The article explains the basics of Kubernetes for the frontend/backend engineers, in all reality Kubernetes is a very complex tool but it has abstracted all the complexity from developers. But there are a few concepts that are good for the developers to understand. The article covers a few such basics,
- Kubernetes Cluster
- Deploying a SpringBoot app
- Kubectl
Let’s explore.
Kubernetes Cluster
Kubernetes is a platform for running containers, it supports container scaling, container updates, rollback, etc., in short, it’s a container orchestration platform. The Kubernetes cluster is a set of nodes consisting of Master Node and Worker Nodes.
Worker Nodes
Worker Nodes are part of Kubernetes clusters, worker nodes host the Pods, it’s the place where our containerized application runs. Worker nodes handle the traffic to the applications from the outside and across the cluster.
Pods are the deployable objects in Kubernetes, it’s a collection of containers.
![Kubernetes for Developers]()
Every cluster must have one worker node and directly we never interact with these nodes.
Master Node
Worker nodes can be considered as slave nodes and the Master node manages the worker nodes. It is the one that assigns tasks to the worker nodes. Whenever we are intended to make any changes say scaling the pods from 2 to 3 through Kubectl command or making changes through .yaml file like “rolling update” changes etc, it is handled by Master Node, and it then performs the actions.
I have deployed a simple spring-boot app to Kubernetes, the app can be found on the docker hub it’s a public repository, sshukla30/ spring-gke-demo. I am using GCP,
Step one is to create a gke cluster using command
gcloud container clusters create gke-app-cluster --num-nodes 2 --machine-type n1-standard-1 --zone us-central1-c
Once it’s created successfully, it can be verified on the GCP console
Step two is deploying an app to Kubernetes using command
kubectl create deployment demo --image=sshukla30/spring-gke-demo
Under workloads deployment can be verified,
Also, we can verify through kubectl command
kubectl get deployments
App instances created by the deployment should be viewed using the get pods command
kubectl get pods
Step three is to allow external traffic
Pods can be exposed to the public internet by creating a Kubernetes LoadBalancer service, name of the deployment is ‘demo’ and the name of the service is ‘demo-service’, try creating the service using the command.
kubectl expose deployment demo --type=LoadBalancer --name=demo-service --port=8080
Step four is to verify the service details, like ‘IP address for sending the request,
kubectl describe services demo-service
Key with the name “LoadBalancer Ingress” is the IP we must use and the port which is exposed is 8080. We can verify using the curl command or by sending requests through the browser, let’s try executing the actuator health and the endpoint ‘items.
Kubectl is Command Line Interface (CLI) for Kubernetes, we interact with Kubernetes through Kubectl most of the time. This is exactly what we did in the Deployment step, in all the steps we were interacting with Kubernetes itself, let’s use few other utility commands like checking logs, scaling pods, etc.
Checking pod logs
For checking the logs of specific pods, we need pod names that can be obtained using
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs demo-669cd6cc64-bj742
Scaling Pods.
On our cluster only 1 pod is running so far, let’s scale it to two.
kubectl scale deploy demo --replicas=2
kubectl get pods
There is a lot more in Kubernetes, but the article's attempt was to highlight a few important basics of Kubernetes, like how to interact with Kubernetes, high-level knowledge of a master, worker nodes, pods, and kubectl also to start working with it by deploying a simple application.