In this article, I'll give a solution and explain how Telerik licenses work, as well as a standard error when the license is not activated.
Each contract has a holder who is not necessarily an IT professional. This holder adds managers to distribute the licenses and manage the developers.
The license for the developer is dynamic, and you can add or remove a team member if his position has not been working with Telerik for a while and he needs to transfer to another college.
When a developer has kicked off a license, he needs to remove or disable the Telerik from the NuGet in the Visual Studio, or errors like this could happen on a standard CLI in dotnet.
For example, when you start a new project using dotnet CLI like.
dotnet new mvc -n MyTestApp
This error can happen on your console.
![Windows Powershell]()
Remember, this happens when the developer license is transferred to another while he is not using it.
So the solution is to open the Visual Studio NuGet and turn off the Telerik source.
After that, rerunning the CLI, the problem is fixed.
![Problem fixed]()
How Telerik Management Admin Works?
This is real admin management, and I explain the main aspects below.
![Telerik Management admin work]()
- Identification of the license holder: This part is for the person who is supposed to hold the license, usually in an administrative or non-technical role.
- Selection for a manager: This is where you can pick Managers who can give and handle developer licenses.
- The developer license grid: is a list of all the included developers ready to receive licenses. Licenses are linked to the people who made them through email addresses.
Process for Developers to Activate a License: Once a developer is given a license, they must activate it. You can do this by going to https://nuget.telerik.com/v3/index.json, the NuGet URL. To finish activation, they must enter their email address and password here.
If you reach the maximum number of developers, you need to delete a developer that will not be used and add a new one.