Microsoft Azure Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI)

Pre-requisite Knowledge

Before we start with the understanding of what is Microsoft Azure HCI, we should have:


In this article we will explore the Microsoft Azure HCI and its main services.
Before we look in to what is Microsoft Azure HCI, lets understand Hyperconvergence and the Azure stack,
  • Hyperconvergence is an IT framework that combines storage, computing, and networking into a single system.
  • This uses software and x86 servers to replace expensive, purpose-built hardware.
  • It includes the hypervisor for virtualized computing, a virtualized software-defined storage, and virtualized networking.
Microsoft Azure Stack
  • Azure Stack is an extension of Azure that provides a way to run applications in an on-premises environment and deliver Azure services in your datacenter.

Introduction of Microsoft Azure HCI

Microsoft recently announced Azure stack HCI as a way to deploy Azure Stack on virtualized infrastructure in enterprise data centers.
Source – Microsoft Docs
  • It is like Azure stack but uses the virtualized environment. Hence, it is one more part of the Azure stack family.
  • Azure stack HCI runs on industry-standard x86 hardware.
  • Azure HCI has the low cost and improved performance as compared to Azure stack.
  • Azure HCI is the evolution of Windows Server Software-Defined (WSSD) solutions previously available from Microsoft’s hardware partners.
  • Azure HCI virtualized applications can connect to Azure public.
  • Azure HCI has the same features as Azure stack like compute, storage and networking.
  • Azure HCI can seamlessly integrate with the Azure for site recovery, monitor, backups etc.
  • Microsoft has partners to set-up this environment. It helps to avoid a lengthy process of designing the solution from scratch. These partner names are ASUS, Axellio, bluechip, DataON, Dell EMC, Fujitsu, HPE, Hitachi, Huawei, Lenovo, NEC, primeLine Solutions, QCT, SecureGUARD, and Supermicro.
  • We can achieve the high availability of applications by built in clustering and distributed software resiliency.
  • We can manage Azure HCI using command line automation or Windows center.
  • It replaces aging servers and storage infrastructure.
Microsoft Announcement
Reference Links


In this article we have learned the overview of Microsoft Azure Stack HCI and its services.

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