Mock API Response Using Azure API Management

This article is in continuation of my previous article where I have explained about Azure API Management along with importing and testing the API using publisher portal, as well as, calling an API using developer portal. For my previous article, I have provided the link so that you can have a look at it.
In this article, I will explain about using the API Management (APIM) to set a policy on an API so it will return a response. By using this method, it is very much helpful for developers for proceeding both implementation & testing of API Management instance in case the back-end is not available to send real responses.
Step 1
  • Navigate to APIs from API Management service window.
  • Now we need to select-> + Add API from the left side menu.
  • Then, Select-> Blank API from the list.
  • Now we can provide a user-defined name for the display name and the display name will be automatically reflected in the name field too.
  • In the Products field, enter for unlimited.
  • Now, Select-> Create for creating a test API with no backend.
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Step 2
Now, moving to the next step, we need to add operation for testing the API. For that, we need to do the following steps as given below.
  • Navigate to the previous step as we created the API in the last step.
  • Select-> + Add operation so that the following values can be entered as given from below table.
Display name
We can give the user-defined name
The name will be reflected as the name given in Display name
We need to provide the URL for the API
We can give a description of the API which is being used in the developer portal
We can define request content types such as examples and schemas
For defining response status code with content types
Step 3
  • Now switch to the Response tab, from below of Display name & Description fields.
  • Then, select + Add response.
  • From representations field & select + Add representation.
  • Now, we can enter "application/json" inside the search box and enter the {“sampleField”: “test”} in sample text box & then select -> save.
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Step 4
Coming to the next step is we need to enable the mock response, so for that,
  • Navigate to the API which we created as APItesting.
  • Select->test calling in all operations.
  • The next step is to select-> +Add policy from the Inbound processing window.
  • Then Select -> Mock responses tile in the gallery.
  • From API Management response textbox, enter 200 OK, application/json and then select ->save.
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Step 5
Now comes the final stage of the process, the final stage is to test the mocked API.
  • Now again select API which we created known as APItesting.
  • Then switch to -> Test tab.
  • Now select-> send for making the test call.
  • So, when we click the button a trigger action will be created so that HTTPresponse is displayed in the JSON format.
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
Mock API Response Using Azure API Management
I hope this article will be useful in mocking API in Azure API management. Thanks for reading!

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