Retrieve Files and Items from Sharepoint Using Microsoft Graph API


In this article, I explain how to retrieve the items & files from SharePoint using Microsoft Graph API.
Why use Graph API?
Recently, I had a query from one developer. He needs to show the file information from a document library. It's always possible using SharePoint REST API, but they are facing a problem for certain users who not have access to the library.
Let’s achieve this using MS GraphAPI.
Permission Scope: Sites.Read.All
Follow the below article to learn how to fetch an access token using Microsoft Graph API:
In your tenant Azure portal, navigate to Azure active directory “App Registration”. Open your app to provide the permission for accessing the SharePoint site lists & libraries via Microsoft Graph API.
Once you navigate to the registered application -> Click API Permissions
Now Choose Add Permission -> Select Microsoft Graph API ->Application Permission -> Under “Sites” node select “Sites.Read.All”
Finally, it looks like below:
Once done, let’s display file information in SharePoint Content Editor Webpart with the help of some HTML/JQuery.
Create the function name “requestToken()” to fetch the access token on a page load:
  1. function requestToken() {      
  2.         $.ajax({    
  3.             "async"true,    
  4.             "crossDomain"true,    
  5.             "url""", // Pass your tenant name instead of sharepointtechie      
  6.             "method""POST",    
  7.             "headers": {    
  8.                 "content-type""application/x-www-form-urlencoded"    
  9.             },    
  10.             "data": {    
  11.                 "grant_type""client_credentials",    
  12.                 "client_id ""8baf0301-27df-44b1-b4fe-7911b9a918de"//Provide your app id      
  13.                 "client_secret""tZ76oVPN039WlWPoAp+1aICq66vs7oUtE4lhDQYwxGY="//Provide your secret      
  14.                 "scope """    
  15.             },    
  16.             success: function(response) {    
  17.                 console.log(response);    
  18.                 token = response.access_token;    
  19.                 console.log(token);    
  20.                 FetchSharepointLibraries();  
  22.             },    
  23.             error: function(error) {    
  24.                 console.log(JSON.stringify(error));    
  25.             }    
  26.         })    
  27.     }    
Required Parameters
Client ID, Client Secret,Scope, Grant_Type: client_credentials By default
After successfully retrieving the access token, let’s create another function to query the SharePoint site lists/libraries
  1. function FetchSharepointLibraries(){  
  3.         var SPSiteID = ",1a634409-8e14-4d07-b1a7-366eec870233,4047d743-691c-4578-9795-4c1458096e98";   // Sharepoint Site ID  
  4.         var ListID = "07f64111-6d12-47d0-9672-7124bdddce3b"// List/LibraryID  
  5.         var GraphURL = ""+ SPSiteID +"/lists/"+ ListID +"/items";  //Constructed URL  
  6.         $.ajax({    
  7.         method: 'GET',    
  8.         url: GraphURL,    
  9.         headers: {    
  10.             'Authorization''Bearer ' + token,    
  11.             'Content-Type''application/json'    
  12.         },    
  13.      success: function(response) {    
  14.         var data = response.value;    
  15.         console.log(data);    
  17.     },error: function(error) {}      
  18.     })  
  19.     }  
Let’s do some fancy work to display the files:
Full Code
  1. <script src=""></script>  
  2. <link rel="stylesheet" href="">  
  4. <script type="text/javascript">  
  5.     var token;  
  6.     $(document).ready(function () {  
  7.         requestToken();  
  8.     });  
  10.     function requestToken() {  
  12.         $.ajax({  
  13.             "async"true,  
  14.             "crossDomain"true,  
  15.             "url""", // Pass your tenant name instead of sharepointtechie      
  16.             "method""POST",  
  17.             "headers": {  
  18.                 "content-type""application/x-www-form-urlencoded"  
  19.             },  
  20.             "data": {  
  21.                 "grant_type""client_credentials",  
  22.                 "client_id ""8baf0301-27df-44b1-b4fe-7911b9a918de"//Provide your app id      
  23.                 "client_secret""tZ76oVPN039WlWPoAp+1aICq66vs7oUtE4lhDQYwxGY="//Provide your secret      
  24.                 "scope """  
  25.             },  
  26.             success: function (response) {  
  27.                 console.log(response);  
  28.                 token = response.access_token;  
  29.                 console.log(token);  
  30.                 FetchSharepointLibraries();  
  32.             },  
  33.             error: function (error) {  
  34.                 console.log(JSON.stringify(error));  
  35.             }  
  36.         })  
  37.     }  
  39.     function FetchSharepointLibraries() {  
  41.         var SPSiteID = ",1a634409-8e14-4d07-b1a7-366eec870233,4047d743-691c-4578-9795-4c1458096e98";  
  42.         var ListID = "07f64111-6d12-47d0-9672-7124bdddce3b";  
  43.         var GraphURL = "" + SPSiteID + "/lists/" + ListID + "/items";  
  44.         $.ajax({  
  45.             method: 'GET',  
  46.             url: GraphURL,  
  47.             headers: {  
  48.                 'Authorization''Bearer ' + token,  
  49.                 'Content-Type''application/json'  
  50.             },  
  51.             success: function (response) {  
  52.                 var data = response.value;  
  53.                 var html = '';  
  54.                 $.each(data, function (index, data) {  
  55.                     var fileName = data.webUrl.split("Shared%20Documents/")[1];  
  56.                     fileName = decodeURIComponent(fileName)  
  57.                     html += "<li><a href="+ data.webUrl +">"+ fileName +"</a></li><br>";  
  58.                 })  
  60.                 $('#files').append(html)  
  61.             }, error: function (error) { }  
  62.         })  
  63.     }  
  64. </script>  
  66. <body>  
  67.     <ul id="files"></ul>  
  68. </body>  
Final output look like below:
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