JavaScript Symbols: Unique Identifiers and Private Properties


As developers, we are often faced with the challenge of creating robust, maintainable, and secure code. One recurring problem we encounter is the need for unique identifiers and private properties without the risk of collision. In JavaScript, conventional object properties, such as strings, are susceptible to naming conflicts in large-scale applications or when integrating with third-party libraries.

JavaScript symbols offer a revolutionary solution to these problems. A symbol is an immutable data type that serves as a unique and private identifier. Unlike strings, symbols are guaranteed to be unique, eliminating naming collisions. They can be used as keys for object properties, allowing us to create truly private members in classes or objects.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the world of JavaScript symbols.

  • What are JavaScript Symbols?
  • Double JavaScript Symbols list
  • JavaScript Symbols math
  • JavaScript Symbol 4 different use cases
  • JavaScript Symbol. iterator
  • JavaScript Symbol to string
  • JavaScript Symbol as the object key
  • JavaScript Symbol.toPrimitive
  • JavaScript Symbol.dispose
  • JavaScript Symbol.for

Let's dive in.

What are JavaScript Symbols?

In JavaScript, a symbol is a unique and immutable data type introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6). A symbol is often used as an identifier for object properties, ensuring they won't clash with other property names. Symbols are created using the Symbol() function, and each symbol instance is guaranteed to be unique.

Here's an example to illustrate JavaScript symbols.

// Creating symbols
const symbol1 = Symbol('Hello, JavaScript');
const symbol2 = Symbol('Hello, JavaScript');

// Symbols are unique
console.log(symbol1 === symbol2); 
// Output: false

JavaScript Symbols

Let's see a few more examples.

// Creating symbols
const symbol1 = Symbol('Hello, JavaScript');
const symbol2 = Symbol('Hello, JavaScript');

// Using symbols as object property keys
const title = {
  [symbol1]: 'Mastering JavaScript',
  [symbol2]: 'Effective Javascript',

console.log(title[symbol1]); // Output: "Mastering JavaScript"
console.log(title[symbol2]); // Output: "Effective Javascript"

// Symbols are not enumerable in loops
for (const key in title) {
  console.log(key); // Output: Nothing will be logged since symbols are not enumerable

// Getting all symbols from an object
const symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(title);
console.log(symbols); // Output: [Symbol(), Symbol(Hello, JavaScript)]

// Accessing symbol description
console.log(symbol2.toString()); // Output: "Symbol(Hello, JavaScript)"
console.log(symbol2.description); // Output: "Hello, JavaScript"

Double JavaScript Symbols List

In JavaScript, double symbols consist of two concatenated strings, creating a unique identifier. They are often used to avoid naming collisions in global environments or when using third-party libraries. Below are some commonly used double symbols.


A symbol is used to customize the default string representation (toString) of an object.

const myObject = {};
myObject[Symbol.toStringTag] = "My Custom Object";

console.log(; // [object My Custom Object]


A symbol is used to specify property names that should not be affected by statements.

const book = {
  title: 'JavaScript and jQuery',
  price: 25.00,

// Enable 'price' to be accessible within 'with' statement
book[Symbol.unscopables] = { price: true };

with (book) {
  console.log(title); // Output: "JavaScript and jQuery"
  console.log(price); // Output: ReferenceError: price is not defined

console.log(book.title); // Output: "JavaScript and jQuery"
console.log(book.price); // Output: 25.00

JavaScript Symbols Math

Symbolic mathematics allows the representation of mathematical expressions as symbols. While JavaScript is not primarily designed for symbolic computation, JavaScript Symbols can be used to implement basic symbolic math functionalities.

Let's implement a simple symbolic expression for addition using JavaScript Symbols.

const symAdd = Symbol('add');

function symbolicAddition(a, b) {
  return { [symAdd]: `${a} + ${b}` };

const result = symbolicAddition(3, 5);
console.log(result[symAdd]); // Output: "3 + 5"

JavaScript Symbol Use Cases

Let's see how to use JavaScript in real-time use cases.

