Location Analysis


The seeker tool is a tool used to trace someone's accurate location. There are several tools to locate someone's location, but this tool is used to track anyone's accurate location. When the user clicks the link basic details of the user will be received, such as OS details, the platform of the user, core details of CPU, RAM, resolution of the screen, browser details, public IP, Continent, Country, Region, City, Internet service provider details. The location details like latitude, longitude, accuracy will be displayed. Google map URL also displayed to track the accurate location of the user. The details of the location will be stored in a database in CSV format.


Termux is a Linux terminal emulator software for android users. It is a command-line interface or CLI. This tool is used to integrate many Linux based tools without the Linux environment. It can be installed in the Play Store or F-Droid. The steps to operate termux are available in termux by typing "help" in the command line.  The first step in termux is to update the packages by typing "pkg update". By swiping the left side of the screen, we can add many sessions to the termux. There is a keyboard option to enable the keyboard.


  • Seeker tool can be installed in termux itself.
  • To install a seeker, you have to install a package called git.
  • Git is a package to clone the seeker tool to the termux .
  • Git can be installed by typing "pkg install git".
  • Seeker can be installed by typing "git clone https://github.com/thewhiteh4t/seeker.git". in the termux.
  • Now seeker will be installed in the termux.
  • You can see the installed seeker tool in the termux by typing the command "ls". 
  • "Ls" is a command in termux to list the installed tools and directories in the termux.
  • To open any tool or directory type "cd <directory name>" in the termux.
Steps to open Seeker:
  1. To view the seeker tool, type the command "ls".
  2. You can see the seeker tool.
  3. Type "cd seeker" to open the tool.
  4. The seeker will open and view the content in seeker tool type "ls".
  5. It will display the content in the seeker tool.
Seeker will run with the Python tool.
Steps to install Python:
  1. Python is a interpreted-high level language.
  2. It can be installed by typing "pkg install python"
  3. Now Python will be installed in the termux.
  4. Python is installed to run the Python file "seeker.py".

Open seeker

Seeker can be opened in two ways:
  • python seeker.py
  • python seeker.py -t manual
Python seeker.py 
This is used to generate a URL to send to the user. By sending the URL to the user, the details are displayed in the termux itself. When the user clicks the link, the details will be displayed.
Python seeker .py -t manual
This is a manual method to generate the link to track. There are 3 methods in the manual like near you, Google Drive, Whatsapp. These are manual methods to generate the link and send it to the user. To generate the manual method ngrok to be installed in the termux and link can be generated in the termux. By these two methods, the link can be generated to send to the user and track the location accurately and they can be tracked with accurate latitude and longitude.

User Interaction

After the user clicks the link, the information will be displayed in the termux.
The information displayed is device information, location information.
The device information like the type of os the user uses, platform, CPU cores, ram, GPU vendors, resolution, browser of the user uses, public IP address, continent, country, region, city, internet service provider is displayed.
The location information like latitude,longtitude,accuracy,altitude,directio,speed will be displayed.
Google Maps
The user location can be identified by copying the latitude and longitude and pasting into Google Maps to see the accurate location. The google map link will be displayed in the temux itself, by copying the URL and pasting in the link in Google maps. This will display the accurate location of the user. The location details will be stored in the database as a "CSV" file. 

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