Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online


In this article, we will explore how to create a flow with Power Automate to break inheritance permissions on list item-level SharePoint Lists and add roles (new permissions).

For that, we are going to use the REST API of SharePoint.

Power Automate has been enhanced and you might find an action directly to accomplish this task. There's no other solution at the time, however, than using the SharePoint REST API.

We can also check one by one:

  1. Break inheritance on list item-level List
  2. Add list item-level roles(new permissions)

Break inheritance on list item-level List

We are going to define custom permissions for list item level, and we are going to have to break the inheritance role. This will not change permissions but will simply change the current users into 'specified' permissions instead of 'inherited.'

We will see step by step how to implement it with Power Automate. 

http://[SHAREPOINT_SITE_URL]/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('[LIST_TITLE]')/breakroleinheritance(copyRoleAssignments=true, clearSubscopes=true)

As you can see, in the URL I have "copyRoleAssignments = true," if set to true, this means it copies the parent's roles / permissions, if set to false, it does not copy the parent's roles / permissions.

Add list item-level roles (new permissions)

The permissions had to be removed and set in such a way that only a particular Group or user such as Created by or Modified by would have access to them for review and administration purposes. In other words: We had to break the inheritance of the default permission and set up unique permissions at item-level list.

Then following REST API to Add list item level roles/ permission


The step by step Flow action to build

We have created an Employee information list for adding new candidate's information and submitted it to HR Approval Group For approval. After submitting, the submitter candidate assigns read-only permission to his created record and HR Approves groups assigned with contribute permission. 

Step 1

Go here and log in with your Office 365 account.

We start with a blank canvas and build the Flow ourselves. Therefore, click the +New button and select “Automated – from blank, follow the numerical points, as shown in the below screenshot,

Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online

Provide a name and choose which Flow will trigger (or start). In our case this will be “When an item is created or modified” then click the Create button. Follow the numerical points, as shown in the below screenshot,

Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online

Enter the site address (URL) and select the list on which you want this Flow to run,

Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online

Step 2

Click Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online the button below this first step to add a new action in the Search box by typing “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint” in the search bar and find the following action:  “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint. This action will break the permissions inheritance of the list item and remove all permissions from it.

Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online

Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online

Configure the action parameter as follows,

Site Address: the site URL.
Method: select “POST”.
Uri: _api/lists/getByTitle(Employee information ')/items(['ID'])/breakroleinheritance(copyRoleAssignments=false, clearSubscopes=true)

This request contextualizes the SharePoint REST API and focuses on dynamic list item ID.

Step 3

We want to assign permissions to a specific group of people and Created by, so they can access the item. We need the Created by user's principal id. Add another “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint” action.

Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online

We have already created the HR Approved SharePoint group with the right people in it. Now we will grant that group access and assign it a permission level.

To do so, add another “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint” action. This part looks at the site groups and retrieves the group you specify,

Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online

Step 4

Here we are going to give Created by user read permissions and HR Approved Members group the Contribute permissions on my list item. To do so, add another “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint” action.

Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online

Power Automate - Break Inheritance And Set List Item-Level Permissions In SharePoint Online

To assign item level permission we need to have the role definition ids. Here are a few out of the box ids below.

Role Definition Name Role Definition Id
Full Control 1073741829
Design 1073741828
Edit 1073741830
Contribute 1073741827
Read 1073741826
View Only 1073741924
Limited Access 1073741825


Before breaking inheritance and setting list item-level permissions,

After breaking inheritance and setting list item-level permissions,



  • It is considered a best practice to give a clear descriptive name in the action header in order to improve readability and administration of the Flow. You can customize this by clicking on the right side of the header on the three horizontal dots (ellipsis) and then selecting "Rename."
  • This is very important to note because if you add permissions, it will add permissions, but it will not replace other permissions

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