List Of Commonly Used GitHub Commands


In this article, we will see what are the list of commonly used commands in Git. These are the commands which are really useful while working on any project. Hope this will be useful. 

1) To initialize GitHub Repository in your local machine project folder:

git init

2) To get the status of files:

git status

3) To configure Username and Password:

git config –global “user-name” 
git config –global “email-id”

4) To clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone URL

Note: Here URL is GitHub Repository URL

5) To add a single file to GitHub:

git add file-name

6) To add all the modified file to GitHub:

git add .
git add -A

7) To commit the changes to GitHub:

git commit -m “commit-message”

8) Get the latest code from the main branch:

git pull

9) To pull the latest code from a particular branch:

git pull branch-name

10) To list all the branches including local and remote:

git branch -a

11) To create a new branch name:

git branch branch-name

12) To delete a branch:

git branch -d branch-name

13) Delete remote branch:

git push origin --delete branch-name

14) To create a new branch and switch to the new branch created:

git checkout -b branch-name

15) Rename branch (local):

git branch -m old-branch-name new-branch-name

16) To switch a branch:

git checkout branch-name

17) To discard changes of a particular file:

git checkout -- file-name.txt

18) Merging branch (active branch):

git merge branch-name

19) Merging to a target branch:

git merge source-branch target-branch

20) Stash your changes:

git stash

21) Remove stash:

git stash clear

22) Show difference:

git diff source-branch target-branch

23) To view the log/changes:

git log

24) Detailed view of log/changes:

git log --summary

25) Brief view of log/changes:

git log --online

26) Get the help:

git help

27) To go back to the previous commit/changes:

git reset --hard

28) List stashed files:

git stash list

29) Come out of stash (write working from the top of stash stack):

git stash pop

30) Discard stashed changes:

git stash drop

31) Going back to HEAD:

git reset --soft HEAD

32) Going back to the commit before HEAD:

git reset --soft HEAD^

33) Equivalent to "^":

git reset --soft HEAD~1

34) Going back two commits before HEAD:

git reset --soft HEAD~2

35) To see the list of available tags:

git checkout v0.0.1

36) To set the current tag to v0.0.1:

git tag -a v0.0.3 -m “version 0.0.3”

37) To create a new tag:

git push –tags

38) To delete the file from your working directory:

git rm file-name

39) To show the metadata and content changes of the specified commit:

git show commit-name

40) To delete a branch:

git branch -d branch-name

41) To delete a branch forcefully:

git branch -D branch-name

Note: This will force deletion of the branch, even if it contains unmerged/unpushed commits.

42) Search the working directory for "add()":

git grep "add()"

43) List of branches:

git branch
git branch --list

44) Undo the changes:

git log --oneline
git revert commit-id

45) To delete a file forcefully:

git rm -rf file-name

To get the Git version:

git --version

How to add a project to GitHub Repository?

  • Create a project on your local machine.
  • Create a GitHub Repository 
  • Open the Git Bash go to the path where the project folder exists and type these commands,
    git init
    git remote add origin
    [Note : Make sure you are in correct repository using : git remote -v]
    git add .
    git commit -m "commit-message”
    git push origin master --force
    [provide your username and password]
  • Now go to GitHub Repository and check your Repository. 


In this article, we have seen the list of commonly used Git commands. Hope you find this helpful. In addition to these commands, there are a lot of other commands including different options. Comment below with the commands you frequently use. Thank you.

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