Docker Container Registry
Docker Container registry is a place where all the docker images you have built will be pushed (copied remotely) so that you can pull them anytime or in any system to create containers.
Most used registry is where all the open-source images are available for local deployment or can be used in production.
To pull images from below cmd line is used.
docker pull postgres
This is an example to pull Postgres latest image when default registry in local machine is The official image is available here -
Azure Container Registry
Azure Container Registry also is the same as but is provided by azure cloud. It has several features above the simple registry
The Azure Container registry can be private and can be used by only one team or users who have access. So, users with access can push and pull images.
It provides geo-replication so that images pushed in one datacenter in one region gets replicated in all the connected configured datacenters and gets deployed simultaneously to Kubernetes clusters in respective locations.
More can be read in the docs here -
Also images can be built as part of CI CD pipeline in Azure Pipelines and pushed to Azure Container registry, more read here -
The purpose of this article is to provide steps to create a Private Azure container registry and provide commands to push and pull images from newly created registry.
Steps to create registry
Step 1
Login to
Step 2
Search for Azure Container registry and click create as below,
Step 3
Select a name for registry. This name cannot be changed later, so choose wisely
Step 4
Pricing varies with Basic, Standard and Premium.
![Push Pull Docker Image with Azure Container Registry]()
For testing, I will select basic
The registry will be available on public internet for basic tier. And encryption will be disabled.
The summary is as shown below.
After the resource is created copy the access keys in the below tab.
![Push Pull Docker Image with Azure Container Registry]()
I have masked the name and keys in above image as I took snapshot from already used registry.
These login server details, and password is required every time you push/pull image to registry
Push Image to Azure Container Registry
- First step before push or pull is to login.
- Next is to build and tag the image with registry prefix
docker build . -f Dockerfile -t
- Final step is to push the above image
docker push
Pull Image to Azure Container Registry
- Login to registry
- Pull the image with registry name prefix
docker pull
Now you can use the local copy of the image to create containers.
Note: To pull image directly onto docker-compose, kubernetes yml files, use appropriate logins. Usually in these scenarios, docker login is the first step before docker-compose up is called, so that images get pulled successfully
In this article, we have learned how to create Basic Azure Container registry which can be used by logged-in users and push and pull team built images, which inturn can be deployed to geo-replicated Kubernetes clusters.