Q&A Visualization In Power BI - Q&A Tooling - Review Questions, Train The Model By Setting A Term


Power BI recently rolled out a new visual in the October 2019 update which is the Q&A visualization in Power BI. Q&A visual is the first Natural Language Generation visualization.
We can ask questions to our data model and the visual shows us the best appropriate result based on our model.
In this article, we will talk about the Q&A Tool Settings in Power BI. Using these Q&A Settings options we can review the questions, teach a Q&A to our Power BI report model and manage the terms which we have taught to our Q&A model.
This is the third article of this Q&A series. If you have missed the first two parts of the series below are the links for the same.
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So, now let’s get started!
Below is the Power BI report which we have developed for our first two series.
Click on the setting gear to open the Q&A tool.
This Q&A tooling is in Preview at this moment.
This will open the following pop up with the three options.
  1. Review questions
  2. Teach Q&A
  3. Manage Terms
Now, let’s talk about all of these features in-depth.
Review Questions
  • We have published the Power BI report online and shared the report with the users.
  • Users interact with the visualization and asked some questions to the model
  • When we click on Review Questions, first it will show all the published data sources for your user.

  • I have access to the datasets showing in the reports. So, it will show me all the following data sources.
  • Click on your report’s dataset. We will click on QnA visualization data source.

  • It will show you all the possible questions which were asked by the end users with the Red and Blue line.
  • Using this option, we can understand the psychology of the end users and based on the red lines, we can define the term and teach our data model, so that it will show the result based on the natural terms.
Teach Q&A
  • This option is useful to teach Q&A to understand questions and terms people might use.
If I search for "Worst countries for the exports(2018, $m)" then the Power BI could not understand the term "Worst".

In a business term, the term "Worst" is defined as the countries that have exports less than "exports(2018,$m)<=500000".
So, here I need to define this worst term like the following screen. This will show us the Preview on the right hand side.
In the future, if needed we can’t edit the term that we have defined. But in the future maybe this option will be available.

Manage Terms

  • “Manage Terms” section shows us all the terms that we have defined in "Teach Q&A" section.

  • We can review all the defined terms from this section. We can delete the Terms from here.
  • Once we click on the Delete button it will prompt a pop up.

  • Click on Delete. It will delete the term that we have defined.


This is how we can teach our Q&A model, manage terms and review questions using the Q&A tooling option.
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