Routing And Navigation With GetX In Flutter

In Flutter applications, managing navigation between screens is one of the essential parts of creating a great user experience. But a state management solution like GetX can make the process much easier. To handle navigation and routing, Flutter provides a built-in Navigator class.

In this article, we'll explore how to use GetX to manage your app's routing and navigation, including how to handle named routes, route parameters, and more.

Before we dive into the details of using GetX for navigation, let's first add the GetX package to your pubspec.yaml file:

get: 4.6.5

Defining Named Routes with GetX

First, let's create a new file called app_routes.dart, where we will define all our named routes:

abstract class Routes {

 static const HOME = _Paths.HOME;
 static const DETAILS = _Paths.DETAILS;

abstract class _Paths {
 static const HOME = '/home';
 static const DETAILS = '/details';

Next, we will create a new file called app_pages.dart and add all our routes to a List of GetPage objects:

class AppPages {

 static const INITIAL = Routes.HOME;

 static final routes = [
     name: _Paths.HOME,
     page: () => HomeView(),
     binding: HomeBinding(),
     name: _Paths.DETAILS,
     page: () => DetailsView(),
     binding: DetailsBinding(),

In the example above, we defined two named routes: home and details. The name parameter is the unique name of the route, while the page parameter is the widget displayed when navigating to that route.

Finally, in our main.dart file, we can use our named routes by creating a new instance of GetMaterialApp and passing in our named routes using the getPages property:

   debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
   title: "Application",
   theme: ThemeColor().themeData,
   initialRoute: AppPages.INITIAL,
   getPages: AppPages.routes,

Navigating to a Named Route with GetX

To navigate to a named route in GetX, we use the Get.toNamed() method. This method takes the route's name as its first parameter and any route parameters as a second parameter.

Here's an example of how to navigate to a named route using GetX:


In this example, we're navigating to the named route '/home' (Routes.HOME) using GetX.

Passing Route Parameters with GetX

To navigate to this route with a parameter value, we can use the Get.toNamed() method with a map of parameter values:

Get.toNamed(Routes.DETAILS, arguments: {
 'movie_id': 10,

In this example, we're navigating to the details route with a movie_id parameter value of 10.

In the DetailsController, you can retrieve the value by calling Get.arguments.

class DetailsController extends GetxController {
 int movieId = Get.arguments['movie_id'] ?? 0;


GetX Navigation simplifies the navigation process in Flutter apps. It offers an intuitive API for managing routes, passing parameters, and handling transitions. GetX Navigation is ideal for creating dynamic navigation flows and handling complex routing scenarios. Its additional features, including state management and dependency injection, make it a powerful tool for building high-quality mobile apps. Overall, GetX Navigation is an excellent choice for developers looking to enhance the navigation experience in their Flutter applications. Check out the GitHub repository linked in the resources section.


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