Retrying Transactions in Solana


The Solana blockchain, known for its high throughput and low latency, has become a go-to platform for decentralized applications. However, like all blockchains, it’s not immune to transaction failures. Transaction failure occurs due to network congestion; taking proper measures for this is important.


How does Solana’s transaction mechanics work?

To understand why and how to retry transactions, it's important to understand how Solana processes transactions. A typical transaction in Solana goes through several stages: submission, validation, processing, and finalization. However, various issues, such as network congestion, insufficient funds, and program errors can disrupt this flow. Understanding these potential points of failure is key to developing effective retry strategies.

To learn more about how transaction flow works, read this article, Transaction Confirmation and Expiration in Solana

How do transactions get dropped in Solana?

Transactions in Solana can be unintentionally dropped for a few reasons,

  • Before Processing: Network issues like UDP packet loss or high traffic can cause transactions to be dropped. Validators might get overwhelmed and can't forward all transactions. Sometimes, inconsistencies in RPC pools can lead to drops if a transaction uses a block hash from an advanced node that lagging nodes don’t recognize.
  • Temporary Forks: Transactions referencing blockhashes from minority forks may be discarded when the network returns to the main chain, rendering the blockhashes invalid.
  • After Processing: Even if completed, transactions on minority forks may be rejected if the majority of validators do not recognize the fork, blocking consensus and finalization.

Why retrying transactions is important?

Retrying transactions ensures that the intended state changes occur on the blockchain, which is important for maintaining consistency, especially in financial or data-critical applications. Also, a robust retry mechanism improves user experience by reducing the hassle of unsuccessful transactions, as well as managing network variations, ensuring that temporary issues do not interrupt service continuity.

Best practices for retrying transactions

The following are the best practices that need to be followed for retrying transactions.

  • Exponential Backoff Strategy: Gradually increasing the delay between retries helps avoid network congestion and reduces the likelihood of transaction failures due to network overload.
  • Transaction Preflight Checks: Performing checks before retrying ensures that the transaction has a higher chance of succeeding, such as verifying sufficient funds and ensuring account activity.
  • Re-Signing Transactions: Update the transaction's blockhash and re-sign to ensure it’s valid for submission.
  • Rate Limiting: Implement rate limits for effectively handling retry attempts without minimizing excessive network load.
  • Error Handling and Logging: Differentiating between transient and permanent errors allows for targeted retries and helps in diagnosing issues.
  • Monitoring and Alerts: Set up systems to monitor transaction statuses and alert on high failure rates, allowing for proactive issue resolution.

Implementing a Retry Mechanism using web3.js

Here’s how to implement a retry transaction mechanism in Solana using Solana Web3.js.

Step 1. Checking Network Status

Before retrying a transaction, it is important to check the network status. This ensures that retries are attempted only when the network is healthy, preventing unnecessary retries during network issues. Checking the network status helps prevent retries during network downtime, saving resources and avoiding futile attempts.

async function checkNetworkStatus(connection) {
    try {
        const status = await connection.getEpochInfo();
        console.log(`Network status: Current slot ${status.slot}, Epoch ${status.epoch}`);
        return status;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Network status check failed:', error.message);
        throw error; 

// Use -
const networkStatus = await checkNetworkStatus(connection);

In the above code, the 'checkNetworkStatus' function retrieves and logs the current network status from the Solana blockchain using the 'getEpochInfo' method. It returns the network status if successful but logs an error and throws it if the attempt fails, providing error handling for network checks.

Step 2. Detailed Transaction Preflight Checks

Next, we can make a transaction preflight check. It verifies that the transaction is likely to succeed by checking account balances and ensuring that the blockhash is recent. Performing preflight checks helps identify potential issues before retrying, such as insufficient funds or invalid blockhashes, which improves the success rate of retries.

async function preflightTransaction(transaction, connection) {
    try {
        const { recentBlockhash } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
        transaction.recentBlockhash = recentBlockhash;

        const { value: { context, value: balance } } = await connection.getBalanceAndContext(transaction.feePayer);
        console.log(`Preflight check: Account balance is ${balance} lamports`);

        if (balance < transaction.fee) {
            throw new Error('Insufficient funds for transaction fee');

        return true;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Preflight check failed:', error.message);
        return false;

// Use -
const isTransactionValid = await preflightTransaction(transaction, connection);

In the above code, the 'preflightTransaction' function asynchronously checks the feasibility of a transaction by fetching the latest blockhash and verifying the account balance of the transaction's fee payer on the Solana blockchain. It logs the account balance and throws an error if there are insufficient funds for the transaction fee, providing essential checks before attempting to send a transaction.

Step 3. Exponential Backoff

Exponential backoff is a retry strategy where the delay between retries increases exponentially. This helps prevent overwhelming the network and allows it to recover from congestion or transient issues. The exponential backoff mechanism prevents overwhelming the network with rapid retries and provides a structured approach to retry attempts.

async function retryTransaction(transaction, connection, retries = 5) {
    let delay = 1000; // Initial delay of 1 second
    for (let i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
        try {
            await connection.sendTransaction(transaction);
            console.log('Transaction sent successfully');
            return; // Success, exit loop
        } catch (error) {
            console.error(`Transaction failed: ${error.message}`);
            if (i === retries - 1) {
                throw error; // Exhausted retries, throw error
            await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
            delay *= 2; // Exponential backoff

// Use-
try {
    await retryTransaction(transaction, connection);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Failed to retry transaction:', error.message);

In the above code, we create a retryTransaction() function that takes the transaction and the retries. Inside this method, we define a delay of 1 second and enter the retry loop. In this, we try to attempt to resend the transaction, and if it fails, wait for an exponentially increasing amount of time before trying again.

