.Net 8 Web API CRUD Operations

.Net 8 Web API CRUD Operations


Creating a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) API in .NET 8 with an In-memory collection is a common scenario in web development. In this article, We'll walk through building a complete .NET 8 Web API with a real-world use case.


Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code (with .NET 8 SDK installed).

What is an API?

  • API stands for Application Programming Interface.
  • It defines the rules that you must follow to communicate with other software systems.
  • Developers expose APIs so that other applications can communicate with their applications programmatically.

What is RESTful API?

  • RESTful API is an interface that two computer systems use to exchange information securely over the internet.
  • Most business applications have to communicate with other internal and third-party applications to perform various tasks.

CRUD Operations?

CRUD stands for "Create, Read, Update, and Delete,"

CRUD Operations

.Net 8 WEB API

Step 1. Open a visual studio and click on "Create a new project".

Create new project in Visual Studio

Step 2. Select the "ASP .NET Core Web API" template and click on the "Next" button.

Project name Web API

Step 3. Enter the "Project Name" & select the "Location" and click the "Next" button.

Configure project

Step 4

  • Select Framework 6.0 or greater. I am selecting .Net 8.0 (Long-Term Support)
  • "Configuration for HTTPS" should be checked - It will run our application in HTTPS protocol.
  • "Enable Open API Support" should be checked - It will configure Swagger for you.
  • "Use Controller" should be checked - It will help to create a controller-based API.
  • Click on "Next" to proceed.

Additional information

It will generate a web API scaffolding with a predefined WeatherForecastController API.

Generate API

Step 5. Let's delete the existing WeatherForecast Controller and add a new OurHeroController to this project.

  • Right-click on the Controller folder ( go to Open Solution Explorer and select Controller folder).
    Controller folder
  • Select API -> "API Controller - Empty" and click on the "Add" button.
  • Enter the Controller name and click on the Add button to generate a template for this.
    Add button

Step 6. Let's add the below folder to our solution.

  • Model
  • Services

Right-click on Solution -> Add -> New Forder

.NET 8 Web API

Like this

Services solution explorer

Step 7. Add OurHero Model in the model folder.

Select a Model folder and press Ctrl +Shift +A to generate a C# class.


Right-click on Model folder -> Add -> New Item -> Enter Class(Model Name like OurHero.cs) Name and press the Add button.

// OurHero.cs

namespace DotNet8WebAPI.Model
    public class OurHero
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public required string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public bool isActive { get; set; } = true;

AddUpdateOurHero.cs model is being used to add or update our hero list.

namespace DotNet8WebAPI.Model
    public class AddUpdateOurHero
        public required string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public bool isActive { get; set; } = true;

Step 8. Create Service files.

  • IOurHeroService: Interface
    • In this file, we are going to define ourHero business logic.
  • OurHeroService: Class,
    • we are going to implement IOurHeroService methods.
// IOurHeroService.cs

using DotNet8WebAPI.Model;

namespace DotNet8WebAPI.Services
    public interface IOurHeroService
        List<OurHero> GetAllHeros(bool? isActive);

        OurHero? GetHerosByID(int id);

        OurHero AddOurHero(AddUpdateOurHero obj);

        OurHero? UpdateOurHero(int id, AddUpdateOurHero obj);

        bool DeleteHerosByID(int id);
// OurHeroService.cs

using DotNet8WebAPI.Model;

namespace DotNet8WebAPI.Services
    public class OurHeroService : IOurHeroService
        private readonly List<OurHero> _ourHeroesList;
        public OurHeroService()
            _ourHeroesList = new List<OurHero>()
                new OurHero(){
                Id = 1,
                FirstName = "Test",
                LastName = "",
                isActive = true,

        public List<OurHero> GetAllHeros(bool? isActive)
            return isActive == null ? _ourHeroesList : _ourHeroesList.Where(hero => hero.isActive == isActive).ToList();

        public OurHero? GetHerosByID(int id)
            return _ourHeroesList.FirstOrDefault(hero => hero.Id == id);

        public OurHero AddOurHero(AddUpdateOurHero obj)
            var addHero = new OurHero()
                Id = _ourHeroesList.Max(hero => hero.Id) + 1,
                FirstName = obj.FirstName,
                LastName = obj.LastName,
                isActive = obj.isActive,


            return addHero;

        public OurHero? UpdateOurHero(int id, AddUpdateOurHero obj)
            var ourHeroIndex = _ourHeroesList.FindIndex(index => index.Id == id);
            if (ourHeroIndex > 0)
                var hero = _ourHeroesList[ourHeroIndex];

                hero.FirstName = obj.FirstName;
                hero.LastName = obj.LastName;
                hero.isActive = obj.isActive;

