Oracle Data Provider for .NET : Part I


Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) is an implementation of a data provider for the Oracle database.

ODP.NET uses Oracle native APIs to offer fast and reliable access to Oracle data and features from any .NET application.

For programmers using Oracle Provider for OLE DB, ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) provides an automation layer that exposes an easy programming model. ADO.NET provides a similar programming model, but without the automation layer, for better performance. More importantly, the ADO.NET model allows native providers such as ODP.NET to expose Oracle-specific features and datatypes.

ODP.NET Assembly

Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly provides two namespaces

  • The Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace contains ODP.NET classes and enumerations.
  • The Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace contains the Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types (ODP.NET Types).

Oracle.DataAccess.Client Classes and Enumerations

This namespace is the Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET).

Table 1.1 Oracle.DataAccess.Client Classes

Class  Description
OracleCommand An OracleCommand object represents a SQL command, a stored procedure, or a table name.
OracleCommandBuilder   An OracleCommandBuilder object provides automatic SQL generation for the OracleDataAdapter when updates are made to the database.
OracleConnection   An OracleConnection object represents a connection to an Oracle database.
OracleDataAdapter  An OracleDataAdapter object represents a data provider object that communicates with the DataSet.
OracleDataReader  An OracleDataReader object represents a forward-only, read-only, in-memory result set.
OracleError  The OracleError object represents an error reported by an Oracle database.
OracleErrorCollection  An OracleErrorCollection object represents a collection of OracleErrors.
OracleException  The OracleException object represents an exception that is thrown when Oracle Data Provider for .NET encounters an error.
OracleFailoverEventArgs The OracleFailoverEventArgs object provides event data for the OracleConnection.Failover event.
OracleFailoverEventHandler delegate  The OracleFailoverEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleConnection.Failover event
OracleGlobalization The OracleGlobalization class is used to obtain and set the Oracle globalization settings of the session, thread, and local computer (read-only).
OracleInfoMessageEventHandler delegate The OracleInfoMessageEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleConnection.InfoMessage event.
OracleInfoMessageEventArgs The OracleInfoMessageEventArgs object provides event data for the OracleConnection.InfoMessage event.
OracleParameter An OracleParameter object represents a parameter for an OracleCommand.
OracleParameterCollection An OracleParameterCollection object represents a collection of OracleParameters.
OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs The OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs object provides event data for the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdated event.
OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler The OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdated event.
OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs The OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs object provides event data for the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdating event.
OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler The OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler delegate represents the signature of the method that handles the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdating event.
OracleTransaction An OracleTransaction object represents a local transaction.
OracleXmlQueryProperties An OracleXmlQueryProperties object represents the XML properties used by the OracleCommand class when the XmlCommandType property is Query.
OracleXmlSaveProperties An OracleXmlSaveProperties object represents the XML properties used by the OracleCommand class when the XmlCommandType property is Insert, Update, or Delete.

Table 1.2 Oracle.DataAccess.Client Enumerations

Enumeration Description
FailoverEvent FailoverEvent enumerated values are used to explicitly specify the state of the failover.
FailoverReturnCode FailoverReturnCode enumerated values are passed back by the application to the ODP.NET provider to request a retry in case of a failover error or to continue in case of a successful failover.
FailoverType FailoverType enumerated values are used to indicate the type of failover event that was raised.
OracleDbType OracleDbType enumerated values are used to explicitly specify the OracleDbType of an OracleParameter.
OracleParameterStatus The OracleParameterStatus enumeration type indicates whether a NULL value is fetched from a column, whether truncation has occurred during the fetch, or whether a NULL value is to be inserted into a database column.
OracleXmlCommandType The OracleXmlCommandType enumeration specifies the values that are allowed for the OracleXmlCommandType property of the OracleCommand class.

Oracle.DataAccess.Types Classes and Structures

The Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace provides classes and structures for Oracle native types that can be used with Oracle Data Provider for .NET.

Table 1.3 Oracle.DataAccess.Types Structures

Structure Description
OracleBinary The OracleBinary structure represents a variable-length stream of binary data.
OracleDate The OracleDate structure represents the Oracle DATE datatype.
OracleDecimal The OracleDecimal structure represents an Oracle NUMBER in the database or any Oracle numeric value.
OracleIntervalDS The OracleIntervalDS structure represents the Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND datatype.
OracleIntervalYM The OracleIntervalYM structure represents the Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH datatype.
OracleString The OracleString structure represents a variable-length stream of characters.
OracleTimeStamp The OracleTimeStamp structure represents the Oracle TimeStamp datatype.
OracleTimeStampLTZ The OracleTimeStampLTZ structure represents the Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type.
OracleTimeStampTZ The OracleTimeStampTZ structure represents the Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type.

Type Exceptions are thrown only by ODP.NET type structures.

Table 1.4 Oracle.DataAccess.Types Exceptions

Exception Description
OracleTypeException The OracleTypeException object is the base exception class for handling exceptions that occur in the ODP.NET Type classes.
OracleNullValueException The OracleNullValueException represents an exception that is thrown when trying to access an ODP.NET Type structure that is null.
OracleTruncateException The OracleTruncateException class represents an exception that is thrown when truncation in an ODP.NET Type class occurs.

Table 1.5 Oracle.DataAccess.Types Classes

Class Description
OracleBFile An OracleBFile is an object that has a reference to BFILE data. It provides methods for performing operations on BFiles.
OracleBlob An OracleBlob object is an object that has a reference to BLOB data. It provides methods for performing operations on BLOBs.
OracleClob An OracleClob is an object that has a reference to CLOB data. It provides methods for performing operations on CLOBs.
OracleRefCursor An OracleRefCursor object represents an Oracle REF CURSOR.
OracleXmlStream An OracleXmlStream object represents a sequential read-only stream of XML data stored in an OracleXmlType object.
OracleXmlType An OracleXmlType object represents an Oracle XmlType instance.

Using ODP.NET in a Simple Application

The following is a very simple C# application that connects to an Oracle database and displays its version number before disconnecting.

using System;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;

class Example
    OracleConnection con;

    void Connect()
        con = new OracleConnection();
        con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle";
        Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle " + con.ServerVersion);

    void Close()

    static void Main()
        Example example = new Example();


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