1. Symbols as Unique Identifiers

Symbols can be used as keys for unique identifiers in objects, ensuring they won't clash with other properties.

const id1 = Symbol();
const id2 = Symbol();

const user = {
  [id1]: '12345',
  [id2]: '67890'

console.log(user[id1]); // Output: "12345"
console.log(user[id2]); // Output: "67890"

2. Symbol for Private Properties and Methods

Symbols can be used to create private properties or methods in objects inaccessible from outside the object.

const SecretsClass = (function () {
  const _privateData = Symbol('private');

  class SecretsClass {
    constructor(data) {
      this[_privateData] = data;

    getPrivateData() {
      return this[_privateData];

    setPrivateData(newData) {
      this[_privateData] = newData;

  return SecretsClass;

const instance = new SecretsClass('Sensitive Data');
console.log(instance.getPrivateData()); // Output: "Sensitive Data"

// Attempt to access the private property directly
console.log(instance[_privateData]); // Output: undefined

3. Symbol in Custom Iterators and Generators

Symbols play a crucial role in implementing custom iterators and generators.

const myIterable = {
  [Symbol.iterator]: function* () {
    let value = 1;
    while (value <= 5) {
      yield value++;

for (const num of myIterable) {
// Output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

4. Symbol for Symbolic Property Names

Symbols can be used as symbolic property names for objects.

const symbolName = Symbol('name');

const person = {
  [symbolName]: 'John Doe',
  age: 30

console.log(person[symbolName]); // Output: "John Doe"

JavaScript Symbol.iterator

The Symbol.iterator symbol is used to define an object's default iterator, enabling iteration over the object's elements.

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];

const iterator = numbers[Symbol.iterator]();
console.log(; // Output: { value: 1, done: false }
console.log(; // Output: { value: 2, done: false }
console.log(; // Output: { value: 3, done: false }
console.log(; // Output: { value: undefined, done: true }

JavaScript Symbol to String

Converting a symbol to a string can be done using the toString() method or String() constructor.

const titleSymbol = Symbol('Hello, JavaScript!');

console.log(titleSymbol.toString()); // Output: "Symbol(Hello, JavaScript!)"
console.log(String(titleSymbol));    // Output: "Symbol(Hello, JavaScript!)"
console.log(titleSymbol.description); // Output: "Hello, JavaScript!"

JavaScript Symbol as Object Key

Symbols can be used as keys for object properties.

const titleSymbol = Symbol('title');

const book = {
  [titleSymbol]: 'JavaScript Cookbook'

console.log(book[titleSymbol]); // Output: "JavaScript Cookbook"

JavaScript Symbol.toPrimitive

The Symbol.toPrimitive method allows an object to be converted to a primitive value.

const book = {
  [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) {
    if (hint === 'number') return 12;
    if (hint === 'string') return 'JavaScript Patterns';
    return 'default';

console.log(+book);       // Output: 12
console.log(`${book}`);   // Output: "JavaScript Patterns"
console.log(book+'');     // Output: "default"

JavaScript Symbol.dispose

The Symbol.dispose symbol represents a method that can be used to dispose of an object and release its resources.

const symbolDispose = Symbol('dispose');

class DisposableObject {
  [symbolDispose]() {
    // Cleanup code here
    console.log('Disposing object...');

const obj = new DisposableObject();
obj[symbolDispose](); // Output: "Disposing object..."

JavaScript Symbol.for

The Symbol.for method creates, and retrieves shared symbols from the global symbol registry.

const globalSymbol = Symbol.for('myGlobalSymbol');
const localSymbol = Symbol('myLocalSymbol');

console.log(Symbol.for('myGlobalSymbol') === globalSymbol); // Output: true
console.log(Symbol('myLocalSymbol') === localSymbol);       // Output: false


JavaScript symbols are a powerful feature that can help you create unique and immutable identifiers, implement well-known protocols, and avoid name collisions. They can also be used to create private properties and methods in classes or to define meta-programming hooks for customizing the behavior of objects. Symbols are not as widely used as other data types in JavaScript, but they can offer some advantages in certain scenarios.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and I hope you found it useful and engaging.

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