![Azure C#]()
Photo by Philip Rasch
Navigating through the Paris Metros offers convenience, yet it can become challenging during peak hours due to crowded conditions and limited seating availability. Thanks to advanced predictive tools, commuters can now strategize their trips more efficiently, sidestepping the hassles of packed trains.
In this piece, we delve into crafting a prototype for forecasting crowd levels in Paris Métros using Azure, Microsoft’s cloud solution. Detailed guidance and coding illustrations in C# and Terraform will be presented to initiate your journey.
Connect and Create resources in Azure
The provided code demonstrates the authentication process with Azure through the AuthenticationContext class within the Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory namespace. Subsequently, it initializes a DataFactoryManagementClient instance from the Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory namespace to engage with the Azure Data Factory.
Furthermore, the code illustrates the creation of a data factory and the establishment of input and output datasets utilizing the AzureBlobDataset class. It also outlines the formulation of a pipeline incorporating a copy operation from the input dataset to the designated output dataset.
This code can serve as a foundational blueprint for designing your personalized data workflows within Azure Data Factory. Ensure adaptation to your distinct requirements by substituting variables like tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, subscriptionId, factoryName, resourceGroup, and storageConnectionString.
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
using Microsoft.Rest;
namespace DataFactoryExample
class Program
static void Main()
// Authenticate and create a DataFactoryManagementClient
var client = AuthenticateDataFactoryClient("tenantId", "clientId", "clientSecret", "subscriptionId");
// Define resource group and factory name
var resourceGroup = "dev-rgp";
var factoryName = "dev-adf";
// Create Data Factory and datasets
CreateDataFactory(client, resourceGroup, factoryName);
CreateDatasets(client, resourceGroup, factoryName);
// Create pipeline
CreatePipeline(client, resourceGroup, factoryName);
// Create a pipeline run
CreatePipelineRun(client, resourceGroup, factoryName);
// Authenticate and create DataFactoryManagementClient
static DataFactoryManagementClient AuthenticateDataFactoryClient(string tenantId, string clientId, string clientSecret, string subscriptionId)
var context = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.windows.net/" + tenantId);
ClientCredential clientCredential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = context.AcquireTokenAsync("https://management.azure.com/", clientCredential).Result;
ServiceClientCredentials cred = new TokenCredentials(authenticationResult.AccessToken);
var client = new DataFactoryManagementClient(cred) { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId };
return client;
// Create Data Factory
static void CreateDataFactory(DataFactoryManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, string factoryName)
var dataFactory = new Factory { Location = "francecentral" };
client.Factories.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, factoryName, dataFactory);
Console.WriteLine("Data Factory created successfully.");
// Create Input and Output datasets
static void CreateDatasets(DataFactoryManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, string factoryName)
CreateDataset(client, resourceGroup, factoryName, "input", "input.txt", "InputDataset");
CreateDataset(client, resourceGroup, factoryName, "output", "output.txt", "OutputDataset");
Console.WriteLine("Datasets created successfully.");
// Helper method to create dataset
static void CreateDataset(DataFactoryManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, string factoryName, string blobPath, string blobFilename, string datasetName)
var dataset = new DatasetResource(
new AzureBlobDataset
LinkedServiceName = new LinkedServiceReference { ReferenceName = "AzureBlobStorageLinkedService" },
FolderPath = blobPath,
FileName = blobFilename,
Format = new TextFormat()
client.Datasets.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, factoryName, datasetName, dataset);
// Create pipeline with a copy activity
static void CreatePipeline(DataFactoryManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, string factoryName)
var pipelineName = "Prediction_Pipeline";
var pipeline = new PipelineResource
Activities = new List<Activity>
new CopyActivity
Name = "CopyFromBlobToBlob",
Inputs = new List<DatasetReference> { new DatasetReference() { ReferenceName = "InputDataset" } },
Outputs = new List<DatasetReference> { new DatasetReference() { ReferenceName = "OutputDataset" } },
Source = new BlobSource(),
Sink = new BlobSink()
client.Pipelines.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, factoryName, pipelineName, pipeline);
Console.WriteLine("Pipeline created successfully.");
// Create pipeline run
static void CreatePipelineRun(DataFactoryManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, string factoryName)
CreateRunResponse runResponse = client.Pipelines.CreateRunWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceGroup, factoryName, "Prediction_Pipeline").Result.Body;
Console.WriteLine("Pipeline run created successfully.");
Train a Machine Learning Algorithm
Subsequently, it’s essential to train a machine learning algorithm using the accumulated data for predictive purposes. Employ Azure Machine Learning, a cloud-centric platform dedicated to constructing, refining, and deploying machine learning models, for this task.
Below is an illustration demonstrating the training of a machine learning algorithm utilizing C# in conjunction with the Azure Machine Learning.
