Managing Storage Spaces with File Server Resource Manager (FSRM)


In this article, you'll learn how to manage storage spaces with File Server Resource Manager (FSRM). FSRM has key features to provide control over your storage space. I cover topics such as Quota Management and File Screening Management in this article.

What is a File Server Resource Manager (FSRM)?

The File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) is a role service in Windows Server that allows you to manage and control the data stored on your file servers. FSRM helps you to classify files, set quotas on folders, and create reports monitoring storage usage.

Following the link to learn how to Install File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) on Windows Server 2019 or later version:

Step 1. Open File Server Resource Manager (FSRM)

  1. Open Server Manager.
  2. Click on 'Tools',
  3. And then click on 'File Server Resource Manager
    Server manager - DashBoard

Quota Management

Quota management is a feature that limits the space allowed for volumes or specific folders. These quotas restrict the storage capacity of data that users can store. When users reach that amount of limit, it will notify the admin or the user via email or other notifications.

  1. Click Quota Management,
  2. Then click Quotas,
  3. And then click Create Quota.
    File server resource manager

Step 2. Create Quota

  1. Click Browse to create a quota for a specific folder.
  2. Then select "Create quota on the path."
  3. Next, set the limit using quota templates.
  4. Finally, click Create.

Now, a quota has been created for the specific folder

Quota for folder

File Screening Management

File screening management is a feature that allows administrators to control the types of files users can store on a file server.

  1. Expand the File Screening Management
  2. Then right-click on 'File Screens
  3. And then click 'Create File Screen
    Create file screen

Create File Screen

  1. Click "Browse" to select the file screen path, e.g., E:\HR-Users.
  2. Then, select the file screen template to block or allow types of files.
  3. Finally, click "Create".

Now, the file screen has been successfully created, so users cannot store any audio or video files in the shared folder based on your file screen templates.

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