Office 365 - Get List Of All Hub Sites Along With Associated Sites Collection In A Tenant


We want to get a list of all Hub Sites along with their associated sites in tenant using PowerShell. I used the SPO PowerShell but when we loop through all sites collections and get the HubSiteID, it always throws “0000-00-00000-0000” GUID.


I tried to get the list using the PNP as well as SPO powerShell but no luck. All I found  was that the Get-SPOSite or Get-PNPsite was not loading all the properties so I contacted the SPO team and they confirmed it is by design. They did this due to performance issues.


So after getting the answer from them, I was able to successfully write the code for both PNP and SPO to get the list of the all Hub Sites along with their associated sites.
You need minimum SharePoint Tenant Administrator permission to run the below code.

SPO PowerShell

The below script is using the SharePoint Online PowerShell, you need to SharePoint Tenant Admin rights as mentioned before. The script is very simple,  first  it connects to the SharePoint tenant then gets all sites from the tenant along with the Hub sites. Finally it will itereate throug all the sites and check the HubSite ID and if it matches, it will  then save it inside a array. At the end this script will create a CSV file with hubsite name along with all associated sites.
  1. #connect to Tenant admin  
  2. Connect - SPOService https: //  
  3.     #get all hubsites in the Tenant  
  4. $sites = Get - SPOSite - Limit All  
  5. #get all sites in tenant using the SPOPowershell  
  6. $hubsites = Get - SPOHubSite  
  7. #output array  
  8. $HubSiteassociate = @()  
  9. #file location where CSV will be stored  
  10. $fileLocation = "C:\temp\testscript\HubSiteAssociationReport.csv"  
  11. #iterating  
  12. throw all HubSites  
  13. foreach($h in $hubsites) {  
  14.     $hubid = $h.SiteId  
  15.     #iterating  
  16.     throw all Sites collection  
  17.     foreach($site in $sites) {  
  18.         #pulling the information  
  19.         for indviual site collection  
  20.         $sit = Get - SPOSite $site.url  
  21.         #checking  
  22.         if the Hubsite ID match with Site collection 's HubSite id  
  23.         if ($hubid - eq $sit.HubSiteId) {  
  24.             $HubSite = New - Object PSObject  
  25.             $HubSite | Add - Member - MemberType NoteProperty - name "HUbSite Name" - value $h.Title  
  26.             $HubSite | Add - Member - MemberType NoteProperty - Name "Hub Site URL" - value $h.SiteUrl  
  27.             $HubSite | Add - Member - MemberType NoteProperty - Name "Assoicated Site Url" - value $sit.url  
  28.             $HubSite | Add - Member - MemberType NoteProperty - Name "is it Root Hub Site" - value $sit.IsHubSite  
  29.             $HubSiteassociate += $hubsite  
  30.         }  
  31.     }  
  32. }  
  33. #output the restults  
  34. $HubSiteassociate | Export - Csv $fileLocation - NoTypeInformation  
  35. #disposing  
  36. Disconnect - SPOService  

SharePoint PNP PowerShell

This script is the same as above but the only difference is instead of Sharepoint Online Powershell I used PNP powershell. Apart from that everything is the same, you need SharePoint tenant admin rights and the latest version of PNP powershell for SharePoint Online installed on you machine. 
  1. #connect to Tenant admin  
  2. Connect - PnPOnline - Url https: // -UseWebLogin  
  3.     #get all hubsites in the Tenant  
  4. $hubsites = Get - PnPHubSite  
  5. #get all sites in tenant using the PNPPowershell  
  6. $sites = Get - PnPTenantSite - Detailed  
  7. #output array  
  8. $HubSiteassociate = @()  
  9. #file location where CSV will be stored  
  10. $fileLocation = "C:\temp\testscript\PnpHuBsiteReport.csv"  
  11. #iterating  
  12. throw all HubSites  
  13. foreach($hub in $hubsites) {  
  14.     $hubid = $hub.SiteId  
  15.     #iterating  
  16.     throw all Sites collection  
  17.     foreach($site in $sites) {  
  18.         #pulling the information  
  19.         for indviual site collection  
  20.         $sit = Get - PnPTenantSite $site.url - Detailed  
  21.         #checking  
  22.         if the Hubsite ID match with Site collection 's HubSite id  
  23.         if ($hubid - eq $sit.HubSiteId) {  
  24.             $HubSite = New - Object PSObject  
  25.             $HubSite | Add - Member - MemberType NoteProperty - name "HUbSite Name" - value $hub.Title  
  26.             $HubSite | Add - Member - MemberType NoteProperty - Name "Hub Site URL" - value $hub.SiteUrl  
  27.             $HubSite | Add - Member - MemberType NoteProperty - Name "Assoicated Site Url" - value $sit.url  
  28.             $HubSite | Add - Member - MemberType NoteProperty - Name "is it Root Hub Site" - value $sit.IsHubSite  
  29.             $HubSiteassociate += $hubsite  
  30.         }  
  31.     }  
  32. }  
  33. #output the restults  
  34. $HubSiteassociate | Export - Csv $fileLocation - NoTypeInformation  
  35. #disposing  
  36. Disconnect - PnPOnline  


You can save the above script in a PS1 file and run in the powershell console and it will create the csv file on the location mentioned. The above script is very handy when you have many hub sites in your orgnizations and you don't have a report on it. This script also solves the problem of gettting the properties of all the site collections in a tenant. It is a time consuming script but very helpful, you can use it to get any property of all site collections.
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