Leadership Challenge 013 - Alan Fine - Breakthrough Performance

I love this video because it really challenges the mindset. Think of how many times you try to convince a peer, customer, family member, etc. to follow a certain path. The key is not adding more knowledge to their brain. For example, how often do you keep repeating the same task to an individual or team, but do not get a behavior change.
Consider when you are trying to get a behavior change … what strategies are you using?
To complete this leadership challenge please comment on the following:
  • What is one “ah-ha” moment for you from this article?
  • What is one thing you are going to try to do differently throughout the month based on this article?
I look forward to seeing everyone’s comments.
I would like to extend my coaching services to this group. If you feel you could benefit from 1-on-1 coaching, would just like to discuss an idea or are struggling with a specific situation free to reach out to me at [email protected]. I will be offering limited sessions for free for a limited time.
Look for my next article in September 2019. Have a great summer!!!!

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