Learn about Azure Platform Journey


Here I am going to share knowledge on the Azure Platform. In this part-1 I have covered What is cloud? and Azure introduction and cloud services in detail.


The cloud is just a laptop or the cloud means network/ the internet. Whatever services you are getting over the internet [Services over the internet], it’s called cloud. It’s a technology where we use the remote server on the internet to manage/operations of the data.

Example. If you are storing any data like anything, it could be files/photos/videos/etc., over Google Drive, it means you are dropping your data in the cloud.

Now when we say your data is stored in the cloud, actually not in the cloud. It’s behind the cloud.

Cloud is not an open source, so someone who is there providing services is called Cloud Providers. There are so many cloud providers available such as.

  1. Azure Cloud Platform
  2. AWS (Amazon Web Services)
  3. GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
  4. IBM Cloud
  5. Digital Ocean
  6. Alibaba Cloud
  7. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

All are public cloud providers so we can go and create an account and take the cloud services. Out of the above mentioned all of the public cloud providers will going to explore Azure cloud service providers in this journey.


From the entire world, Azure has created multiple regions. Regions represent the entire world as a geographical location where your data gets saved. Inside the regions, Azure has created multiple data centers. And datacenters are called availability zones.

Example.One region has multiple availability zones/data centers. So, if any natural calamities or something bad happens then one availability zone can replicate/transfer the data from one nearby availability zone within the same region.

Cloud Services

As we have defined as cloud is nothing but the services over the internet. There are multiple types of services available in the cloud:

  1. Storage service
  2. Compute service
  3. Network Service
  4. Analytics Service

1. Storage Service: Storage services include Disk storage, blob, file share, queue, data lake data storage backup & recovery.

2. Compute service: Compute services include computation power, VMs (Virtual Machines, serverless computation, and building API for cloud service or cloud-based apps.

3. Network Service: Network services include, Data gateway, Domain name servers, virtual Network, and Virtual private network.

4. Analytics Service: Analytics service or data services include big data tools like HBase.

Thank you! Happy Learning😊

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