resource-group $resourceGroup \
  --name $databricksWorkspaceName \
  --query id --output tsv)

# Assign the Azure Databricks SQL Admin role to the user for the workspace
az role assignment create \
  --assignee-object-id $databricksObjectId \
  --role "Azure Databricks SQL Admin" \
  --scope $databricksWorkspaceId


  1. Variables

    • Replace "YourResourceGroup" with the actual name of your Azure resource group.
    • Replace "YourDatabricksWorkspace" with the name of your Azure Databricks workspace.
    • Retrieve the object ID of the user, you want to assign roles (in this case, the signed-in user).
  2. Assign the Contributor Role

    • az role assignment create: Command to assign a role (Contributor in this example) to a user.
    • --assignee-object-id: Specifies the object ID of the user.
    • --role: Specifies the role to assign (e.g., Contributor).
    • --scope: Specifies the scope of the assignment, in this case, the resource group.
  3. Retrieve Databricks Workspace ID

    • az databricks workspace show: Command to retrieve information about the Databricks workspace.
    • --resource-group: Specifies the Azure resource group.
    • --name: Specifies the name of the Databricks workspace.
    • --query id --output tsv: Extracts the workspace ID and outputs it in tab-separated values (TSV).
  4. Assign Azure Databricks SQL Admin Role

    • az role assignment create: Command to assign the "Azure Databricks SQL Admin" role to the user for the Databricks workspace.
    • --assignee-object-id: Specifies the object ID of the user.
    • --role: Specifies the role to assign ("Azure Databricks SQL Admin").
    • --scope: Specifies the scope of the assignment, in this case, the Databricks workspace.

Adjust the commands based on your specific requirements, such as assigning different roles or scopes. Additionally, replace "YourSubscriptionId" with the actual ID of your Azure subscription.

Securely Accessing Data in Databricks

  • Utilize Azure Databricks secrets to securely store and access credentials for Azure Data Lake Storage.
  • Implement secure coding practices in the machine learning code to handle sensitive information.
  • Securely accessing data in Azure Databricks involves using secure coding practices, and one common way to access data is by leveraging secrets for authentication. In this example, we'll use Azure Databricks Secrets to securely store and retrieve credentials for Azure Data Lake Storage. The example assumes you've set up secrets in your Databricks workspace.

Example (Python code snippet in a Databricks notebook)

# Import necessary libraries
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Retrieve the secret scope and secret key for Azure Data Lake Storage
secret_scope = "YourSecretScope"
secret_key = "YourSecretKey"

# Retrieve the credentials from Databricks Secrets
storage_account_name = dbutils.secrets.get(scope=secret_scope, key=f"{secret_key}_StorageAccountName")
storage_account_key = dbutils.secrets.get(scope=secret_scope, key=f"{secret_key}_StorageAccountKey")

# Configure Spark session with Azure Storage settings
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("SecureAccessExample") \
    .config("{your_storage_account}", storage_account_key) \

# Example: Read data from Azure Data Lake Storage
data_lake_path = "abfss://"
df =, header=True)

# Show the DataFrame


  1. Import Libraries

    • Import the necessary libraries, including SparkSession from pyspark.sql.
  2. Retrieve Secrets

    • Use dbutils.secrets.get to retrieve the credentials for Azure Data Lake Storage from Databricks Secrets.
    • Replace "YourSecretScope" and "YourSecretKey" with the actual secret scope and key you created in Databricks.
  3. Configure Spark Session

    • Create a Spark session with appropriate configurations.
    • Use the retrieved storage account name and key to configure Spark to access Azure Data Lake Storage.
    • Replace "{your_storage_account}" with your actual storage account name.
  4. Example Data Read

    • Define the path to the data in Azure Data Lake Storage.
    • Use the configured Spark session to read data from the specified path into a DataFrame.
  5. Show DataFrame

    • Display the contents of the data frame as a demonstration.

Ensure that you follow best practices for securely handling and managing secrets, such as restricting access to secret scopes and keys. Additionally, you can further enhance security by implementing fine-grained access controls and encryption for data at rest and in transit. Adjust the code according to your specific data source, file format, and security requirements.


Scaling Azure Databricks secure network access to Azure Data Lake Storage is a crucial aspect of building a robust and secure data analytics environment. By following the comprehensive guide and examples provided in this article, organizations can establish a secure foundation for their big data projects. Regularly reviewing and updating security configurations, along with adhering to best practices, will ensure ongoing protection against potential security threats. Implementing these measures not only safeguards sensitive data but also contributes to maintaining compliance and building trust in the increasingly interconnected world of data analytics.

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