Prevent Function Call Repetition in ReactJS for Efficient Development

In React, as well as in the DOM event model, events can be handled in two phases: the capture phase and the bubble phase.

Capture Phase

The capture phase is the first phase in the event propagation process. During this phase, the event travels from the root of the document down to the target element. Event listeners registered for the capture phase can intercept the event before it reaches its target.

Bubble Phase

The bubble phase is the second phase, where the event travels from the target element back up to the root of the document. Event listeners registered for the bubble phase can handle the event as it bubbles up.

Registering Event Listeners for the Capture Phase in React

In React, you can specify whether an event listener should be invoked during the capture phase by adding the Capture suffix to the event handler prop. For example, onClickCapture is the capture phase counterpart to the onClick event.


Here is an example demonstrating the difference between capture and bubble phase event handling in React:

import React from 'react';

function App() {
  const handleButtonClickCapture = (event) => {
    console.log('Button clicked - Capture phase');

  const handleButtonClickBubble = (event) => {
    console.log('Button clicked - Bubble phase');

  const handleDivClickCapture = (event) => {
    console.log('Div clicked - Capture phase');

  const handleDivClickBubble = (event) => {
    console.log('Div clicked - Bubble phase');

  return (
    <div onClickCapture={handleDivClickCapture} onClick={handleDivClickBubble} style={{ padding: '50px', border: '1px solid black' }}>
      <button onClickCapture={handleButtonClickCapture} onClick={handleButtonClickBubble}>
        Click Me

export default App;


  1. Div Event Listeners

    • onClickCapture={handleDivClickCapture}: This event listener will be invoked during the capture phase when any click event happens within the <div>.
    • onClick={handleDivClickBubble}: This event listener will be invoked during the bubble phase when any click event happens within the <div>.
  2. Button Event Listeners

    • onClickCapture={handleButtonClickCapture}: This event listener will be invoked during the capture phase when the button is clicked.
    • onClick={handleButtonClickBubble}: This event listener will be invoked during the bubble phase when the button is clicked.

Event Propagation Order

When you click the button, the order of logs will be:

  1. Div Capture: Div clicked - Capture phase
  2. Button Capture: Button clicked - Capture phase
  3. Button Bubble: Button clicked - Bubble phase
  4. Div Bubble: Div clicked - Bubble phase

This sequence demonstrates that the capture phase handlers are invoked first, starting from the outermost element down to the target element. Then, the bubble phase handlers are invoked starting from the target element back up to the outermost element.

Practical Use Cases

  • Capture Phase: Useful when you need to intercept events before they reach their target. For example, if you want to prevent certain actions or add logging/debugging at an early stage.
  • Bubble Phase: Commonly used for general event handling. It allows you to handle events in a more straightforward manner after the event has reached its target and started to bubble up.


Understanding capture phase events in React allows you to intercept events earlier in the propagation process, providing greater control over event handling. This can be particularly useful for tasks such as validation, logging, and preventing unwanted actions before they propagate further. By specifying event handlers for both phases, you can ensure precise and comprehensive event management in your React applications.

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