Rarely-Used Tags Of HTML 5

Nowadays in the programming world, there are numerous choices to implement new things with fewer and easier steps. There are many tags which are used in rare cases while we are programming for special functions or queries. It will leave a good impact of uniqueness also. Some of them are - <abbr>, <acronym>, <address>, <cite>, <fieldset>, <kbd>, <legend>, <label>, <ins><del>, <rel>, <meter>, <optgroup>, <wbr>. 

Here, we will see how these very rare tags are going to be helpful to us in different ways, while we have already considered them as underused and misunderstood tags. It is not possible to cover all the tags in an article so, let’s begins with a few of them.


In HTML 5, <abbr> tag is the latest title.
When the mouse curser is hovered on the title, it will display a full description in the tooltip form.
This element includes Global Attribute like: title.
Tag omission is not allowed and both opening and closing tags are required to avoid errors.
  1. <html>    
  2.    <head><title>Rare Tags:<abbr> </title></head>    
  3.    <body>    
  4.       <p>The <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> is only a basic component of the WebProgramming.</p>    
  5.    </body>    
  6. </html>   
Rare Tags Of HTML 5


In HTML 5, <acronym> is not supported. In that case, we use the <abbr> tag.
The <acronym> tag is compatible in any browser as well as it is used to abbreviate the full form of the title which is placed between this tag, when the mouse is over the title.
  1. <html>    
  2. <head><title>Rare Tags:<acronym> </title></head>    
  3.    <body>    
  4.       <p>The <acronym title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</acronym> is only a basic component of the WebProgramming.</p>    
  5.    </body>    
  6. </html>   
Rare Tags Of HTML 5


The <address> tag basically provides contact information regarding an author or owner of the organization or document or an article. When we provide contact details of an article, we must use the <address> element. We can use it in <body> element.
<address> tag always returns the value in italics.
  1. <html>    
  2.    <head><title>Rare Tags:<address> </title></head>    
  3.    <body>    
  4.       <p>Contact Us:</p>    
  5.       <address>    
  6.          <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected].in</a><br>    
  7.          <a href="tel:+16474918805">(647) 491-8805</a>    
  8.       </address>    
  9.    </body>    
  10. </html>   
Rare Tags Of HTML 5


The <cite> tag is the citation element of HTML. Citation is the term which means a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work. As all of use know about the <blockquote>, it’s just similar to it. When we want to give italics expression, we can use this alternative.
Tag omission is not allowed; both opening and closing tags are required to avoid errors.
  1. <html>    
  2.    <head><title>Rare Tags:<cite> </title></head>    
  3.    <body>    
  4.       <blockquote>    
  5.          <p>"I love to save time for earn love and time."</p>    
  6.          <footer>    
  7.             My article's first example <cite>Rare Tags: Cite </a></cite> by Dipa Mehta.    
  8.          </footer>    
  9.       </blockquote>    
  10.       <p>For More details visit us: <cite> HTML E-Learns </cite>.</p>    
  11.    </body>    
  12. </html>   
Rare Tags Of HTML 5


The <fieldset> tag is used to group the elements in a form as well as it draws a box around the element.
This element includes global attributes like: disabled, form and name.
Tag omission is not allowed and both, opening and closing, tags are required to avoid errors.
The <legend> tag defines the caption for <fieldset>.
  1. <html>    
  2.    <head><title>Rare Tags:<fieldset> </title></head>    
  3.    <body>    
  4.       <form action="#">    
  5.          <fieldset>    
  6.             <legend>Simple fieldset</legend>    
  7.                <input type="radio" id="radio">    
  8.             <label for="radio">Spirit of radio</label>    
  9.          </fieldset>    
  10.       </form>    
  11.    </body>    
  12. </html>    
Rare Tags Of HTML 5
Rare Tags Of HTML 5

<ins> and <del>

<ins> tag defines the text which is added to the documents and is represented with underline. <del> tag defines the text which is strikethrough. Use both these  tags together to update and modify the text.
This element includes Global Attributes like: cite and datetime.
  1. <html>    
  2.    <head><title>Rare Tags:<ins><del> </title></head>    
  3.    <body>    
  4.       <p>    
  5.          Dipa <del>likes</del> <ins>LOVES</ins> her new Tablet.    
  6.       </p>    
  7.    </body>    
  8. </html>   
Rare Tags Of HTML 5


When we are using <SELECT> tag, at that time, to put proper options to the selection box, <optgroup> tag is used in HTML5.
This element includes Global Attributes like: disable and label.
Tag omission is allowed. Opening tag is required but closing tag is optional.
  1. <html>    
  2.    <head>    
  3.       <title>Rare Tags:<optgroup> </title>    
  4.    </head>    
  5.    <body>    
  6.       <label for="communitysite">Community Site:</label>    
  7.       <select id="communitysite" name="communitysite"> <optgroup label="Saturday"></optgroup> <option value="insta">Instagram</option> <option value="fb">Facebook</option> <option value="pin">Pinterest</option> <optgroup label="Monday"></optgroup> <option value="csharpcorner">C-Sharp Corner</option> <option value="git">GitHub</option> </select>    
  8.    </body>    
  9. </html>    
Rare Tags Of HTML 5


In this article, we learned about some rarely used tags in HTML 5, like <abbr>, <acronym>, <address>, <cite>, <fieldset>, <ins><del>, <optgroup>. We will learn more tags in my next article.
  • https://www.w3schools.com/tags
  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element

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