Mobile App Testing Process

Testing Process

  1. Ensure that all requirements mentioned in the requirement document are met.
  2. Each function is fully operational and error-free.
  3. Checking for internal workings of the product in terms of performance and usability.
  4. The application is rich in user-experience
  5. There are no bugs identified at the client's end.

Bifurcation of the testing process

Considering the software development methodologies of testing we shall adopt our testing process under two Levels: 

  1. Level 1 testing: The following describes the factors to be considered as part of Level 1 testing:
    1. Ensure that all requirements mentioned in the requirement document are met.
    2. Each function is fully operational.
    3. Input is properly accepted and output is correctly produced.
    4. Each function is error-free.
  2. Level 2 testing: The following describes the factors to be considered as part of Level 2 testing:
    1. Ensure that there are no behavior or performance errors.
    2. All the conditions implemented in the app will work in all cases without breaking the system.
    3. Ensure all the functions that have several paths will function under all cases.
    4.  Ensure all logical decisions on their true and false sides are met.
    5. All loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds are functional.

Steps to test under Level 1 testing

  1. Before Testing: Before beginning the testing process confirms the following: Requirement Specification
    1. Is the document updated with all the details shared by the client?
    2. Is the document verified by the client?
    3. Are all the features mentioned in the document implemented?
  2. During testing: The testing of the app will be divided into the following sub-modules which will ensure all the different types of testing such as Usability testing, Performance testing, Interface testing, Operational testing, Compatibility, and Services testing. Sub-modules included under this are:
    1. UI Designs
    2. Test for text and characterization
    3. App under Physical factors
    4. Testing Special case of Client-Server architecture:
    5. Alerts in the app
    6. Date and Time Formats
    7. Low Memory Issues
    8. Data Related Testing
    9. Localization and language
    10. Images Quality and Dimension
    11. Testing with background and other apps
  3. Finish of testing process: The finish of the testing process will be marked with two things:
    1. With the confirmation of all bugs and issues resolved:  In this phase template with issues found should be given to the developer. The developer will resolve the issues and give the app for verification of bugs to the tester.
    2. Functional Assurance: After finishing the verification process, we need confirmation for the following:
      1. Are all the features working in the app?
      2. Are there any features marked as upcoming or to be discussed?
      3. Are there any functions having errors in the app?
  4. Before Upload: There are a few things we need to ensure before the upload of an app on the App Store. We have questionnaires for this as well. For every app, before the upload, we need to check the questions as mentioned below,
      Questionaire Pre-upload to iTunes
    Sr.No Questions YES NO Not Applicable
    1 Remove all static data added during testing      
      a.     Are there any data related to some auto Login information?      
      b.     Are there any email or SMS numbers used for testing?      
      c.      Are there any links for temporary testing of the URL used in the app?      
      d.     Any Lorem ipsum text or any placeholder text in the app?      
      e.     Are there any features for trial, demo, or test      
      f. Are there any features not working and are static or shown as an upcoming feature?      
      g. Is there any boolean value set for any feature static for testing purposes? For e.g: isPurchased is set to YES all the time for testing purposes      
    2 For third party SDK Integration      
      a. Do you have any third-party SDK integration?      
      b.     Have you changed the Key with the live key in the app?      
      c.     Have you used the client account and credentials for the app?      
      d.      Are there any temporary links added in the promotion text that you decided to change after metadata will be uploaded?      
      e.     If you have any sandbox environment for SDK have you changed it to production?      
    3 For iTunes content or Metadata      
      a.     Is there any login and password needed in the app to access features?      
      b.     Have you added the test credentials in the app store Review notes?      
      c.      Is the feature mentioned in the metadata of the app all same as the features implemented?      
      d.     Have you ensured the ratings given in the app match the features of the app?      
      e.     Does your keyword list contains any irrelevant or any other famous apps name?      
      f.      Are there all screenshots for different kinds of devices your app is supported for?      
      g. Does your metadata contains a proper disclaimer for battery drain or background services or any data collection done in the app?      
    4 Project configuration section      
      a.     Does the device section of the app correctly set for the supported platform? Eg. If it's only iPhone app, it should not contain universal in the settings.      
      b.     Are there any settings added by mistake that are irrelevant to your app? Eg. Your app does not support iTunes file sharing and you have iTunes file sharing as yes.      
      c.      Is the version of the app all correctly set same as iTunes format?      
      d.     Is the minimum OS version supported is same as the version actually supported by your app?      
      e.     Have you placed the correct icons?      
      f.      Does your icon contains any kind of glow and is this your client's requirement?      
      g.     Have you placed the correct splash screen in the app?      
    5 Application size and resources      
      a.     Have you removed all unused files or code from the app?      
      b.     Have you removed all images, audio, or test files not being used in the app?      
      c.      Is your app too big in size?      
      d.     Is there any possibility to reduce the size of the app?      
      e.     Have you taken any steps to reduce the size of the app?      
    6 Data or Content Storage      
      a.     Do you have a local database in your app?      
      b.     Are there any pre-filled data provided with the app?      
      c.      Have you implemented DONOTBACKUP for the size of pre-filled data?      
      d.     Have you created two separate databases for the user’s data and prefilled data in the app?      
      e.     Are you updating new versions of the app?      
      f.      Have you tested if the new version will retain the user’s data in the app after downloading the new version in the device?      
      g.     Have you implemented backup DB for a new version that you are uploading?      
    7 Apple Guidelines      
      Have you referred to Apple guidelines for iTunes submission?      
      Do you have any concerns in context to any point mentioned in the Guidelines?      

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