Today in this article I am going to discuss promoted link on SharePoint online; also this will apply for SharePoint on-premises including versions 2013 and 2016.
As we know the promoted link is a default app added on SharePoint Site contents or web parts. Promoted Links are very useful and frequently used features on SharePoint. By using this prompted links we can display links as icons or tiles on the web page after adding this web part on the same.
I am going to cover with this article the following points and will have a step by step solution document with examples
Adding Prompted Links from site contents and I will have a demo task on this
Adding Prompted Links on any of page
Adding items on Prompted links and updating view
So let’s start working on the above tasks one by one
Adding Prompted Links from site contents
Adding prompted links from the site contents is very easy as this is default app available on SharePoint site. So we will add prompted links app and will have some demo tasks on the same,
Login to the SharePoint online page with user id and password
We can navigate the Add an App option from Site contents using Site setting (Gear box on the top of page) and select site contents or we will get site contents option in left side of page quick launch (by default it will be added), once clicked on the same it will prompt us to a page called site contents.
Once we select the new item we will navigate to add new items page.
Here we need to add the below following field and click on save once all is finished,
Titles name you wish to enter
Background Image URL Type or copy the web address of stored image path
Description Link description would like to give (Optional)
Links Location URL of the object which want to prompt
Launch Behavior Select from drop down; there will be three drop down options available here in the page navigation, dialogue & New Tab
Order you want to show it in order.
Moving to the next; Adding Prompted Links on any page
To add prompted link on the page, we need to edit the web page from the top of ribbon page -- select edit.
Click anywhere within the outermost gray line and press Enter.
At the top of the page click the INSERT tab
We can see In the Parts section click Web Part.
Now select App section and find create Prompted Links and add it to the same, so adding prompted link as web part will add this on the page directly.
The “prompted links” web part will now be added to my SharePoint page. Still we have not yet finished, we have to save the change by selecting format text and save.
Once saving is done, we can see prompted links will be showing on the page.
Adding items on Prompted links and Managing views for the same
In this topic we will be showing you how to add multiple items in prompted links and how to manage views like creating new views or updating existing view.
Go back to site contents and open the prompts links App which we have recently.
Click on items ribbon and add some more items as a link on the same and save this, in the same way we mentioned above to create items. Note: we can skip image also, if we are not adding image on any of items it will prompt us like tiles.
Moving to the next, managing views on prompted links, we can edit view or create view in many ways from available options in the SharePoint online.
Select List ribbon and we can create a new view from the available option to create view or you can change view to all prompted links and we can modify the view from here itself. Also we can modify and create the view from item section as well.