Migrate and Run VMware Workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution


In today's digital landscape, businesses are increasingly looking to migrate their on-premises VMware workloads to the cloud. This migration offers several benefits, including increased scalability, improved flexibility, and reduced operational costs. Oracle Cloud VMware Solution provides a seamless and efficient way to migrate and run VMware workloads in the cloud. In this article, we will explore the process of migrating and running VMware workloads on Oracle Cloud VMware Solution, along with the benefits and challenges associated with this migration.

VMware & Oracle

Benefits of Migrating VMware Workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

Migrating VMware workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution offers several key benefits. One of the primary benefits is increased scalability. Oracle Cloud VMware Solution allows businesses to scale their VMware workloads dynamically, ensuring that they have the resources they need to meet their growing demands. Additionally, migrating to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution can help businesses reduce their operational costs. By moving their VMware workloads to the cloud, businesses can eliminate the need to maintain expensive on-premises infrastructure, reducing their overall IT expenses.

Challenges of Migrating VMware Workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

While migrating VMware workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution offers many benefits, it also presents several challenges. One of the main challenges is ensuring compatibility between on-premises VMware environments and Oracle Cloud VMware Solutions. Businesses must ensure that their VMware workloads are compatible with Oracle Cloud VMware Solution before initiating the migration process. Additionally, migrating VMware workloads to the cloud can be a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. Businesses must ensure that they have the necessary expertise and resources to successfully migrate their VMware workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution.

Steps to Migrate VMware Workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

Migrating VMware workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution involves several key steps. The first step is to assess the compatibility of your VMware workloads with Oracle Cloud VMware Solution. You can use tools provided by Oracle to assess the compatibility of your VMware workloads with Oracle Cloud VMware Solution. Once you have assessed compatibility, the next step is to prepare your VMware workloads for migration. This may involve updating your VMware environment, ensuring that your data is backed up, and preparing your network for migration. Finally, you can initiate the migration process using Oracle's migration tools, ensuring that your VMware workloads are successfully migrated to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution.

The basic steps for deploying VMware SDDC include initially creating a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and then deploying VMware SDDC in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Here is a guide to creating a VCN:

  • Click the Burger icon located at the top left corner of the screen to reveal the menu.
    Oracle Cloud
  • Select "Networking" from the menu.
  • Choose "Virtual Cloud Networks" from the Networking options.
    Virtual Cloud Networks
  • Click on "Start VCN Wizard" to begin the VCN creation process.
    Start VCN Wizard
  • Opt for "Create VCN with Internet Connectivity" to enable the creation of Internet Gateway, NAT Gateway, and service Gateway.
    Create VCN with Internet Connectivity
  • Provide a name for your VCN by clicking on "VCN Name" and entering "hol-vcn-01".
    VCN Name
  • Specify the VCN's IPv4 CIDR BLOCK by clicking on "VCN IPv4 CIDR BLOCK" and entering "".

The CIDR Block must be distinct across the entire hybrid environment and sufficiently large to accommodate the deployment of the SDDC, its supporting configuration, and any Oracle Cloud native services. Follow these steps to specify CIDR blocks for the Public and Private Subnets:

  • In the Public Subnet section, select the IPv4 CIDR block field.
  • Input the CIDR as
    Input the CIDR as
  • In the Private Subnet section, choose the IPv4 CIDR block field.
  • Input the CIDR as
  • Proceed by clicking "Next."
    Configure private subnet
  • Scroll down the page.
  • Click on "Create."
    Create a VPN with Internet connectivity
  • Lastly, select "View VCN" to review the Virtual Cloud Network.
    View VPN to review the Virtual Cloud Network

After setting up the VCN, the next step is to create the SDDC.

Steps to build the VMware SDDC with Standard Compute Shapes

Follow these steps to build the VMware SDDC with Standard Compute Shapes

  • Click the burger icon located at the top left corner of the screen to access the menu.
  • Select "Hybrid" from the menu options.
  • Choose "Software-Defined Data Centers" under the VMware Solution section.
    Software-Defined Data Centers
  • Click on "Create SDDC" to start the SDDC creation process.
    Create SDDC
  • Enter a name for your SDDC by clicking on "SDDC Name" and typing in "hol-sddc-01".
    SDDC Name

By default, the "Enable HCX" option is selected, which automatically deploys VMware HCX during the SDDC deployment process. Follow these steps to configure the SDDC settings:

  • Choose the desired VMware Software Version by clicking on "VMware Software Version."
  • Select "7.0 update 3."
  • Confirm the pricing interval by checking the checkbox.
    Pricing interval commitment
  • Click on "Change Shape."
    Change shape
  • Choose "BM.Standard3.64."
  • Click on "Select shape."
    Browse all shapes
  • Click on "Override."
    Overriding pricing commitment and HCX license type
  • Select the number of OCPU cores by clicking on "Select number of OCPU cores" and choosing "16."
    Select number of OCPU cores
  • Enable the checkbox to "Enable shielded instance."
    Enable shielded instance
  • Click on "Select file" to upload the SSH key.
    Select file
  • Navigate to the "Desktop" and open the "ssh-key" folder.
  • Select the SSH key from the "ssh-key" folder.
  • Click "Open" to upload the SSH key.
    Upload SSH key

In Oracle Cloud VMware Solution (OCVS), SSH Keys are utilized for accessing the ESXi Hosts instead of using a root password. The SDDC will be deployed into the default Availability Domain in this region, which is AD-1. Follow these steps to proceed with the deployment:

  • Click "Next."
    Create SDDC
  • Select "Choose a VCN" in VMware.
  • Choose "hol-vcn-01" (CIDR:
    "hol-vcn-01" (CIDR:
  • Click on "SDDC Networks" and then on "SDDC CIDR."
  • Enter the CIDR as
    SDDC Networks
  • Click on "Show network details" to review and understand the networking resources being created as part of the SDDC build.
    Show network details

The specified CIDR block will be subdivided into smaller subnets, each designated for different aspects of the deployment. A detailed review of the networking configuration will be conducted in a subsequent module. To proceed with the deployment, follow these steps:

  • Click on "SDDC Workload CIDR."
  • Enter the CIDR as
  • Click "Next."
    SDDC Workload Network

The specified CIDR block will serve as the address range for the virtual machines operating within our SDDC. Additional network segments can be incorporated at a later stage. To continue with the setup:

  • Navigate to the "Datastore" section and select "Create block volume."
    Workload DataStore
  • Enter the name "hol-ds-01" for the block volume. Maintain the default settings for volume size and performance.
  • Click "Submit."
    Create block volume
  • Click "Next."
    Workload datastore
  • Click "Next."

To ensure the SDDC configuration is accurate, follow these steps:

  • Scroll through the configuration to review the settings.
  • Click on "Create SDDC" to initiate the SDDC deployment process.
    Review and create SDDC

The SDDC deployment process will commence, typically lasting around two and a half hours. Throughout this period, you can monitor the provisioning progress through the Oracle Cloud console.

  • Scroll down to continue.
  • Scroll up to review the previous steps.
    VMware Solution summary

After the completion of the SDDC deployment, you will be provided with essential information, including URLs, IP Addresses, Usernames, and Passwords necessary for accessing and managing your environment.

  • Click on "hol-sddc-01" to access the SDDC information.
    SDDC Information
  • Scroll down to view additional details.
    VMS View additional details
  • Click on "Work requests" to monitor the status of ongoing operations.
    Work requests
  • Click on "Create SDDC" to initiate another SDDC deployment if needed.
    Work request Create SDDC
  • Click on the Edge Web Browser icon in the taskbar to open the browser.

To build the VMware SDDC with Dense Compute Shapes, follow these steps:

  • Click the burger icon at the top left to open the menu.
    Get started
  • Select "Hybrid."
  • Choose "Software-Defined Data Centers" under VMware Solution.
    Software defined data centers
  • Click on "Create SDDC."
    Create SDDC
  • Enter the name "hol-sddc-01" for the SDDC.
    Basic information

The "Enable HCX" option is selected by default, which automatically deploys VMware HCX as part of the SDDC deployment process. To proceed with the deployment:

  • Click on "VMware Software Version."
  • Select "7.0 update 3."
  • Confirm the pricing interval by checking the checkbox.
    Pricing interval
  • Click on "Change Shape."
  • Choose "BM.DenseIO2.52."
  • Click on "Select Shape."
    Select shape
  • Check the "Enable Shielded Instance" box.
    Enable Shielded Instance box
  • Click on "Select file" to upload the SSH key.
    Select file to upload the SSH key.
  • Navigate to the "Desktop."
  • Open the "ssh-keys" folder.
  • Select the SSH key.
  • Click "Open."
    Key file

In Oracle Cloud VMware Solution (OCVS), SSH Keys are used for accessing the ESXi Hosts instead of using a root password. The SDDC will be deployed into the default Availability Domain in this region, which is AD-1. To proceed with the deployment:

  • Click "Next."
  • Select "Choose a VCN" in VMware.
  • Choose "hol-vcn-01" (CIDR:
    hol-vcn-01" (CIDR:
  • Click on "SDDC CIDR."
  • Enter the CIDR as
  • Click on "Show Network Details" to review and understand the networking resources being created as part of the SDDC build.
    Show Network Details

The specified CIDR block will be subdivided into smaller subnets, each designated for different aspects of the deployment. A detailed review of the networking configuration will be conducted in a subsequent module. To proceed with the setup:

  • Click on "SDDC Workload CIDR."
  • Enter the CIDR as

This CIDR block will be used for the virtual machines running in our SDDC. Additional network segments can be added later.

  • Click "Next" to continue. Here you can see the 10 VLANs that were created as part of the SDDC deployment.
    SDDC deployment
  • Proceed by clicking "Next."
    Create SDDC
  • Review the details and then click "Create SDDC."
    Create SDDC
  • Expand the "Create VLANs" section.
    Create VLANs section
  • Expand the "Add network security group rules" section.
    Add network security group rules
  • Expand the "Create SDDC" section.
  • Scroll down the page.
    VMware solution summary
  • Click "Close."
  • Scroll down further.
  • Click "Create SDDC" to finalize the deployment.
    Create SDDC to finalize the deployment

After the SDDC deployment is completed, you will be presented with the SDDC information containing all the essential URLs, IP addresses, usernames, and passwords required to access and manage your environment.


Migrating VMware workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution offers several key benefits, including increased scalability, improved flexibility, and reduced operational costs. However, it also presents several challenges, such as ensuring compatibility and executing a successful migration. By following the steps outlined in this article and leveraging Oracle's migration tools, businesses can successfully migrate their VMware workloads to Oracle Cloud VMware Solution and enjoy the benefits of cloud computing.

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