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
public class MetroTravelData
public float NumberOfPassengers;
public float TimeOfDay;
public float DayOfWeek;
public bool IsHoliday;
public string LevelOfCrowdedness;
// Define the input for model prediction
public class MetroTravelInput
public float NumberOfPassengers;
public float TimeOfDay;
public float DayOfWeek;
public bool IsHoliday;
// Define the output after model prediction
public class MetroTravelOutput
public string PredictedCrowdednessLevel;
class Program
static void Main()
// Create MLContext
var mlContext = new MLContext();
// Load the dataset
var dataset = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile<MetroTravelData>("data.csv", separatorChar: ',');
// Split the dataset into training and testing sets
var trainTestSplit = mlContext.Data.TrainTestSplit(dataset);
var trainingData = trainTestSplit.TrainSet;
var testingData = trainTestSplit.TestSet;
// Define the data processing pipeline
var dataProcessingPipeline = mlContext.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey("LevelOfCrowdedness")
.Append(mlContext.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", new[] { "NumberOfPassengers", "TimeOfDay", "DayOfWeek", "IsHoliday" }))
// Define the training algorithm
var classificationTrainer = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.SdcaNonCalibrated();
var trainingPipeline = dataProcessingPipeline
// Train the model
ITransformer trainedModel = trainingPipeline.Fit(trainingData);
// Evaluate the model
var modelPredictions = trainedModel.Transform(testingData);
var modelMetrics = mlContext.MulticlassClassification.Evaluate(modelPredictions);
This script demonstrates the utilization of the MLContext class within the Microsoft.ML namespace to establish a machine learning environment. It employs the LoadFromTextFile function to ingest data from a CSV file into an IDataView structure.
Subsequently, the code illustrates the division of the dataset into training and validation subsets via the TrainTestSplit function. Furthermore, it constructs a data transformation pipeline utilizing various transformations available in the Microsoft.ML.Transforms namespace.
Following this, the code specifies a training procedure by utilizing the SdcaNonCalibrated trainer from the Microsoft.ML.Trainers namespace. This trainer is integrated into the data transformation pipeline, and the pipeline is applied to the training dataset for model training.
In conclusion, the code details the process of assessing the trained model’s performance on the validation data, utilizing both the Transform and Evaluate functions from the Microsoft.ML namespace.
This code serves as a foundational guide for initiating your machine learning endeavors utilizing C# and the Azure Machine Learning SDK.
Deploy the model to Azure
After you’ve successfully trained your machine learning model, the next step involves deploying it to facilitate real-time prediction capabilities. To achieve this, you have the option to utilize either Azure Kubernetes Service or Azure Container Instances to deploy your model as a containerized application.
Here is a sample demonstration illustrating how you can deploy a machine learning model leveraging C# in conjunction with the Azure Machine Learning SDK.
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ContainerInstance;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ContainerInstance.Models;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent;
class Program
static void Main()
// Authenticate and initialize the Container Instance Management Client
var containerInstanceClient = InitializeContainerInstanceClient("clientId", "clientSecret", "tenantId", "subscriptionId");
// Define container group details
var containerGroupName = "container-rgp";
var resourceGroupName = "dev-rgp";
var containerGroupDetails = CreateContainerGroup();
// Create or update the container group
containerInstanceClient.ContainerGroups.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, containerGroupName, containerGroupDetails);
static ContainerInstanceManagementClient InitializeContainerInstanceClient(string clientId, string clientSecret, string tenantId, string subscriptionId)
var credentials = SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory.FromServicePrincipal(clientId, clientSecret, tenantId, AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud);
return new ContainerInstanceManagementClient(credentials) { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId };
static ContainerGroup CreateContainerGroup()
return new ContainerGroup
Location = "francecentral",
Containers = new List<Container>
new Container
Name = "image-ontainer",
Image = "image",
Resources = new ResourceRequirements
Requests = new ResourceRequests
Cpu = 1,
MemoryInGB = 1.5
Ports = new List<ContainerPort>
new ContainerPort(80)
OsType = OperatingSystemTypes.Linux,
IpAddress = new IpAddress
Type = "Public",
Ports = new List<Port>
new Port(80)
You can employ this code as a foundational guide to deploy your machine learning models using C# in combination with Azure Container Instances. It is imperative to adapt this code according to your specific requirements by supplying personalized values for variables such as clientId, clientSecret, tenantId, subscriptionId, containerGroupName, resourceGroup, and Image.
Establish a streaming pipeline
To facilitate real-time updates for your predictions, it’s essential to develop a streaming pipeline that handles incoming data and modifies predictions as required. For this task, you have the option to utilize either Azure Stream Analytics or Azure Databricks to construct this pipeline.
Below is a sample illustration demonstrating how you can create a streaming pipeline using C# in tandem with Azure Stream Analytics.
