Registration Module General Test Cases


Registration or sign-up module is the standard feature/ functionality for any web or mobile application.

Testing this feature needs to be done on priority to ensure that the entire application can be accessible to the users.


Usually, the Registration module has all the details, including First Name, Last Name, Username, Password, Address, Contact Number, etc. This form will help us to register with the application.

Plenty of test scenarios are required to be tested properly for the Registration module to verify the correct user access.

Test Cases for the Registration module

Technical requirements for the Registration module can be divided as,

  1. Normal and Common Registration scenarios
  2. Registration scenarios with social sites 

Below are the test cases,

TC_REG_01 Registration fields validation 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Click on Submit button
All the required fields should have proper validation error messages.
TC_REG_02 Registration email field validation 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Enter an invalid email
A proper validation message should be there for the email field
TC_REG_03 Registration Phone/ Mobile/Contact number field validation 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Enter an invalid value in the Phone/ Mobile/ Contact Number field
A proper validation message should be there for the Phone/ Mobile/ Contact Number field
TC_REG_04 Registration form submission 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Fill in all the required fields
3) Click on the submit button
A successful registration message should display, and all fields should be clear.
TC_REG_05 Registration form cancellation 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Fill in all the required fields
3) Click on the cancel/ reset button
All fields should get empty, and registration requests should not be submitted.
TC_REG_06 Registration form submission with email verification 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Fill in all the required fields
3) Fill in the valid email address value in the email field
4) Click on the submit button
1) Successful registration message should display
2) An email should be received with the account verification link and proper details
TC_REG_07 Registration with an already registered email address 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Fill in all the required fields
3) Fill in the already registered email address value in the email field
4) Click on the submit button
A validation message should display saying the email has already been registered
TC_REG_08 Registration account verification 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Fill in all the required fields
3) Fill in the valid email address value in the email field
4) Click on the submit button
5) Open the email received after successful validation
6) Click on the account verification link
It should redirect to the website home page, and the message should display that account has been verified successfully
TC_REG_09 Registration account URL verification 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Fill in all the required fields
3) Fill in the valid email address value in the email field
4) Click on the submit button
5) Open the email received after successful validation
6) Click on the account verification link
7) Click on the account verification link again after the account verification
The account verification link should be expired, and the proper message should display
TC_REG_10 Registration common verification 1) All the required/ mandatory fields are marked with * against the field
2) Verify that entering blank spaces on mandatory fields leads to a validation error
3) Verify that the date of the birth field should not allow dates greater than the current date (some applications have an age limit of 18. In that case, you have to validate whether the age is greater than or equal to 18 or not)
4) Verify that the “terms and conditions” checkbox is unselected by default (depends on business logic, it may be selected or unselected)
5) Verify that the validation message is displayed when clicking on submit button without selecting the “terms and conditions” checkbox
Same as the test steps
TC_REG_11 Registration verification on different browsers Verify all the cases on different browsers like Firefox, Safari, Edge All the cases should work as expected
TC_REG_12 Registration submission with Captcha verification 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Select/ unselect Captcha verification
3) Click on Submit button
Proper validation should be there for the Captcha field
A message should be like this,
Are you a robot? No? Then click here!
TC_REG_13 Registration submission with Gmail and Facebook 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Click on the Gmail/ Facebook button
3) Login with Gmail/ Facebook account details
Registration should be allowed successfully with valid social site accounts, and it should store the required details when the user logs in with social site accounts.
TC_REG_14 Registration submission with already registered Gmail and Facebook account 1) Go to the Register/ Sign Up page
2) Submit registration with an already registered Gmail/ Facebook account
Registration should not be allowed for the already registered email of Gmail/ Facebook social sites.


With the above details provided, any user can verify the Registration module for all positive/ negative test cases. Writing test cases for any module of an application takes a little practice. Well-written test cases of standard features like Registration, Login, Logout, etc., should allow any tester to understand and execute the tests. This will make the testing process smooth and easy. Also, it saves time in the long run.

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