Managing Flows Of Power Automation With Office 365 CLI Commands

Office 365 CLI is a handy and useful PnP open source project which allows Office 365 administrators to perform administrative tasks on our Office 365 tenant. If you want to get a basic understanding, I would suggest you to go through this link.


Office 365 CLI is available as an npm package and can be installed through node js command prompt. As for this article, we would be using the beta release to test Microsoft Power Automate flow commands. Run the below command on node js command prompt to install the next beta release (I chose this to check new features, you can install stable release if you are using it for production use).
  1. npm install -g @pnp/office365-cli@next   
To install the latest stable release, use the below command.
  1. npm i -g @pnp/office365-cli    

Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands

Get Office 365 CLI prompt

To get Office 365 CLI prompt on which we can run Office 365 command, run the below in node.js command. Refer to the above screenshot for output.
  1. office365  
Login to Office 365,
  1. login    
It will display the below message,
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands
Open the below URL in the browser and we should see the screen to enter code.
Complete the self-explanatory login procedure. We should see the below screens one by one.
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands
Close the browser and go back to the node.js command prompt. With this, you have successfully logged in to Office 365 and authenticated your PnP CLI to run commands on your tenant.
Let us see what flow (power automate) specific commands are available.
  1. help flow  
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands 
Now let us try a few commands to see action.
The first thing we would do is get flow environments.
  1. flow environment list  
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands
Copy this name somewhere, we will need it later. As in my tenant, I have only one environment. 

Get list of flow in your environment

Use the below command to get list of flows in your environment.
  1. flow list --environment Default-91293b0-1234-4568-1234-78247791234  
Please note the environment name is something which we got from the previous command, you can also get this from the url from where you are managing your flow.
If for any command you are getting access denied error, it means command is not able to find flow or environment with paramater passed. So please double check the Ids being passed. 
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands
Get list of flow run history 
  1. flow run list --flow 57213e12340f2-1322-12323-2323-0d23237232706 --environment Default-5ba123b0-1e123b-46123d-8132b-2123791  
  2. 4b9 
--flow here is GUID of particular flow,
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands
Disable a particular flow 
  1. flow disable --name 29230f2-1233-42323f-b238-0d232322706 --environment Default-51233eb0-1e6b-4233d-823bb-6b23217914b9  
--name here is GUID of particular flow 
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands
if you go and check in Flow UI, you can see status wil be turned off.
Enable a particular flow 
  1. flow enable--name 29230f2-1233-42323f-b238-0d232322706 --environment Default-51233eb0-1e6b-4233d-823bb-6b23217914b9    
Get information about flow
  1. flow get --name 579e40f2-12312-4def-12321-0d211232706 --environment Default-5123eb0-123b-463d-8123b-6ba123  
Managing Flows Of Power Automate With Office 365 CLI Commands
Other flow commands 
Get environment information
  1. flow environment get --name Default-5bac1230-1e6b-46123d-8dbb-6b2231233
Export flow
  1. flow export --id 1232132-123-123312f-123-12321312306 --environment Default-1239eb0-1e6b-4123-8d123-6b1237791123 -p "d:\"   
With this, I would like to conclude this article. I hope you got an idea about how we can use Office 365 CLI commands to manage Microsoft flows and what types of commands are available and also saw some of the commands in action with output.
Hope you enjoyed reading..!!

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