Java 23 has introduced several exciting, innovative new features and enhancements designed to improve the Java programming language and developer productivity, performance, and ease of use. Below is a comprehensive overview of these new features, explained both technically and in layman's terms, along with code examples where applicable.
Here's an overview of some of the key features, along with code examples and explanations from both Oracle and a layman's perspective.
Module Import Declarations
This feature allows you to import entire modules at once, making it easier to use modular libraries.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to simplify the use of modular libraries by allowing entire modules to be imported at once and avoiding the noise of multiple type-import-on-demand declarations when using diverse parts of the API exported by a module."
- Layman Explanation: Imagine you're using a library that has many different parts. With module import declarations, you can import the entire library at once instead of having to import each part individually.
Code Example
// This feature is more about module structure than a code snippet.
// Ensure you have a file for this to work.
module my.module {
requires java.sql;
public class ModuleImportDeclarationsDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Module Import Declarations Demo");
Markdown Documentation Comments
This feature allows you to write JavaDoc comments in Markdown, making it easier to read and write documentation.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to make API documentation comments easier to write and read in source form by introducing the ability to use Markdown syntax alongside HTML elements and JavaDoc tags."
- Layman Explanation: Markdown is a simpler way of formatting text. With this feature, you can write JavaDoc comments in Markdown, making it easier to read and write documentation.
Code Example
* # Markdown Documentation Comment
* This class demonstrates the use of Markdown in JavaDoc comments.
public class MarkdownDocumentationDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Markdown Documentation Comments Demo");
![Oracle Explanation]()
Structured Concurrency
This feature simplifies concurrent programming by introducing an API for structured concurrency.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to promote a style of programming that can eliminate common risks arising from cancellation and shutdown, such as thread leaks and cancellation delays, and improve the observability of concurrent code."
- Layman Explanation: Structured concurrency makes it easier to write concurrent code by providing a simpler API. This makes it easier to write code that runs multiple tasks at the same time.
Code Example
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
public class StructuredConcurrencyDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("=== Structured Concurrency Example ===");
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor();
Future<String> futureResult = executor.submit(() -> {
Thread.sleep(1000); // Simulating a task
return "Task Completed!";
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
![Structured Concurrency]()
Stream Gatherers
This feature enhances the stream API to support custom intermediate operations.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to make stream pipelines more flexible and expressive by allowing custom intermediate operations to manipulate streams of infinite size."
- Layman Explanation: Stream gatherers make it easier to work with streams of data by allowing you to customize how the data is processed.
Code Example
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class StreamGatherersDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");
List<String> result =
System.out.println("Stream Gatherers Result: " + result);
![Stream gather]()
Flexible Constructor Bodies
This feature allows you to initialize fields in the same class before explicitly invoking a constructor.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to give developers greater freedom to express the behavior of constructors, enabling more natural placement of logic that currently must be factored into auxiliary static methods, auxiliary intermediate constructors, or constructor arguments."
- Layman Explanation: Flexible constructor bodies make it easier to write constructors by allowing you to initialize fields in a more flexible way.
Code Example
public class FlexibleConstructorDemo {
private int x;
public FlexibleConstructorDemo() {
x = 10; // Initialize field before calling super()
public static void main(String[] args) {
FlexibleConstructorDemo demo = new FlexibleConstructorDemo();
System.out.println("Flexible Constructor Field x: " + demo.x);
![Flexible construct]()
Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Methods
This feature evolves the Java language to allow beginners to write their first programs without needing to understand language features designed for large programs.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to enable beginners to write their first programs without needing to understand language features designed for large programs."
- Layman Explanation: This feature makes it easier for beginners to write Java programs by allowing them to write simpler code.
Code Example
public class ImplicitlyDeclaredClassesDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Methods Demo");
![Implicitly declared]()
Scoped Values
This feature enables a method to share immutable data both with its callees within a thread and with child threads.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to provide a way to share immutable data between threads and callees, making it easier to write concurrent code."
- Layman Explanation: Scoped values make it easier to share data between threads and callees, making it easier to write concurrent code.
Code Example
public class ScopedValuesDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ScopedValue<String> value = ScopedValue.create("Hello, World!");
System.out.println("Scoped Value: " + value.get());
![Scoped Value]()
Class-File API
This feature provides an API for processing class files that tracks the class file format defined by the Java Virtual Machine specification.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to provide an API for processing class files that tracks the class file format defined by the Java Virtual Machine specification."
- Layman Explanation: The class-file API makes it easier to work with class files by providing a standard API.
Code Example
// Note: This feature requires more complex setup and is not easily demonstrated in a simple class.
public class ClassFileApiDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Class-File API Demo - This requires more setup.");
![Class File]()
Improved Error Messages
This feature enhances the Java compiler to provide more informative and actionable error messages.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to improve the quality of error messages produced by the Java compiler, making it easier for developers to diagnose and fix errors."
- Layman Explanation: Improved error messages make it easier to diagnose and fix errors by providing more informative and actionable messages.
Code Example
public class ImprovedErrorMessagesDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Intentionally causing a compile error to demonstrate improved error messages
System.out.println("Improved Error Messages Demo");
// Uncommenting the following line will show an improved error message
// System.out.println("Hello, World!; // Missing closing quote
![Improved Error Messages]()
Improved Pattern Matching
This feature enhances the pattern-matching feature to support more complex patterns.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to improve the expressiveness and usability of pattern matching by allowing more complex patterns to be expressed."
- Layman Explanation: Improved pattern matching makes it easier to write code that matches complex patterns.
