Decision-making is the most important topic of all programming languages. It allows us to run a particular block of code for a particular decision. Python has a particular condition in the decision-making process. Condition checking is the backbone of a python project. Now, we discuss this topic very briefly. Now, I will teach you various examples and different methods of Decision-making.
Let's start,
The below diagram clearly understanding Control Structures or Decision-making processes. Now we will see the branching Statements types.
![Python - Branching Statements]()
if condition
- This statement is used to test the condition only.
![Python - Branching Statements]()
Flow Chart
![Python - Branching Statements]()
A simple method of if statement
a=int(input("enter a number : "))
if a>0:
print('postive values')
enter a number : 2
postive values
num=int(input("enter the number : "))
if (num>=0):
print('whole number')
enter the number : 5
whole number
x=int(input("enter your age : "))
if (x>=18):
print("you are eligible for voting")
enter your age : 21
you are eligible for voting
If statement using logical operators (and, or),
a = 200
b = 33
c = 500
if a > b and c > a: #AND
print("Both conditions are True")
if a > b or a > c: #OR
print("At least one of the conditions is True")
Both conditions are True
At least one of the conditions is True
If else condition,
- This statement is used to test the condition.
- When the condition is true, then a true statement is executed.
- When the condition is false, then a false statement is executed.
![Python - Branching Statements]()
Flow Chart
![Python - Branching Statements]()
Simple if-else statements
num=int(input("enter the age : "))
if (num>18):
print('you can vote')
print('you are not eligible')
#1st run
enter the age 25
you can vote
#2nd run
enter the age 12
you are not eligible
The direct condition using if-else
a= int(input("Enter Id no :"))
if ( a==101) :
print("Id is correct, please come")
print("Good bye!")
1st Run:
Enter Id no :101
Id is correct, please come
2nd Run:
Enter Id no.:206
Good bye!
String Matching using if statement
word1 = input("Enter any Word : ")
word2 = input("Enter another Word : ")
if sorted(word1) == sorted(word2):
print("Both are same")
print("NOT same words")
1st Run
Enter any Word : hello
Enter another Word : hi
NOT same words
2nd Run
Enter any Word : magic
Enter another Word : magic
Both are same
Three marks comparison using logical operator (AND)
mark1 = int(input("\nEnter First mark : "))
mark2 = int(input("Enter Second mark : "))
mark3 = int(input("Enter Third mark : "))
if (mark1 == mark2) and (mark2 == mark3):
print("All marks are same")
print("NOT all Three are same")
1st Run
Enter First mark : 56
Enter Second mark : 68
Enter Third mark : 78
NOT all Three are same
2nd Run
Enter First mark : 75
Enter Second mark : 75
Enter Third mark : 75
All marks are same
Finding Odd or Even
a = int(input("Enter the number : "))
if (a%2 == 0):
print("The given number is EVEN")
print("The given number is ODD")
1st Run
Enter the number : 215634
The given number is EVEN
2nd Run
Enter the number : 54821
The given number is ODD
If elif else condition
- Three statement - if
- Checking another time - elif
- False - else
![Python - Branching Statements]()
Simple program using elif
age=int(input('enter the age is : '))
if age <= 5:
print("free ticket")
elif age <=18:
print("ticket Rs: 10")
elif age <=30:
print("ticket Rs: 20")
print("ticket Rs:30")
1st run:
enter the age is 5
free ticket
2nd run:
enter the age is 12
ticket Rs: 10
3rd run:
enter the age is 55
ticket Rs:30
if – elif - else using logical operator
age=int(input("Enter your age : "))
if age < 6:
print('Hello little one')
elif age >= 6 and age < 10:
print('Are you enjoying school?')
elif age >= 10 and age < 13:
print('You are a Tween now')
elif age >= 13 and age < 20:
print('Now you are officially a teenager')
print('Welcome to the real world')
1st Run:
Enter your age : 56
Welcome to the real world
2nd Run:
Enter your age : 5
Hello little one
3rd Run:
Enter your age : 10
You are a Tween now
Find the largest number using if-else statements
num1 = int(input("Enter first number: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter second number: "))
num3 = int(input("Enter third number: "))
if (num1 > num2) and (num1 > num3):
largest = num1
elif (num2 > num1) and (num2 > num3):
largest = num2
largest = num3
print("The largest number is", largest)
1st Run:
Enter 1st number: 7
Enter 2nd number: 68
Enter 3rd number: 48
The largest number is 68
2nd Run:
Enter 1st number: 99
Enter 2nd number: 47
Enter 3rd number: 83
The largest number is 99
we are discussing if - elif- else statements very clearly. The next topic is nested if-else statements.
Nested If statements
x = 12
if x > 10:
print("Above ten,")
if x > 20:
print("and also above 20!")
print("but not above 20")
Above ten,
but not above 20.
Eligibility for Aadhar Card - Nested if Statement
age = int(input("Enter your age : "))
if age > 5:
nationality = input("Enter your Nationality : ")
if nationality.upper() == 'INDIAN' :
print("You are eligible for Aadhar card")
print("Not for other nationalities")
print("Age criteria not met")
1st Run
Enter your age : 23
Enter your Nationality : INDIAN
You are eligible for Aadhar card
2nd Run
Enter your age : 4
Age criteria not met
3rd Run
Enter your age : 15
Enter your Nationality : GERMAN
Not for other nationalities
I think now, you clearly understand if-else (branching) statements. I gave many examples, if you have any doubt ask me anything. next session we will discuss looping statements.