Step 4. Re-signing transactions with Updated Blockhash

Ensures that the transaction remains valid for submission by updating the blockhash and re-signing it. Re-signing with an updated blockhash prevents transactions from being rejected due to outdated information, which is crucial for successful retries.

async function monitorTransactionStatus(connection, signature, interval = 2000, maxAttempts = 10) {
    for (let attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++) {
        const status = await connection.getSignatureStatus(signature);
        if (status.value && status.value.confirmationStatus === 'confirmed') {
            console.log('Transaction confirmed:', signature);

        if (attempt === maxAttempts - 1) {
            console.error('Transaction failed after max attempts:', signature);
            // Trigger alert (e.g., send email, log to monitoring system)

        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, interval));

// Use-
const signature = await connection.sendTransaction(transaction);
await monitorTransactionStatus(connection, signature);

In the above code, the 'monitorTransactionStatus' function asynchronously monitors the status of a transaction identified by its signature on the Solana blockchain. It checks the transaction's confirmation status and logs confirmation or failure messages. If the transaction fails to confirm after the specified maximum attempts, it triggers an alert, such as sending an email or logging into a monitoring system, ensuring proactive management of transaction outcomes.

Step 5. Monitoring Transaction Status

Continuously checks the status of the transaction and ensures that it is monitored until it is either confirmed or failed. Monitoring transaction status allows you to track the transaction lifecycle and react appropriately if it fails, ensuring higher reliability.

async function monitorTransactionStatus(connection, signature, interval = 2000, maxAttempts = 10) {
    for (let attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++) {
        const status = await connection.getSignatureStatus(signature);
        if (status.value && status.value.confirmationStatus === 'confirmed') {
            console.log('Transaction confirmed:', signature);

        if (attempt === maxAttempts - 1) {
            console.error('Transaction failed after max attempts:', signature);
            // Trigger alert (e.g., send email, log to monitoring system)

        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, interval));

// Use-
const signature = await connection.sendTransaction(transaction);
await monitorTransactionStatus(connection, signature);

In the above code, the 'monitorTransactionStatus' function asynchronously checks the status of a transaction identified by its signature at regular intervals. It iterates up to a maximum number of attempts ('maxAttempts'), querying the blockchain via 'connection.getSignatureStatus(signature)'. If the transaction's confirmation status indicates it's confirmed, it logs a success message. If the maximum attempts are reached without confirmation, it logs a failure message and provides a mechanism to trigger alerts, such as sending emails or logging into monitoring systems, ensuring timely response to transaction outcomes.

Step 6. Handling Transaction Errors and Logging

Classifies and logs errors to facilitate targeted retries and helps in diagnosing issues. Proper error handling and logging are crucial for understanding why transactions fail and for implementing corrective actions to improve future attempts.

function classifyTransactionError(error) {
    if (error.message.includes('insufficient funds')) {
        return 'Insufficient Funds';
    } else if (error.message.includes('blockhash not found')) {
        return 'Blockhash Not Found';
    } else if (error.message.includes('network congestion')) {
        return 'Network Congestion';
    return 'Unknown Error';

async function handleTransactionError(error, transaction, connection) {
    const errorType = classifyTransactionError(error);
    console.error(`Transaction error: ${errorType}`, error.message);

    switch (errorType) {
        case 'Insufficient Funds':
            // Handle insufficient funds
        case 'Blockhash Not Found':
            // Update blockhash and retry
            transaction = await reSignTransaction(transaction, connection);
            await retryTransaction(transaction, connection);
        case 'Network Congestion':
            // Increase fees or delay retries
            await adjustTransactionFee(transaction, connection, 2.0);
            await retryTransaction(transaction, connection);
            // Log unknown errors for further investigation
            console.error('Unhandled error:', error.message);

// Use-
try {
    await connection.sendTransaction(transaction);
} catch (error) {
    await handleTransactionError(error, transaction, connection);

In the above code, the 'classifyTransactionError' function categorizes transaction errors based on their error messages, identifying common issues such as insufficient funds, missing blockhash, or network congestion. The 'handleTransactionError' function utilizes 'classifyTransactionError' to determine the type of error encountered. Depending on the error type, it implements specific actions: handling insufficient funds, updating the transaction's blockhash and retrying, adjusting fees during network congestion, or logging unknown errors for further investigation. This structured approach ensures appropriate responses to transaction failures, improving reliability and user experience on the Solana blockchain.

Common challenges and solutions in retrying transactions

Managing transaction retries in Solana has various issues. High network congestion can cause delays and dropped transactions; one effective approach is to raise transaction fees, which can give your transaction a higher priority in the processing queue. To keep transaction costs under control, it is useful to combine many actions into a single transaction, decreasing the total number of transactions and hence expenses. Alternatively, fee relayers can be utilized to transfer transaction fees to a third party. Another key requirement is to maintain the nonce and blockhash validity to avoid transactions from becoming obsolete. Regularly updating the blockhash guarantees that the transaction is valid, and maintaining nonces up to date helps to avoid issues with replay protection and transaction conflicts.


Effective transaction management is essential for any application built on the Solana blockchain. Developers can increase dependability and improve the user experience by implementing robust retry methods. Using best practices and knowing frequent risks can greatly improve transaction success rates in Solana.

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