                _ourHeroesList[ourHeroIndex] = hero;

                return hero;
                return null;
        public bool DeleteHerosByID(int id)
            var ourHeroIndex = _ourHeroesList.FindIndex(index => index.Id == id);
            if (ourHeroIndex >= 0)
            return ourHeroIndex >= 0;

In the service file, we are using the in-memory collection to store all _ourHeroesList data.

private readonly List<OurHero> _ourHeroesList;
public OurHeroService()
    _ourHeroesList = new List<OurHero>()
        new OurHero(){
        Id = 1,
        FirstName = "Test",
        LastName = "",
        isActive = true,

Step 9. Register OurHeroService service in the Program.cs file as a Singleton.

//*********************** Add services to the container.***********************
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IOurHeroService, OurHeroService>();
//*********************** Add services to the container end.***********************

In .Net 8, we can register our service.

  •  AddSingleton: a single object present across the application
  • AddScoped: One request for one instance (if we are injecting the same service more than once, then it will share the same instance.)
  • AddTransient: always create a new instance (if we are injecting the same service more than once, then it will provide a new instance every-time.)
// Program.cs

using DotNet8WebAPI.Services;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

//*********************** Add services to the container.***********************
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IOurHeroService, OurHeroService>();
//*********************** Add services to the container end.***********************

// Learn more about configuring Swagger/OpenAPI at https://aka.ms/aspnetcore/swashbuckle

var app = builder.Build();

// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())





Step 10. Inject IOurHeroService in OurHeroController.

  • Open OurHeroController file
  • Add a Contractor 
  • inject IOurHeroService in the Contractor
// OurHeroController.cs
using DotNet8WebAPI.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace DotNet8WebAPI.Controllers
    public class OurHeroController : ControllerBase
        private readonly IOurHeroService _heroService;

        public OurHeroController(IOurHeroService heroService)
            _heroService = heroService;

Step 11. Add Get API in OurHeroController.

// OurHeroService.cs

public IActionResult Get([FromQuery] bool? isActive = null)
    return Ok(_heroService.GetAllHeros(isActive));

HttpGet. it makes this method a GET method 

  • IActionResult: It represents a return type to the action method.
  • [FromQuery]: indicate getting this value from API Query String 
  • _heroService.GetAllHeros(isActive): get all OurHero data from OurHeroService
  • Ok(object): sending data with 200 status codes.

Step 12. Add other action method 

  • Get ID - to fetch OurHero by ID
  • Post - Add new OurHero 
  • Put - Update OurHero
  • Delete- delete OurHero by ID
using DotNet8API.Model;
using DotNet8API.services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace DotNet8API.Controllers
    public class OurHeroController : ControllerBase
        private readonly IOurHeroService _heroService;

        public OurHeroController(IOurHeroService heroService)
            _heroService = heroService;

        public IActionResult Get([FromQuery] bool? isActive = null)
            return Ok(_heroService.GetAllHeros(isActive));

        public IActionResult Get(int id)
            var hero = _heroService.GetHerosByID(id);
            if (hero == null)
                return NotFound();
            return Ok(hero);

        public IActionResult Post(AddUpdateOurHero heroObject)
            var hero = _heroService.AddOurHero(heroObject);

            if (hero == null)
                return BadRequest();

            return Ok(new
                message = "Super Hero Created Successfully!!!",
                id = hero!.Id

        public IActionResult Put([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] AddUpdateOurHero heroObject)
            var hero = _heroService.UpdateOurHero(id, heroObject);
            if (hero == null)
                return NotFound();

            return Ok(new
                message = "Super Hero Updated Successfully!!!",
                id = hero!.Id

        public IActionResult Delete([FromRoute] int id)
            if (!_heroService.DeleteHerosByID(id))
                return NotFound();

            return Ok(new
                message = "Super Hero Deleted Successfully!!!",
                id = id

Step 13. Run our API project.

Visual Studio

Press the F5 keyboard shortcut to run our app.


  • Open our project in cmd 
  • Run "dotnet run" cmd to launch our project.

Swagger shows all API lists.

Swagger API List

Run get our heros API.

  • Open "/api/OurHero"
  • Click on "Try it out"
  • select isActive if required 
  • Click on the "Execute" button to send a request.

Execute project


That's it! You've created a complete .NET 8 Web API for CRUD operations with an In-memory database. You can now integrate this API into your front-end application.

Comment your query if anything is not working for you.

Thanks for reading.

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