In this article, we will see how we can read excel file using PowerShell and add that data to SharePoint List
Input excel file will be stored on local drive.
Excel File
There will be two parameters
- StartingIndex - It will be starting row number. (It cannot be 1, since first row is column title)
- Range - How many rows you want to add.
PNP Powershell Code
param(# Starting Index and range[Parameter(Mandatory)]
[int] $StartingIndex,
[int] $Range)
$filePath = "C:\ashish\temp\test.xlsx"
# Create an Object Excel.Application using Com interface
$excelObj = New - Object - ComObject Excel.Application
# Disable the 'visible'
property so the document won 't open in excel
$excelObj.Visible = $false
#open WorkBook
$workBook = $excelObj.Workbooks.Open($filePath)
$SiteURL = "Your Site Url"
$ListName = "TestList"
$UserName = "UserName"
$Password = "Password"
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo - SecureString - String $Password - AsPlainText - Force
$Cred = New - Object - TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential - argumentlist $UserName, $SecurePassword
#connect to sharepoint online site using powershell
Connect - PnPOnline - Url $SiteURL - Credentials $Cred
#Select worksheet using Index
$workSheet = $workBook.sheets.Item(1)
#Select the range of rows should read
for ($i = $StartingIndex; $i - le $Range; $i++) {
try {
$Title = $workSheet.Columns.Item(2).Rows.Item($i).Text
$Name = $workSheet.Columns.Item(3).Rows.Item($i).Text
$Age = $workSheet.Columns.Item(4).Rows.Item($i).Text
#Add List Item - Internal Names of the columns: Value
Add - PnPListItem - List $ListName - Values @ {
"Title" = $Title;
"Name" = $Name;
"Age" = $Age
} catch {
Write - Host "Error occured" - BackgroundColor DarkRed
Save this code in a file with .ps1 extension and run it
![PNP PowerShell - Read Excel file and add bulk data into SharePoint List]()
Starting Index - 2 ( skip the first row since it is column title)
Range - 5 ( add till the fifth row)
Final output
![PNP PowerShell - Read Excel file and add bulk data into SharePoint List]()