Code Example
public class ImprovedPatternMatchingDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object obj = "Hello, World!";
if (obj instanceof String s) {
System.out.println("Matched String: " + s);
![Improved Pattern]()
Improved Switch Expressions
This feature enhances the switch expression feature to support more complex switch expressions.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to improve the expressiveness and usability of switch expressions by allowing more complex switch expressions to be expressed."
- Layman Explanation: Improved switch expressions make it easier to write code that uses switch statements.
Code Example
public class ImprovedSwitchExpressionsDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int day = 3; // Change this value to test different cases
String result = switch (day) {
case 1, 2, 3 -> "It's a weekday!";
case 4, 5 -> "It's almost the weekend!";
default -> "It's the weekend!";
![Improved Switch Expressions]()
Improved Text Blocks
This feature enhances the text block feature to support more complex text blocks.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to improve the expressiveness and usability of text blocks by allowing more complex text blocks to be expressed."
- Layman Explanation: Improved text blocks make it easier to write code that uses text blocks.
Code Example
public class MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String text = """
Hello, World!
This is a text block.
![Text block]()
Improved Record Patterns
This feature enhances the record pattern feature to support more complex record patterns.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to improve the expressiveness and usability of record patterns by allowing more complex record patterns to be expressed."
- Layman Explanation: Improved record patterns make it easier to write code that uses record patterns.
Improved Sealed Types
This feature enhances the sealed type feature to support more complex sealed types.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to improve the expressiveness and usability of sealed types by allowing more complex sealed types to be expressed."
- Layman Explanation: Improved sealed types make it easier to write code that uses sealed types.
Improved Foreign Function & Memory API
This feature enhances the foreign function and memory API to support more complex foreign functions and memory management.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to improve the expressiveness and usability of the foreign function and memory API by allowing more complex foreign functions and memory management to be expressed."
- Layman Explanation: Improved foreign function and memory API make it easier to write code that interacts with native code.
Code Example
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout;
public class ForeignFunctionAndMemoryApiDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.allocateNative(10);
ValueLayout layout = ValueLayout.JAVA_INT;
int value = (int) segment.get(layout, 0);
System.out.println("Foreign Function & Memory API Demo");
![Improved Foreign Function]()
Improved JavaDoc
This feature enhances the JavaDoc feature to support more complex documentation.
- Oracle Explanation: "The goal of this proposal is to improve the expressiveness and usability of JavaDoc by allowing more complex documentation to be expressed."
- Layman Explanation: Improved JavaDoc makes it easier to write documentation for your code.
Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
- Oracle Explanation: Java 23 introduces enhancements to the java.util.Random class, providing new algorithms for generating pseudo-random numbers. This includes the addition of new random number generator (RNG) classes that implement the RandomGenerator interface, offering improved performance and better statistical properties.
- Layman Explanation: Java now has better ways to create random numbers. These new methods help generate numbers that are more random and can be used more efficiently in programs like games or simulations, where randomness is important.
Code Example
import java.util.Random;
public class EnhancedPseudoRandomNumberGeneratorsDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
int randomNumber = random.nextInt(100);
System.out.println("Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators Result: " + randomNumber);
![Enhanced Pseudo]()
Enhanced DatagramSocket API
- Oracle Explanation: The DatagramSocket API has been enhanced to support better handling of multicast sockets and to provide improved error handling and performance. This includes new methods for configuring socket options and better integration with the Java NIO package.
- Layman Explanation: Java's way of sending messages over the internet (using something called DatagramSocket) has been improved. It's now easier to send messages to multiple people at once and handle any problems that might come up when sending these messages.
Code Example
public class EnhancedDatagramSocketApiDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080);
System.out.println("Enhanced DatagramSocket API Demo");
Enhanced HTTP Client API
- Oracle Explanation: The HTTP Client API has been updated with new features that streamline the process of making HTTP requests and handling responses. This includes improvements in asynchronous programming and support for new HTTP/2 features, making it easier to write efficient networked applications.
- Layman Explanation: Java's tool for talking to websites (the HTTP Client) has gotten some upgrades. It's now simpler to request information from the web and get responses back quickly, which is great for apps that need to fetch data from the internet.
Code Example
public class EnhancedHttpClientApiDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
System.out.println("Enhanced HTTP Client API Demo");
Enhanced Method Invocation
- Oracle Explanation: Java 23 introduces optimizations for method invocation, allowing the JVM to execute method calls more efficiently. This includes enhancements in how methods are resolved and invoked, leading to improved performance in applications that rely heavily on dynamic method calls.
- Layman Explanation: When your program calls functions (or methods), Java has made this process faster and smoother. This means that programs can run quicker, especially when they use a lot of functions that need to be called repeatedly.
Code Example
public class EnhancedMethodInvocationDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Enhanced Method Invocation Demo");
// This feature is more about compiler optimizations and doesn't have a specific code snippet.
![Enhanched Method]()
Enhanced Runtime for Java
- Oracle Explanation: The runtime environment for Java has seen various improvements in performance, memory management, and garbage collection. These enhancements aim to provide better support for modern hardware and to improve the overall efficiency of Java applications.
- Layman Explanation: The part of Java that runs your programs has been improved to work better and use memory more wisely. This means your Java programs can run faster and more smoothly, especially on newer computers.
Code Example
public class EnhancedRuntimeForJavaDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Enhanced Runtime for Java Demo");
// This feature is more about runtime improvements and doesn't have a specific code snippet.
![Enhanced Runtime for Java]()
Java 23 introduces a range of exciting features and enhancements that significantly improve the language's capabilities, performance, and usability. Together, these enhancements not only make Java more powerful and efficient but also align it with current programming needs and trends. Developers can expect improved performance, easier network communication, and better randomness in their applications, thereby enhancing the overall development experience. As Java continues to evolve, these features solidify its position as a robust and versatile programming language suitable for a wide range of applications.