Oracle Database Server To SQL Server Migration


Welcome! In this article, we are going to learn how to migrate Oracle Database to Microsoft SQL Database. Let’s go through this from scratch.
  • Download SSMA for Oracle Setup exe
  • Download Oracle extension for SSMA
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle Database
Let start the installation of SSMA and Oracle Extension,
Step 1 - Installation of SSMA
Run the downloaded exe file - Click Next
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Read and accept the license agreement and click Next
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Click Complete.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Click Install to start Installation.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
You can see the status of the installation.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
After installation is complete click Finish to exit the setup
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Step 2 - Installation of Oracle Extension for SSMA
Run the Download of Oracle Extension for SSMA
Click - Next
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Read and accept the license agreement and click Next
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Click Complete and choose next.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Click Install to start Installation.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
After completion of the first step click Next to go to the second step of installation.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
If you are an Admin user, it will not ask you to enter the password, otherwise click yes
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Click Local instance, because my target MSSQL server is running in the local machine
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Select target database instance and click Next
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Give the credentials of MSSQL server and click Next
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Enter Password and click Next
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Select install utilities and click Next
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
You can see the below warning.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Click No and finish the installation.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 

Oracle to MS SQL Migration Steps

Step 1
Creating target database using MSQL server Management Studio
Right click on Databases - Click New Database.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Give database name and select the owner.
Owner must have full permission to migrate.
Give Database name and click OK
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
You can see the database (Migrate) has been created successfully.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Step 2
Open SSMA and create a Project
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Click File - Select New Project to create a new project for migration.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Type Name for Migration - select target SQL Server - click OK
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Step 3
Connect Oracle source database
After project creation - Click Connect to Oracle
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Give the details and click connect
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Select the required database or schema of the source oracle server and click OK
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
You can see all schema.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Step 4
Connect Target SQL Database
Next, we need to connect target database
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Give the required target SQL Server details
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
You can see the SQL server databases.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Step 5
Create a report for analyzing the migration process.
In the next step, click create report.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
After clicking create report you can see the output section, it was processing.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
After the process completes, you can see the report.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
You can see the output:
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Step 6
Convert Oracle schema to MS SQL Database which we created. (Select schema in oracle and select SQL server database.
Next step right click - schema which you want convert - Click Convert Schema.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Step 7
Synchronize converted data with Oracle database
After Conversion - Right Click the targeted database and - click synchronize with database.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Now you can see in the below image, you can check all datatypes, tables of the source and click OK to synchronize.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
You can see the output of synchronization operation has been completed.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
Step 9
Migrate data from oracle to SQL server
Right click the source schema and click Migrate data.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
It will ask the user name/password to start the migration.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
After completion you can save the report for further comparison and changing some datatypes formats.
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
You can see that all tables are migrated successfully!!
Oracle Database Server To Microsoft SQL Database Server Migration 
I hope this article has been helpful in your tech advancement.
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Thank you for reading this article. Have a nice day.

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