Learn About Angular Lazy Loading


In this article, we are going to learn how the lazy loading module feature helps a heavy or large application. 

What is Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a subtlety in Angular that allows loading components asynchronously when a specific route is activated.
It improves the speed of application load time by splitting the application into several bundles.
When the user navigates through the app, the bundles are loaded as required.
Step 1
Requirements for the application,
  1. NodeJs
  2. Angular CLI
  3. Visual studios code IDE
Install the Angular CLI by using the following command. If you haven’t installed the CLI, make sure you install the node,
npm install -g @angular/cli
Step 2 - Create the Components
Let's create our component, load for normally,
ng g c Lazycomponentone
This will generate a folder and it will contain all of our new component files, Lazycomponentone component gets automatically imported into the app module.
Once the process is done, we need to add the file into app.routing.ts.
  1. import { LazycomponentoneComponent } from './lazycomponentone/lazycomponentone.component';  
  2. const routes: Routes = [  
  3.    {path:'home',component:LazycomponentoneComponent},  
  4. ];  
Step 3 - Create LazyLoadmodule and Routing
Now we have created one new module and routing, let's use the below CLI command,
ng g m Lazymodule
ng g m lazymodule/lazyrouting--routing
Now we will create a component that will be the root component for our new lazy-loaded module,
ng g c lazyComponenttwo
Now, we need to import a new set of routs for lazy module, which will display for lazyComponenttwo,
  1. const routes: Routes = [  
  2.    {path:'child',component:LazyComponenttwoComponent},  
  3. ];  
Now we can export for app routing,
  1. import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';  
  2. import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';  
  3. import { LazyComponenttwoComponent } from '../lazy-componenttwo/lazy-componenttwo.component';  
  4. const routes: Routes = [  
  5.    {path:'child',component:LazyComponenttwoComponent},  
  6. ];  
  7. @NgModule({  
  8.    imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],  
  9.    exports: [RouterModule]  
  10. })  
  11. export class LazyRoutingModule { }  
Step 4 - Import for lazymodule for appmodule
Now, we need to go to app-routing.module.ts file. Add another route for our new lazymodule. Specify the path to the module, followed by the name of the modules class with a hashtag.
  1. const routes: Routes = [  
  2.    {path:'home',component:LazycomponentoneComponent},  
  3.    {path:'second',loadChildren:()=>import('./lazymodule/lazymodule.module').then(loads=>loads.LazymoduleModule)}  
  4. ];  
Step 5
After completing all the above steps, we can run the project using the below commands,
ng serve –open (OR) ng serve port –4201
Step 6
Now, the project will run successfully in a local browser.


I hope you understood this overview of Angular CLI and how to add lazy loading.
Any feedback or queries related to this article are most welcome.

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