JavaScript Map Object in ES7 and TypeScript

The JavaScript Map object is a versatile tool for mapping keys to values, offering efficient operations for searching, updating, and deleting elements based on specified keys. In this article, we will explore the capabilities of the Map object in ES7 (ECMAScript 2016) and delve into its application in TypeScript.

JavaScript Map Object in ES7

const myMap = new Map([iterable]);


  • iterable: Represents an array or any iterable object whose elements are key-value pairs.

Key Points

  1. No Duplicate Keys: A Map object cannot contain duplicate keys, ensuring uniqueness in key-value pairs.
  2. Allowance for Duplicate Values: Unlike keys, a Map object can contain duplicate values associated with different keys.
  3. Type Flexibility: Both keys and values can be of any type, accommodating a mix of object references and primitive values.
  4. Iteration Order: The Map object iterates its elements in insertion order, preserving the sequence in which elements were added.

JavaScript Map Methods

Let's unravel the JavaScript Map object's core methods, accompanied by their descriptions:

  1. clear(): Removes all elements from a Map object.
  2. delete(key): Deletes the specified element with the given key from a Map object.
  3. entries(): Returns an object of Map iterator containing the key-value pairs for each element.
  4. forEach(callback): Executes the specified function once for each key/value pair in the Map.
  5. get(key): Returns the value associated with the specified key in the Map.
  6. has(key): Indicates whether the Map object contains the specified key.
  7. keys(): Returns an object of Map iterator containing the keys for each element.
  8. set(key, value): Adds or updates the key-value pairs in the Map object.
  9. values(): Returns an object of Map iterator containing the values for each element.

TypeScript and ES7

Now, let's seamlessly transition the JavaScript Map object to TypeScript, harnessing the enhanced features introduced by ES7.

class CustomMap<K, V> {
    private map: Map<K, V>;

    constructor(iterable?: Iterable<[K, V]>) { = new Map(iterable);

    clear(): void {;

    delete(key: K): boolean {

    entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]> {

    forEach(callback: (value: V, key: K) => void): void {;

    get(key: K): V | undefined {

    has(key: K): boolean {

    keys(): IterableIterator<K> {

    set(key: K, value: V): this {, value);
        return this;

    values(): IterableIterator<V> {

// Example Usage
const myTypedMap = new CustomMap<number, string>([[1, "One"], [2, "Two"]]);
myTypedMap.set(3, "Three");
myTypedMap.forEach((value, key) => console.log(`${key}: ${value}`)); // Output: 1: One, 2: Two, 3: Three

In this TypeScript adaptation, we define a CustomMap the class that encapsulates the Map object, leveraging TypeScript generics for type safety. The methods closely mirror the native Map object's methods, providing a seamless transition for developers familiar with standard Map functionality. The Map object emerges as a powerful ally for efficiently handling key-value pairs, offering a rich set of methods for seamless operations. As we traverse the landscape of ES7 (ECMAScript 2016) and delve into TypeScript, the Map object continues to be a cornerstone in modern web development.

ES7 Brilliance

ES7 introduces enhanced features, and the Map object stands as a testament to this evolution. Its ability to manage unique keys, accommodate diverse value types, and iterate in insertion order aligns with the demand for efficient data structures in contemporary applications.

TypeScript Harmony

Transitioning our exploration into TypeScript, the statically typed nature of the language further refines our interaction with the Map object. Leveraging TypeScript generics ensures type safety, providing developers with confidence and clarity when working with key-value pairs.

Key Takeaways

  • No duplicate keys, allowing for a reliable and unique association of values.
  • Flexibility in accepting diverse types for both keys and values, fostering versatility.
  • Iteration in insertion order, ensuring predictability in data processing.
  • A comprehensive set of methods for operations such as deletion, retrieval, and iteration.

Seamless Integration

The TypeScript adaptation presented here, encapsulating the Map object within a CustomMap class, showcases a harmonious blend of TypeScript's features with the inherent capabilities of the Map object. Developers familiar with standard Map functionality will find a smooth transition, augmented by TypeScript's robust type system.

Final Thoughts

In the dynamic landscape of modern web development, the JavaScript Map object proves to be a valuable tool, offering a sophisticated approach to managing key-value pairs. Whether in the realm of ES7 or within the structured embrace of TypeScript, the Map object continues to be a linchpin, empowering developers to create more expressive, scalable, and type-safe applications. Incorporating its strengths into your projects is not just a choice but a strategic move toward code clarity and efficiency.

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