OverviewThe application finds and displays solutions to a game of solitaire. The application was written using Visual Studio.NET Version 7.0.9254. The test suite was written using NUnit, which is a .NET port of JUnit. DescriptionTo compile and run the application, just open the visual studio project and press F5. A test suite was also written using NUnit. The test batch file relies on NUnit been installed at "C:\Program Files\NUnit\bin\NUnitGui.exe". This test suite is available from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10749 For further details see http://nunit.sourceforge.net Source Code
The images used are contained in a resource file MyResources.resources There is a bug in the program where if you reset several time and hit solve, the program sometimes crashes. I think this is due to a bug in Hashtable, if anyone knows how to fix it, send it on ;-)