Mastering Pattern Matching in C#


Pattern matching, introduced in C# 7.0 and refined in subsequent versions, empowers developers to write concise and expressive code for conditional logic. By leveraging various pattern-matching techniques, such as type patterns, constant patterns, property patterns, and recursive patterns, developers can enhance code readability and handle complex scenarios effectively. In this article, we'll explore these pattern-matching techniques and provide insights into optimizing their usage for maximum effectiveness.

Type Patterns in C#

Type patterns enable developers to match objects based on their types, offering a flexible way to handle polymorphic data.

Optimization Tip: Use pattern combinators, such as is and as to refine type patterns and handle nested type checks efficiently.


if (obj is string str && str.Length > 0)
    Console.WriteLine($"String length: {str.Length}");

Constant Patterns in C#

Constant patterns facilitate matching based on specific constant values, streamlining logic for enum values, literals, or other constants.

Optimization Tip: Combine constant patterns with switch expressions for concise and readable code.


string status = "Active";

string message = status switch
    "Active" => "System is active",
    "Inactive" => "System is inactive",
    _ => "Unknown status"

Property Patterns in C#

Property patterns allow matching based on object properties, enabling concise extraction of information from complex data structures.

Optimization Tip: Utilize the null-conditional operator (?.) to handle null properties gracefully within property patterns.


if (person is { Name: var name, Age: > 18 })
    Console.WriteLine($"Adult person: {name}");

Recursive Patterns in C#

Recursive patterns enable matching nested data structures, facilitating decomposition into constituent parts for processing.

Optimization Tip: Leverage deconstruction to simplify recursive patterns and improve code readability.


if (collection is (1, _, var rest))
    Console.WriteLine($"First item: {first}, Remaining items: {string.Join(", ", rest)}");


Pattern matching is a powerful feature in C# that enhances code readability and maintainability. By mastering type patterns, constant patterns, property patterns, and recursive patterns, developers can optimize their code for maximum effectiveness. By applying optimization techniques such as pattern combinators, switch expressions, null-conditional operators, and deconstruction, developers can write cleaner, more concise, and more efficient code. Understanding and leveraging pattern-matching techniques is essential for writing robust and maintainable C# applications.

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