Promoted links webpart is a new list webpart and a way of adding items. This webpart is almost the same as custom list webpart; only the look and feel are different. This webpart provides a tile view of items, like documents, lists and libraries, items, and pages.
Let’s go create and configure Promoted Links webpart.
Navigate to SharePoint site.
Click Site Action -> Add an app.
Click to create promoted links. Provide the title (Shortcuts) and clcik "Create".
On the first look, you get the following message -
“The list is empty. Add tiles from the All Promoted Links view".
This means that there is no link found to view the content in a tile. So, click on the "Add tiles from the promoted links view" to add the items.
Click on "New Item".
- Title - It displays the title information of the link for display purposes.
- Background Images - It displays the background images in the tile. For each item, the images are different. It looks cool when you apply.
- Description - It displays the detailed information of the link.
- Link Location - It helps to navigate to the link; may it be documents libraries, lists pages etc..
- Launch Behavior - There three categories -
- Page Navigation – It opens the links on same page.
- Dialog – It opens a link inside a page dialog.
- New tab – It opens a link in separate tab.
- Order - It maintains the order of the tiles view, like - 1,2,3,4...
I have just added some files into the document library for viewing.
Under “Csharpcorner”, I have two folders. Each folder contains some documents.
Now, add a promoted link to this “Csharpcorner folder”.
Now, provide all the information, set launch behavior as “dialog”, and click "Save".
So now, tile has been created successfully.
Click on the tiles to view documents.
Now, I am going to add more promoted links into this webpart to make its look and feel more awesome.
Now, just swap the order of 4 to 1, changing the order between csharpcorner and office 365.
This webpart looks cool, even without writing of any code or usage of third party plug-ins. Try this OOTB webpart on your own. I am sure, it will help you in branding some product or service, and will help satisfy some customer's needs.
Happy SharePointing!...