Today, I am going to walk through the steps needed to add a domain(s) for synchronization. The large corporations often possess more than one domain in their environment. In order to bring users from all domains into SharePoint, we have to configure each additional domain in the MIM (ADMA Management Agent).
This is 2-step process.
- Add the Domains in the ADMA Management Agent
- Update the Run Profile for each added domain.
How to add another domain or domains
- Open the Synchronization Service Manager.
- In the "Management Agents" tab, go to ADMA Management Agent > Properties > Actions.
- On this Properties dialogue box, select Configure Directory Partitions >> check the "Show All" checkbox >> Refresh.
- It will ask you for the password for ID ADMA. Now, You will see all the connected domains.
- In the list of directory partitions, select the domain that you want to synchronize (and remember that the credentials for these domains may be required).
- Click "OK" to save the Management Agent properties.
This will add the domains in the ADMA Management Agent.
Update your run profile for each domain
Each run profile for the ADMA Management Agent must be updated for each domain that's added. To update your profiles, do the following.
- In the Management Agents tab >> select ADMA Management Agent >> Configure Run Profiles, as shown below in steps 1,2,3.
Full Import
- Select FullImport >> New Step , as shown in the following image.
- Choose a step type of Full Import (Stage Only) >> Next.
- Choose the partition that matches the domain you just added, and click Finish.
- Now, you will see an entry for the Full Import, like the following. The run profile should now have two steps.
Full Sync
- Select the FullSync >> New Step.
- Choose a step type of Full Synchronization >> Next.
- Choose the partition that matches the domain you just added >> Finish.
- Now, you will see same 2 steps for the Full Sync Run Profile.
Delta Import
- Click DeltaImport >> New Step.
- Choose a step of type Delta Import (Stage Only) >> Next.
- Choose the partition that matches the domain that was just added >> Finish.
- The run profile should now have two steps.
- Select DeltaSync >> New Step.
- Choose a step of type Delta Synchronization >> Next.
- Choose the partition that matches the domain that was just added >> Finish.
- The run profile should now have two steps.
Click "Apply" to save all the run profile changes >> OK.
This concludes the session. Now, you have learnt how to add an additional domain in AD for synchronization.
See Also
Please follow the below articles for next steps.