Remove IIS Log Files (4-3) --- AWS security group on the ec2 needs to Allows ports for PowerShell Remoting

Note: This article was published on 02/27/2025.

Although this topic is ndependent, but it was derived from the Remove IIS Log Files project. So we merge this article into the series of articles for REmove IIS Log Files.

This series of articles are to discuss a task to remove IIS Log Files. We start from doing the task manually, then make automation, and the last deploy the automation to pipelines (different servers):

This is a working note to use AI to solve a specific problem. AI tool, we use Microsoft Copilot,


As the topic. 

Solution by AI assistance

Instruction to AI"aws security group on the ec2 needs to allow those ports"

Step 1: Get the security Group

Instruction to AI: Get security group for a EC2 instance

Instruction to AI: Get security group for a EC2 instance from EC2 dashboard

Click instanses => type in server name from the search area:

Security => Security Groups

Step 2: Get the Security Group => type you want to searched:

Go to the selected:

Click on the "inbound rules" tab => Edit inbound rules

Add rules for port 5985 and 5986



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