This article will help you deliver your media content in Azure Media Services. Here, we will be working with managing the Keys in Azure Media Services, streaming the endpoints on Azure Media Services, scaling them up, and publishing.
- Microsoft Azure account.
Note - Please walk through my previous articles before stepping into this demo, as you need an Azure Media Storage account with an encoded media file added in.
Managing the Keys in Azure Media Services
Step 1
Go to your Azure Portal using this link.
Step 2
Click on the Azure Media Services account that you have already created in the previous demo. Here, in my account, I have created amsnaju. Let's click on it.
Step 3
Scroll down and in the Media Services panel, we can find the Account Keys menu which will be helping us to manage the Keys.
Click on Account Keys. Here, we can find the Account Name, Primary Name, and Secondary Name. We can also copy these keys for future uses. This will also help us to regenerate primary as well as secondary keys.
Working with Streaming Endpoints
Step 4
In the Media Services account, click on Streaming Endpoints under Media Services panel.
Click on the default Streaming endpoint which is available over here.
Here, we can specify the number of streaming units for the media file.
Step 6
Scale up these streaming units for Dynamic packing, by just dragging the slider.
Click on the “Save” button after scaling up is done for streaming the units.
Once the saving process is done, we will be getting the following notification.
And now, in the Streaming Endpoints panel, you can find the value over here.
Publishing the media file in Azure Media Services
To provide a URL or a link for a user to view our media file or to download, it should be published by creating a locator. Locators help provide access to the files available in the assets in Azure Media Services.
Step 7
Click on "Settings" option in the Azure Media Services account.
Step 8
Click on Assets now.
We can upload the file over here for which we wish to publish or broadcast it.
Note - Refer to my previous article on Azure Media Services to upload a media file and to work on changing the formats, etc.,
Here, we have two files available in the Assets blade.
Step 9
Let's click on the one which we wish to publish.
Step 10
Click on the Publish button now.
Step 11
Select the locator, Start date and time – end date and time, click on "Add" once it is configured.
Finally, we will be getting a notification after the locator is added, as shown below.
Here is the link for downloading the video file from Azure Media Services.
Keynotes in Short - Managing the Keys in Azure Media Services
- Working with Streaming Endpoints
- Publishing the media file in Azure Media Services