In this article, we are going to see role of Microsoft Planner app in Office 365.
- SharePoint is a collaboration platform, where people communicate with each other by various ways such as OneNote, Outlook, One Drive in addition to planner and many more.
- As we see in SharePoint Online sites, the users are assigned tasks, scheduled reminders, sharing files; it means they are performing plan for teamwork. Microsoft provides best collaboration platform as planner to help people stay more active.
- In Office 365, planner plays vital role for each user who planes tasks and assign to new user. Office 365 Planner manage plans creation, add task to plan, add people to your tasks, and sort out tasks.
- An admin is responsible to handle and perform the tasks in Planner to add or remove licenses for the individual users or to disable Planner to all the users.
- Microsoft Planner has connection link with Office 365 Groups and these are the things, which you require when you are creating new plan.It also creates a new Office 365 Group. If you are using Office 365 Groups, each group also has a plan like a Notebook calendar etc.
- In short, at the time of new plan creation, it is also creating a new Office 365 Group.Admin or the user who is going to create plan. Make sure to delete plan will also permanently delete Office 365 Group and each thing belongs to group including conversations, groups One Drive location etc.
- Let’s start to create new plan step by step.
Office 365 Sign In
- Let’s go to navigate URL- to login Office 365.
- Enter your provided E-mail address and password to login Office 365.
- After successful login, on Office 365, the dashboard will appear successfully with running apps. Kindly select planner.
On clicking Planner app, it will navigate to the URL to sign in Microsoft Planner.
- Click Sign in option now. Type your E-mail address or use phone number to use with Planner and say Next.
- Planner dashboard will display. Let’s start a new plan by choosing New plan.
- Fill out the entries like Name your plan, choose who can see it public or private and add a plan description. Finally, click Create Plan.
- Private - Only members, which you add can see the plan.
- Public- Everyone in your organization can see the plan.
Great.Your plan is ready.
- Now, you can add task by clicking plus tab (+).Type a task name, set due data of task. Also, add assignment by typing a name or an E-mail address for the assigned members for this task. Select Add task.
- Once task is added, assigned members will receive mail notification for new plan and user group creation etc.
- Added task can be look out at under my task.
- In this way, you can create new plans, add new task in it with assigned and the invited members also perform an action on task status. Simply, using Microsoft Planner, you can lookout multiple planning hub under one roof.
Happy Reading. Any feedback or suggestion is always welcome. Thank you.