JavaScript Primitive And Reference Types


From my perspective, it is crucial to understand the types of a certain programming language because it is the building block. That’s why in this article, will see the built in types of JavaScript and the difference between primitive and reference types.
Moreover, coming from a static-typed language like C# and jumping to JavaScript, I became confused due to its dynamic behavior. The funny thing was I was looking for classes and realized that it has no formal support (Classes, as you may know, from languages like Java/C#, don't technically exist in JavaScript). It was strange at first but I became accustomed. Thus, I decided to create this article to help students or developers alike to share my knowledge and journey learning JavaScript types.


When I started with JavaScript, many fantastic developers argued that JavaScript doesn’t have types. Particularly those developers who came from strongly-typed languages like C#, Java, and C++. Back then I honestly didn’t know what to say because I wasn't that knowledgeable yet. However; today If you ever encountered or will encounter these kinds of developers you can point them to the JavaScript language specification. I’ll give the link below and a screenshot that states that the JavaScript language does have types.
As of this writing, we have the “ECMAScript 2020 Language Specification”, which can be found here. Lastly, let us see what the specification has to say concerning types.
Please see the screenshot below.
I hope that saves your day. Now, enough of that, let’s jump into the JavaScript built-in types.

JavaScript Data Types

The JavaScript language has two kinds of types: primitive types and reference types. Primitive types (termed as value types too) are stored as simple data types while reference types are stored as objects, which means it holds a reference to a memory’s location.
When using JavaScript and dealing with its different types, primitive and reference they may seem the same but it isn’t. Correct? You can answer on the comment section below. Moreover, to make the language consistent, it lets you treat primitive types as reference types.
Here is the list of JavaScript built-in types,
  • boolean
  • number
  • bigint
  • string
  • null
  • undefined
  • symbol
  • object
Primitive Types
Types Description Remarks
Boolean true or false | 1 or 0
Number Any integer or a floating-point numeric value. Any double-precision IEEE 754 number.
BigInt Large integers even beyond the safe integer limit for Number. A BigInt is created by appending n to the end of an integer.
You can check here if it is supported by your browser.
String UTF-16 string. The sequence of characters delimited by either single or double-quotes.
Null Special primitive-type that has only one value, null. I called it special because it is, will discuss this in a later section (Why null returns object?).
Undefined A primitive type that has only once a value, undefined. The undefined keyword is the value assigned to a variable that wasn’t initialized.
Symbol A unique and immutable value. For more information about Symbol, you can read more here.
Let us see some examples of primitive types below.
  1. //boolean    
  2. var iLoveJavaScript = true;     
  4. //number    
  5. var yearsOfCoding = 10;     
  7. //bigint    
  8. var bigIntSample = 1234567890987654321n;    
  10. //string    
  11. var programmerName = "Jin Vincent Necesario";    
  13. //null    
  14. var doesntPointToAny = null;     
  16. //undefined    
  17. var badCompany; //undefined    
How Do Primitive Types Behave?
Primitive types are always assigned, the value is copied. To practically see the behavior, let’s look at the example below.
  1. var name1 = "Jin";    
  2. var name2 = name1;    
  4. console.log(name1); //Jin    
  5. console.log(name2); //Jin    
  7. name2 = "Vincent";    
  9. console.log(name1); //Jin    
  10. console.log(name2); //Vincent    
If you would like to see what’s happening, please see the figure-1 below.
Figure 1
As you can see the variable name1 and name2 are completely separate from each other, and you can change the value in name2 without affecting name1 and vice versa.
Using the typeof Operator
The typeof Syntax
  1. //typeof operand    
  2. //or     
  3. //typeof(operand)   
The typeof operator is the best way to identify types that return the type in string format. The operand is the expression representing the primitive or reference type.
Let us see some examples below.
  1. //typeof operator without using the open and close parentheses    
  2. console.log(typeof true); //boolean    
  3. console.log(typeof 10); //number    
  4. console.log(typeof bigIntSample); //bigint    
  5. console.log(typeof "Jin Vincent Necesario"); //string    
  6. console.log(typeof null); //object -> oops! more about this later    
