In this article, we are going to learn how to publish an Android Application, using Visual Studio.
Here are the steps to publish an Android app, using Visual Studio 2015.
Step 1
Open the Application in Visual Studio 2015 and set the build mode to Release.
Step 2
Now, go to Tools - Android - Publish Android app.
Step 3
To Publish an Android app, it requires a Keystore file, which is created only once, and later it will be reused to publish the Application on the Play Store or anywhere. Here, you can also specify the location of the Keystore file. Keystore file contains information about the Application. For the details, refer to the screenshots given below.
Keystore file is only created once and later it can be used to publish the app by using 'Use Existing Keystore'.
Step 4
Now, press Next button and create the key for the Application, as shown in the screenshot given below.
Step 5
Now, set the target path to store the .apk file. Here, you can also specify the Application name. By clicking Create button, the aligned apk file and this apk file is used to deploy on Play Store or distribute the apk file to the clients or the users.