.NET Controllers or Minimal API’s ?

Controllers and minimal API

Both Controllers and Minimal APIs are ways to build web APIs in .NET, but they represent different approaches with distinct advantages and use cases.


  • Traditional Approach: Controllers are the cornerstone of ASP.NET MVC and Web API development. They are classes with methods (actions) that handle incoming requests and return responses.
  • Structure: Controllers typically follow a Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, providing a clear separation of concerns.


Controllers offer a wide range of features, including:

1. Action Filters: Attributes that modify the behavior of actions (e.g., authorization, caching).

Understanding Action Filters (C#)

The goal of this tutorial is to explain action filters. An action filter is an attribute that you can apply to learn.microsoft.com.

2. Model Binding: Automatic conversion of request data into .NET objects.

Model Binding in ASP.NET Core

Learn how model binding in ASP.NET Core works and how to customize its behavior: learn.microsoft.com

3. Dependency Injection: Seamless integration with the .NET dependency injection system.

4. Routing: Flexible routing options to define how requests are mapped to actions.


public class ProductsController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IProductService _productService;

    public ProductsController(IProductService productService)
        _productService = productService;

    public async Task<IActionResult> GetProduct(int id)
        var product = await _productService.GetProductByIdAsync(id);
        if (product == null)
            return NotFound();
        return Ok(product);

Minimal API’s

Minimal API is Microsoft’s attempt to respond to JavaScript's so-called “simple API”.

  • Modern Approach: Minimal APIs are a streamlined way to build lightweight and fast APIs with minimal boilerplate code.

Minimal APIs overview

An introduction to the fastest and easiest way to create web API endpoints with ASP.NET Core: learn.microsoft.com

  • Focus: Prioritizes simplicity, performance, and a leaner development experience.
  • Built on Top of: Leverage the underlying ASP.NET Core infrastructure but with a more concise syntax.

Key Features

  • Concise Syntax: Use lambda expressions to define endpoints directly.
  • Lightweight: Reduced overhead compared to traditional controllers.
  • Fast Startup: Faster application startup times.
  • Ideal for: Microservices, small APIs, and scenarios where performance and simplicity are paramount.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();

app.MapGet("/products/{id}", async (int id, IProductService productService) =>
    var product = await productService.GetProductByIdAsync(id);
    if (product == null)
        return Results.NotFound();
    return Results.Ok(product);


Choosing Between Controllers and Minimal APIs

Use Controllers when

  • You need a full-featured framework with extensive features.
  • You’re working on a larger application with complex logic.
  • You prefer a more structured and maintainable approach.

Use Minimal APIs when

  • You need to build lightweight and high-performance APIs.
  • You prioritize simplicity and conciseness.
  • You’re working on small, focused APIs or microservices.

Consider these factors when making your decision

  • Project size and complexity: Larger projects may benefit from the structure and features of controllers, while smaller projects might be better suited for the simplicity of Minimal APIs.
  • Performance requirements: If performance is critical, Minimal APIs can offer a slight edge.
  • Team preferences and experience: Choose the approach that your team is most comfortable with and has the necessary skills for.


  • Controllers are a robust and feature-rich option suitable for larger, more complex applications.
  • Minimal APIs are ideal for lightweight, high-performance APIs and microservices.

One is not better than the other.

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