React is an Open Source JavaScript library. It is used for developing scalable, simple, and fast front-ends for web & mobile applications. It handles the view layer of mobile and web applications. React is flexible to use in any application. It can be used in any existing web application to develop a new feature or even the application’s whole UI. React applications requires the use of additional libraries for implementing things like state management. It is concerned with rendering data to the Document Object Model (DOM). React is more popular because of its extra simplicity and flexibility. Big companies like PayPal, Uber, Instagram, Facebook, etc use it to develop user interfaces.
In this article, We know details on the below points.
- Prerequisites to learn React
- React important features
React Prerequisites
The below prerequisites are required to learn React,
- Node and npm Basic Knowledge
- JavaScript and ES6
React History
- React was open-sourced at JSConf US in May 2013.
- React was created by Jordan Walke.
- In 2011, React was first deployed on Facebook's News Feed.
- In 2012, React was deployed on Instagram.
- React Fiber was announced by Facebook on April 18, 2017.
- A new core algorithm called React Fiber of React library for building user interfaces.
- React Fiber was to become the foundation of any future implementation of the React library.
- React Native was announced at Facebook's React Conf in February 2015 and open-sourced in March 2015.
- React native enables native Android and iOS development with React.
React important features
React is trending better than others. Please visit the below link.
![React Trending]()
The below React important features.
- Virtual DOM
- Components
- Performance
- One-way Data-Binding
- React Native
![Virtual Dom]()
- React is concerned with rendering data to the Document Object Model (DOM).
- In React, We work with Virtual DOM instead of working directly with Real DOM.
- Creating React applications usually requires the use of additional libraries for implementing things like state management and routing.
- The component is the most basic building block of the Application UI.
- In React, the application UI is divided into Components.
- A component is a combination of templates using HTML user interactivity using JavaScript applying style using CSS.
- Any web application and mobile application. We think we can be segregated into components like header, footer navigation bar, and contact.
- React uses JSX for building templates instead of regular JavaScript.
- JSX stands for Javascript Syntax Extension.
- It is not necessary to use it while we are working with React.
- JSX makes React a lot more elegant.
![Data binding]()
- One-way data binding or unidirectional data flow gives React better control throughout the application.
![React Native]()
- React is the base abstraction of React Native.
- React Native is an open-source mobile application framework while React is for websites i.e. front-end.
- In React JS, React is the base abstraction of React DOM for the web platform.
- while with React Native, React is still the base abstraction of React Native.
- Because of that the syntax and workflow remain similar, but the components are different.
- ReactJS is known to be a great performer.
- This feature makes it much better than many other frameworks.
React Interview
- What is React and Its features?
- Why is React so flexible to use?
- What are the React important features?
- Why React applications usually requires the use of additional libraries for implementing things like state management and routing?
- What are the top corporations that use React to develop user interfaces?
- Who created React?
- Difference between React Native, ReactJS, and React?
- Is JSX necessary to use in React?
In this write-up, we have learned the details below.
- Prerequisites to learn React
- React important features
- React History
- React Interview
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