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.StreamAnalytics;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.StreamAnalytics.Models;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
using Microsoft.Rest;
class Program
static void Main()
var tenantID = "";
var applicationId = "";
var authenticationKey = "";
var subscriptionId = "";
var resourceGroup = "dev-rgp";
var jobName = "job";
var analyticsManagementClient = AuthenticateAndCreateClient(tenantID, applicationId, authenticationKey, subscriptionId);
CreateStreamAnalyticsJob(analyticsManagementClient, resourceGroup, jobName);
DefineInputTransformationOutput(analyticsManagementClient, resourceGroup, jobName);
StartStreamAnalyticsJob(analyticsManagementClient, resourceGroup, jobName);
static StreamAnalyticsManagementClient AuthenticateAndCreateClient(string tenantID, string applicationId, string authenticationKey, string subscriptionId)
var context = new AuthenticationContext($"https://login.windows.net/{tenantID}");
var clientCredential = new ClientCredential(applicationId, authenticationKey);
var result = context.AcquireTokenAsync("https://management.azure.com/", clientCredential).Result;
var tokenCredentials = new TokenCredentials(result.AccessToken);
return new StreamAnalyticsManagementClient(tokenCredentials) { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId };
static void CreateStreamAnalyticsJob(StreamAnalyticsManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, string jobName)
var job = new Job
Location = "francecentral",
Sku = new Sku { Name = "Standard" },
EventsOutOfOrderPolicy = EventsOutOfOrderPolicy.Adjust,
OutputStartMode = OutputStartMode.JobStartTime,
EventsOutOfOrderMaxDelayInSeconds = 0,
client.StreamingJobs.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, jobName, job);
static void DefineInputTransformationOutput(StreamAnalyticsManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, string jobName)
// Input Definition
var inputName = "input";
var input = new Input
Properties = new StreamInputProperties
Serialization = new JsonSerialization { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 },
DataSource = new BlobStreamInputDataSource
StorageAccounts = new List<StorageAccount>
new StorageAccount { AccountName = "", AccountKey = "" }
Container = "container",
PathPattern = "{date}/{time}",
DateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd",
TimeFormat = "HH"
client.Inputs.CreateOrReplace(resourceGroup, jobName, inputName, input);
// Transformation Definition
var transformationName = "transformation";
var transformationQuery = @"
AVG(crowdedness) AS avgCrowdedness,
System.Timestamp AS time
input TIMESTAMP BY time
TumblingWindow(minute, 1)";
var transformation = new Transformation { Query = transformationQuery, StreamingUnits = 1 };
client.Transformations.CreateOrReplace(resourceGroup, jobName, transformationName, transformation);
// Output Definition
var outputName = "output";
var output = new Output
Properties = new AzureSqlDatabaseOutputDataSource
Database = "outputAlias",
User = "outputAlias",
Password = "outputAlias",
Table = "outputTableName",
Server = "outputConnectionString"
client.Outputs.CreateOrReplace(resourceGroup, jobName, outputName, output);
static void StartStreamAnalyticsJob(StreamAnalyticsManagementClient client, string resourceGroup, string jobName)
client.StreamingJobs.Start(resourceGroup, jobName);
Incorporate forecasts into an application for end-users
Once your live streaming setup is operational, you can begin to incorporate instantaneous congestion forecasts into a consumer-oriented platform or solution.
You might design a smartphone application leveraging the Azure Maps SDK to exhibit live congestion data on a geographical map. Commuters could utilize this application to determine which transportation routes or stations are congested, allowing them to make well-informed travel arrangements.
Here’s a demonstration illustrating how you might utilize C# in conjunction with the Azure Maps SDK to showcase live congestion data on a map.
using AzureMapsToolkit;
using AzureMapsToolkit.Common;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static async Task Main()
var subscriptionKey = "";
var mapsServices = new AzureMapsServices(subscriptionKey);
var crowdednessData = GetCrowdednessData();
var featureCollection = CreateFeatureCollection(crowdednessData);
var response = await RenderMapImageAsync(mapsServices, featureCollection);
static List<CrowdednessData> GetCrowdednessData()
// Implement the logic to retrieve real-time crowdedness data
return new List<CrowdednessData>();
static FeatureCollection CreateFeatureCollection(List<CrowdednessData> crowdednessData)
return new FeatureCollection
Features = crowdednessData.Select(data => new Feature
Geometry = new Point
Coordinates = new double[] { data.Longitude, data.Latitude }
Properties = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "crowdednessLevel", data.CrowdednessLevel }
static async Task<RenderGetMapImageResult> RenderMapImageAsync(AzureMapsServices mapsServices, FeatureCollection featureCollection)
return await mapsServices.Render.GetMapImage(new RenderGetMapImageRequest
Format = "png",
Layer = "basic",
Style = "main",
Zoom = 12,
Center = "0,0",
Width = 600,
Height = 400,
GeoJson = featureCollection.ToJson()
class CrowdednessData
public double Longitude { get; set; }
public double Latitude { get; set; }
public int CrowdednessLevel { get; set; }
Creating a proof of concept (POC) to forecast real-time metros crowding using Azure, C# entails multiple stages. Initially, you must gather and refine data to train your machine learning algorithm. Subsequently, you’ll deploy this model and establish a continuous pipeline to handle real-time data and refine predictions as necessary. Ultimately, you’ll integrate these insights into an application or platform accessible to metros passengers, offering them real-time crowding updates.
By adhering to this approach, you can construct a sophisticated solution that capitalizes on Azure, C# capabilities to deliver precise and timely train crowding forecasts.