  7. console.log(typeof undefined); //undefined    
  8. //end typeof operator without using the open and close parentheses    
  9. //typeof operator using the open and close parentheses    
  10. console.log(typeof(true)); //boolean    
  11. console.log(typeof(10)); //number    
  12. console.log(typeof(bigIntSample)); //bigint    
  13. console.log(typeof("Jin Vincent Necesario")); //string    
  14. console.log(typeof(null)); //object -> oops! more about this later    
  15. console.log(typeof(undefined)); //undefined    
  16. //end typeof operator using the open and close parentheses   
Why null returns object?
OK, you have probably run the code samples above and wondered why the null data-type returns object. This is the tricky part of the language, even I was confused at first but no worries, I will answer that here.
The truth, it is a bug and it has been acknowledged by TC39, the committee that maintains the JavaScript language. One reason this bug wasn’t fixed is because the proposed fix broke a number of existing sites. Thus, the error remained. For more information about it, you can read more here.
Now, that we have an idea of why it behaves that way, what’s the best way to determine if a value is null? To do this, you can compare the null directly against its value.
See the example below.
  1. var myObject1 = null;    
  2. console.log(myObject1 === null); //true    
Reference Types
If you are coming from another language like C#, Java, or C++, reference types are the closest thing to classes. Reference values are instances of reference types. Moreover, reference types do not store the object directly into the variable to which it is assigned. Thus, it holds a reference to the location in memory where the object exists.
Make Objects
There are various ways to create objects in JavaScript. And these are: using a new operator, object literal, and a constructor function.
Let’s see an example below.
  1. var myObject2 = new Object(); //using the new operator    
  2. console.log(typeof(myObject2));//object    
  4. var myObject3 = {};//using the object literal ({})    
  5. console.log(typeof (myObject3));//object    
  7. //using the constructor function    
  8. function MyUnknownObject(property1, property2) {    
  10.     this.property1 = property1;    
  11.     this.property2 = property2;    
  13. }    
  15. var myObject4 = new MyUnknownObject("JavaSript", 23);    
  16. console.log(typeof (myObject4));//object     
How Do  Objects Behave?
Let us see an example below.
  1. _object1.favoriteLanguage = "JavaScript";    
  3. var _object2 = _object1;     
  5. console.log(_object1);//output:{favoriteLanguage: "JavaScript"}    
  6. console.log(_object2);//output:{favoriteLanguage: "JavaScript"}    
  8. _object1.favoriteLanguage = "C#";    
  10. console.log(_object1);//output: {favoriteLanguage: "C#"}    
  11. console.log(_object2);//output: {favoriteLanguage: "C#"}   
As you can see, we have declared a new object using the variable _object1 and assigned it to _object2. As a result, both of them are referencing the same object. That’s why any changes to either one of them have the same effect. 
If you would like to see what’s happening, please see the figure-2 below.
Figure 2
Destroy Objects
Garbage collection – frees objects when they are not used anymore (garbage-collected). JavaScript is one of those languages that have this kind of feature built into it. Thus, you don’t really need to worry about manual memory allocations when you use reference types.
Moreover, you might have a false impression that you don’t need to deference your objects. Therefore, it’s best to dereference objects that you no longer need in order for the garbage collector to free up that memory space. In order for us to do this we need to set the object variable to null.

Difference between Primitive Types and Reference Types

The main difference between the two is that primitive types directly contain their values. Meaning, when you assign a primitive value to a variable, the value is copied into that variable. While reference types don’t store the object directly into the variable to which it is assigned. Instead, it holds the reference to the location in memory where the object exists.


In this post, we have tackled the JavaScript primitive and reference types. We have started by listing the built in types and shown the primitive types and reference types.
Moreover, we have seen how to use the typeof operator and how to create and destroy an object. Lastly, we have differentiated the primitive and reference types.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this article, as much I have enjoyed writing it. This article was originally written and posted here. Stay tuned for more. Many thanks, until next time, happy programming!

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