.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA) - Part Two

In today’s article, we are going to create entity class. In the first part, we created a data layer so add entity files into “App.Domain” project. From the previous article we already have an existing solution with two C# libraries for data and service layer.
Let’s take the below example, our database structure (PFA Excel file) for application.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
And additionally, we have BaseEntity which will be inherited in other Entities
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Before going further, create a sequence “Excel Sequence” in the same project which we have created in a previous article. Then invoke this sequence in the main sequence like,
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Below are the arguments required for a new sequence; the first 3 are required inside as we will be using those values and there is our argument which will be useful at the end of the process.
in_ExcelFileName is the excel file name that contains our database models.
in_ProjectLocationPath the location on system which we have mentioned in a previous article.
in_ProjectName name of project which we have mentioned in previous article.
out _DbContextString this string will contain all the required content of our DbContext
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Now open “Excel Sequence” and add “Create Directory” activity three times;  one for each Entities, Interface, Service. Then assign value to Path in property like,
  • in_ProjectLocationPath+ "\" +in_ProjectName+".Domain\Entities"
  • in_ProjectLocationPath+"\" +in_ProjectName+".Services\Interface"
  • in_ProjectLocationPath+"\" +in_ProjectName+".Services\Service"
where values are coming from an argument.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Step 1
To read excel we must use Excel Application Scope activity and use “in_ExcelFileName” argument as input. We can read all sheets one by one or if you want to read only a specific one then we have to provide its name.
To use this activity we need Microsoft Excel to be installed on our machine.
If it is not installed you will get an error.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Using “Assign” activity, get the result of “Excel.GetSheets” into variable “sheetNames” of IEnumerable type.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Step 2
Apply “For Each” activity on “sheetNames”, just like below image. Regarding actions in “Body”, will explain in next steps.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Step 3
Now in “sheet” we get the first Entity which is “BaseEntity”, and then we must read all data of this sheet using “Read Range” it will give output as data table.
If you use it like this then it will read complete sheet.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
And if you give it a range then it will read only those specific columns/rows.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
So if we read the below sheet with above range then it will ignore row number 5. 
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Step 4
We will create a .cs file for each sheet name including its different properties.
  • Firstly, we have read base entity sheet from Excel, using read range activity we get all data of that sheet in data table “dtSheet”.
  • Normally entity class structure in C# is like below,
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA) 
  • We have “entity.txt” file which contains above structure. Read file using “Read Range” activity and assign this text to one variable “classString”.
Step 5
Now add activity and check if  the Excel sheet which we are currently getting used is “BaseEntity” or not.
If yes then assign
  1. classString+"public class "+sheet.ToString & vbNewLine & "{"  
  1. classString+"public class "+sheet.ToString +": BaseEntity" & vbNewLine & "{"  
As we need to inherit base entity in other entities so this condition was required.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Now add for each row activity, and assign row to variable “dtRow” of data row type.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
As we must give reference of one entity to another, for that we have “Reference” column in excel.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
To read this column value only when value exists, so to achieve this we need if condition. Pseudo code is,
  1. If row.ItemArray.Count()<2  
  2. then  
  3. classString & vbNewLine & "public "+ row.ItemArray(0).ToString+ " " +row.ItemArray(1).ToString+"{ get; set; }"  
  4. else  
  5. if row.ItemArray(2).ToString.Equals("")  
  6. then  
  7. classString & vbNewLine & "public "+ row.ItemArray(0).ToString+ " " +row.ItemArray(1).ToString+"{ get; set; }"  
  8. else  
  9. foreginKey = Chr(34).ToString+row.ItemArray(1).ToString +Chr(34).ToString  
  10. classString & vbNewLine & "public "+ row.ItemArray(0).ToString+ " " +row.ItemArray(1).ToString+"{ get; set; }" & vbNewLine &  
  11. "[ForeignKey("+foreginKey+")]" & vbNewLine & "public "+row.ItemArray(2).ToString+ " "+row.ItemArray(2).ToString+  
  12. "{ get; set; }"  
Our if activity will look like,
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Then outside of for each row assign “}” to the existing “classString” which now contains properties of an entity.
  1. classString & vbNewLine & "}" & vbNewLine & "}"  
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Step 6
As the out class content is ready now we will save it as .cs file using Append activity.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
  1. in_ProjectLocationPath+"\"+in_ProjectName+".Domain\Entities\"+sheet.ToString+".cs"  
This expression will give this value “F:\Nakul\UiPath\2019\DotNetCoreUiPath\ App.Domain\Entities\BaseEntity.cs” and it will be like
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
And AppUser will be stored like,
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Likewise other entities will be created.
Step 7
Now we need to create interface with CRUD methods for each entity. (Except BaseEntity).
As we have txt file “interface.txt” which contains normal structure of interface as we saw for entity.
We will read that using Read File, which gives output as string.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
And then using Append File we will stored .cs file under services project under Interface folder,
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
We will be replacing namespace, ENTITY, entity using
  1. txtInterface.Replace("namespace","namespace "+in_ProjectName+".Services.Interface").Replace("interface","interface I"+sheet.ToString+"Service").Replace("ENTITY",sheet.ToString).Replace("entity",sheet.ToString.ToLower)  
After this step Interface will look like,
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Do the same thing for service, read “service.txt” then replace namespace, ENTITY, entity. After this step Interface will look like,
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Need to create DbContext class, read text file (generic structure of DbContext) using read text file, this gives output as string in variable “txtDbContext”.
Inside for each row body assign “dbContextString” variable and set its value like this
  1. dbContextString & vbNewLine & "public virtual DbSet<" +sheet.ToString+ "> "+sheet.ToString +" { get; set; }"  
And assign it to out_DbContextString argument.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Now go back to Main sequence and use this out argument to stored DbContext file.
So just read DbContext respective txt file as we had it for entity, interface and service. Then append file in Domain project.
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Final output will be as follows,
.NET Core Web API Solution Using UiPath (RPA)
Now if we check in VS, the out solution has all these different entities and services added to it.
In our next step we will create, API controllers.
We have used excel application scope to read excel data sheets. Then using that data we have created entity classes for each entity. We learned how to read text files and replace their content. So, the output of this step is ready to use data and service layer.
This was a small step towards automation.

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